Directory of Authors

A growing number of scholars from across the globe have published their work in the ORE of Asian History. The following is a list of contributing authors, alphabetized by last name.

Sergey Abashin, European University at St. Petersburg
Rafis Abazov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Jeffrey W. Alexander, Pueblo Community College
Richard B. Allen, Framingham State University
Edward A. Alpers, University of California Los Angeles
Atholl Anderson, Australian National University
Touraj Atabaki, International Institute of Social History
Muriel Atkin, George Washington University
Don Baker, University of British Columbia
Anne K. Bang, University of Bergen
Alan Baumler, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Beben, Nazarbayev University
Craig Benjamin, Grand Valley State University
Tamara H. Bentley, Colorado College
Ned Bertz, University of Hawaii
Jayati Bhattacharya, National University of Singapore
Debjani Bhattacharyya, Drexel University
Kate Boehme, University of Leicester
Adrian Brisku, Charles University
Cynthia Brokaw, Brown University
Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia
John L. Brooke, The Ohio State University
David Brophy, University of Sydney
Michael C. Brose, University of Wyoming
Pär Cassel, University of Michigan
Michael W. Charney, School of Oriental and African Studies
Lucille Chia, University of California, Riverside
Sei Jeong Chin, Ewha Womans University
Sabine Dabringhaus, University of Freiburg
Max Deeg, Cardiff University
Anirudh Deshpande, University of Delhi
Thibaut d'Hubert, University of Chicago
Michael R. Drompp, Rhodes College
Alexis Dudden, University of Connecticut
Tim Dyson, London School of Economics and Political Science
Jeff Eden, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Kathryn Edgerton-Tarpley, San Diego State University
Johan Elverskog, Southern Methodist University
R. Michael Feener, Oxford University
Leela Fernandes, University of Michigan
Peter Finke, University of Zurich
Michael H. Fisher, Oberlin College
Beatrice Forbes Manz, Tufts University
Joshua Gedacht, Rowan University
Chhaya Goswami, S. K. Somaiya College
Monica H. Green, Arizona State University
Rowena Xiaoqing He, Saint Michael's College
Natasha Heller, University of California Los Angeles
Derek Heng, Northern Arizona University
John Herman, Virginia Commonwealth University
Michael Hope, Yonsei University
Benjamin D. Hopkins, George Washington University
Nam-lin Hur, University of British Columbia
Mariko Iijima, Sophia University
Iftekhar Iqbal, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Ayesha Jalal, Tufts University
Juha Janhunen, University of Helsinki
Angma D. Jhala, Bentley University
Chitra Joshi, University of Delhi
Sanjay Joshi, Northern Arizona University
Michael Kemper, University of Amsterdam
Adeeb Khalid, Carleton College
Hyun Jin Kim, University of Melbourne
Kwangmin Kim, University of Colorado Boulder
Sean C. Kim, University of Central Missouri
Terry Kleeman, University of Colorado Boulder
Roger Knight, University of Adelaide
Eva-Maria Knoll, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Nikolay Kradin, Far Eastern Federal University
Hermann Kreutzmann, Free University of Berlin
George Lane, SOAS University of London
Nap-yin Lau, Academia Sinica
Fred H. Lawson, Mills College
Marie Lecomte-Tilouine, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Joo-Yup Lee, University of Oxford
Jacques Leider, École Française d'Extrême-Orient
David Lelyveld, Columbia University
Scott C. Levi, The Ohio State University
Xinru Liu, College of New Jersey
John Lourdusamy, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Weijing Lu, University of California, San Diego
Aruna Pulipaka Magier, New York University
Andrea Major, University of Leeds
Pierre-Yves Manguin, French School of Asian Studies
Roxani Eleni Margariti, Emory University
Magnus Marsden, University of Sussex
Janet Martin, University of Miami
Timothy May, University of North Georgia
Mark Meulenbeld, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
John Miksic, National University of Singapore
Steven B. Miles, Washington University in St. Louis
Henry Misa, The Ohio State University
Sanghamitra Misra, University of Delhi
Hiroshi Mitani, University of Tokyo
Barbara Molony, Santa Clara University
Matthew W. Mosca, University of Washington
Julia K. Murray, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Robert Nichols, Stockton University
Emer O'Dwyer, Oberlin College
Chang Woei Ong, National University of Singapore
Alexandre Papas, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Ilan Pappe, University of Exeter
Simon Payaslian, Boston University
A. C. S. Peacock, University of St Andrews
Beatrice Penati, University of Liverpool
Peter Perdue, Yale University
Niccolò Pianciola, Lingnan University
Yuri Pines, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ronald C. Po, London School of Economics and Political Science
Sebastian R. Prange, University of British Columbia
Vicente L. Rafael, University of Washington
Mridu Rai, Presidency University
Maia Ramnath, Independent Scholar
Stephen H. Rapp Jr., Sam Houston State University
Franklin Rausch, Lander University
Himanshu Prabha Ray, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Alfred J. Rieber, Central European University
Matthew Romaniello, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Tirthankar Roy, London School of Economics and Political Science
Sven Saaler, Sophia University
Oscar Salemink, University of Copenhagen
C. Pierce Salguero, Penn State Abington
Michael Schiltz, Hokkaido University
Angela Schottenhammer, University of Salzburg
Henk Schulte Nordholt, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
Philip Seaton, Hokkaido University
Armin Selbitschka, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Michael J. Seth, James Madison University
Dan Shao, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Peter D. Shapinsky, University of Illinois at Springfield
Ali Gibran Siddiqui, The Ohio State University
Upinder Singh, Ashoka University
Dan Smyer Yü, Yunnan Minzu University
Nianshen Song, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lakshmi Subramanian, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta
Oleksandr Symonenko, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Nicolas Tackett, University of California, Berkeley
Emma J. Teng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ulrich Theobald, University of Tübingen
Rian Thum, Loyola University New Orleans
Susan Townsend, University of Nottingham
Steve Tsang, University of Nottingham
John Tully, Victoria University
Paul A. Van Dyke, Sun Yat-sen University
Linda Walton, Portland State University
Sonam Wangmo, University of Oslo
Barbara Watson Andaya, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Andreas Wilde, University of Bamberg
Robert L. Winzeler, University of Nevada Reno
William Wood, Point Loma Nazarene University
Xiaohong Xu, National University of Singapore
Kaveh Yazdani, Bielefeld University
Huiwen Helen Zhang, University of Tulsa
Yangwen Zheng, University of Manchester