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date: 18 February 2025

Personality and Leadership: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda From a Dynamic Perspectivelocked

Personality and Leadership: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda From a Dynamic Perspectivelocked

  • Wendong Li, Wendong LiDepartment of Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Huanxi ZhangHuanxi ZhangDepartment of Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • , and Yanglei ZhengYanglei ZhengDepartment of Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Organizational research on personality and leadership has been heavily influenced by the great man theory of leadership and predominantly assumed that personality traits, as well as other individual difference variables including abilities, values, and interests, cause leadership processes and outcomes, not vice versa. Thus, this literature has largely overlooked the possibility that leadership may also shape personality processes. Advancing this line of research from a dynamic perspective, the initial focus is reviewing research on the static relationship between personality (and related constructs) and leadership constructs. Subsequently, the limited research endeavors looking at how leadership processes and personality processes may reciprocally influence each other in dynamic fashions are taken stock. Finally, a neo-socioanalytic model of personality development and leadership processes is proposed, aiming to enhance the theoretical understanding of the complex interplays between leadership and personality. It is hoped that this may stimulate further research elucidating the dynamic nature of the relationship between leadership and personality.


  • Organizational Behavior

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