Iulius Caesar, C.(2)
, Roman dictator and triumvir, d. 44 BCE
Iulius Caesar, C.(2)
, Roman dictator and triumvir, d. 44 BCE
- Ernst Badian
Son of (1) and of *Aurelia , born 100 bce (Suet. Iul. 88. 1) on 12 Quintilis, the month soon after his death renamed Iulius by a law passed by the consul M. *Antonius (2) , quoted by Macrobius, Sat. 1. 12. 34, which incidentally secures the actual date. Through his aunt *Iulia (1) 's marriage to C. *Marius(1) he was Marius’ nephew, and he was related to L. *Iulius Caesar (1) and to C. *Iulius Caesar Strabo Vopiscus . When his father withdrew from Rome (see (1) above), he remained behind, and L. *Cornelius Cinna(1) , as consul, gave him his daughter Cornelia in marriage and then appointed him flamen Dialis (see flamines). It was a position of the highest distinction, but because of its ritual restrictions, normally precluded an official career. He probably thought that Caesar would share his father's lack of political ambition. L.Subjects
- Roman History and Historiography