Gregory (2) of Nazianzus
, 329–389 ce
Gregory (2) of Nazianzus
, 329–389 ce
- Neil McLynn
Gregory (2) of Nazianzus (329–89 ce), educated at Athens with *Basil of Caesarea, remained much more committed than his friend to the value of traditional paideia, a commitment powerfully expressed in his counterblast to the emperor Julian's cultural politics (Orations 4-5).Son of a bishop, he faced great difficulties in reconciling his ascetic ambitions with the career reserved for him in the local church establishment. He caused much embarrassment for his father when he ordained him presbyter, and for Basil when he consecrated him bishop of Sasima. In these and similar episodes Gregory refined the techniques of self-expression (oratorical, epistolary and poetic) which make him one of the most distinctive voices of his age.An early recruit to the campaign against *Arianism, he embarked on an eventful preaching mission at *Constantinople, which ended with his installation in the city's cathedral by *Theodosius (2) I.Subjects
- Christianity