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date: 10 February 2025

Artificial Intelligence and People at Worklocked

Artificial Intelligence and People at Worklocked

  • Anita Williams WoolleyAnita Williams WoolleyTepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University


The transition from manual to service-oriented and information-based work, driven by technological advancements, has reshaped the modern economy, demanding more analytical and cognitive skills. This change challenges traditional management strategies, as knowledge work’s intangibility requires approaches that are the opposite of those that successfully manage manual work. While early artificial intelligence (AI) applications streamlined manual tasks, applying AI to knowledge work revealed complexities in less structured environments. As AI capabilities improve, there is the potential to enhance knowledge-based work by enhancing collective intelligence (CI). At the intersection of management literature and intelligence research are opportunities for AI to improve the three essential functions underlying intelligence in any system—memory, attention, and reasoning. AI augments these functions in human systems, thereby opening the possibility of elevating CI in workplaces. Because of the most pressing research gaps, future exploration is needed in order to understand AI’s role in fostering a collaborative, efficient, and equitable workplace in ways that balance technology optimization with human-centric considerations.


  • Information Systems
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology and Innovation Management

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