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date: 12 February 2025

Licinius Crassus (1), Publiuslocked

, Roman consul, 97 BCE

Licinius Crassus (1), Publiuslocked

, Roman consul, 97 BCE
  • Ernst Badian


Licinius (RE 61) Crassus (1), Publius, as tribune passed a sumptuary law (Macrob. Sat. 3. 17. 7). In his consulship (97 bce) the senate prohibited human *sacrifice. After commanding in *Iberia (1) for several years, he triumphed (see triumph) over the Lusitanians (93; see lusitania). He fought in the *Social War (3) under L. *Iulius Caesar(1), was *censor with him 89, but in the uncertainty of the time they could not compile a list of citizens. Earlier probably a friend of C. *Marius(1), he helped to defend Rome against him and L. *Cornelius Cinna(1) and killed himself after their victory (87). His son M. *Licinius Crassus(1) escaped to Spain.


  • Roman History and Historiography

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