Cassius Dio
, Greek senator and author, c. 164–after 229 ce
Cassius Dio
, Greek senator and author, c. 164–after 229 ce
- J. W. Rich
And author of an 80-book history of Rome from the foundation of the city to 229 ce. His full name was perhaps L. Cassius Dio, as on M. M. Roxan, Roman Military Diplomas 2 (1985), no. 133 (‘Cl.’ on AE1971, 430, could attest the further name ‘Claudius’, but is probably a stone-cutter's error; ‘Cocceianus’ may have been added in Byzantine times through confusion with Dio of Prusa). Dio came from a prominent family of *Nicaea (1) in Bithynia (modern Iznik). His father, Cassius (RE 27) Apronianus, entered the senate, attaining a consulship and several governorships. Dio's senatorial career was even more distinguished. He was praetor in 194 and suffect consul probably c.204. From 218 to 228 he was successively curator of *Pergamum and *Smyrna, proconsul of *Africa, and legate first of *Dalmatia and then of Upper *Pannonia. In 229 he held the ordinary consulship with *Severus Alexander as colleague and then retired to *Bithynia.Subjects
- Roman History and Historiography