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Letter from the editor


cognitive studies and ancient science, technology, and medicine

"Cognitive studies of Graeco-Roman antiquity may draw on a wide range of ancient and modern theories of mind. Particularly fruitful modern approaches for the study of ancient science include..." – By Courtney Roby


"Geocentricity is the theory that the Earth is located at the center of the cosmos. The theory was espoused first by Parmenides in the fifth century BCE and then became the standard view from the fourth century BCE onward..." – By Jacqueline Feke

What's New to the OREs

In January 2025, 37 new articles and 2 revised articles, spread across 18 subjects, have been published on the Oxford Research Encyclopedias platform.

ORE Food Studies is Now Available via Subscription and Perpetual Access

On October 23, after a successful free period during development, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Food Studies has been made available via subscription and perpetual access to libraries and institutions worldwide.

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