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date: 07 February 2025

Case Study Research: A State-of-the-Art Perspectivelocked

Case Study Research: A State-of-the-Art Perspectivelocked

  • Eric VolmarEric VolmarDepartment of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
  • , and Kathleen M. EisenhardtKathleen M. EisenhardtDepartment of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University


Theory building from case studies is a research strategy that combines grounded theory building with case studies. Its purpose is to develop novel, accurate, parsimonious, and robust theory that emerges from and is grounded in data. Case research is well-suited to address “big picture” theoretical gaps and dilemmas, particularly when existing theory is inadequate. Further, this research strategy is particularly useful for answering questions of “how” through its deep and longitudinal immersion in a focal phenomenon. The process of conducting case study research includes a thorough literature review to identify an appropriate and compelling research question, a rigorous study design that involves artful theoretical sampling, rich and complete data collection from multiple sources, and a creative yet systematic grounded theory building process to analyze the cases and build emergent theory about significant phenomena. Rigorous theory building case research is fundamentally centered on strong emergent theory with precise theoretical logic and robust grounding in empirical data. Not surprisingly then, theory building case research is disproportionately represented among the most highly cited and award-winning research.


  • Research Methods

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