- Alan H. Griffiths
Maia (1) (Μαῖαor Μαιάς), daughter of *Atlas, and one of the Pleiades (Od. 14. 435; Hes. fr. 217. 2 M–W Simonides fr. 555 Page, PMG; see Pleiad); her name means simply ‘mother’ or ‘nurse’, and she may once have been a goddess of the *Kourotrophos type; but apart from conceiving *Hermes with Zeus and bringing him to birth in a cave on Mt. Cyllene in *Arcadia (Homeric Hymn to Hermes), she retains little independent identity.(2) Roman goddess associated with *Volcanus (Gell. NA 13. 23. 2), to whom the flamen Volcanalis sacrificed on 1 May (Macrob. Sat. 1. 12. 18); yet the connection with the fire-god is puzzling, since her name appears to come from the root mag, and points to growth or increase; cf. the by-form Maiesta (Piso in Macrob. ibid.), and the month-name, appropriate to a season when all plants are growing. By a natural conflation with (1) she was associated with *Mercurius, and worshipped also on 15 May, the natalis (anniversary) of his temple; apparently her title in this role was invicta (unconquered) (‘Maiae invict.Subjects
- Greek Myth and Religion