- Rosalind Thomas
Megacles, son of Alcmaeon, of the family of the *Alcmaeonidae at Athens. He was the successful suitor of Agariste, daughter of *Cleisthenes(1), tyrant of Sicyon (perhaps in 575 bce). Later he appears as factional leader of the Paralioi, in opposition to the Pedieis (‘of the Plain’) led by Lycurgus, and the Hyperakrioi (or Diakrioi) led by *Pisistratus (Hdt. 1. 59–62). The precise significance of these groups, probably representing regional support, and their relation to later Cleisthenic *deme divisions (see Cleisthenes (2)), are unclear, but Paralioi (‘of the Coast’) perhaps refers to the SE promontory of *Attica where Alcmaeonid estates may have been. When Pisistratus seized power (c.560), Megacles joined with Lycurgus to expel him, but then helped him to a second period of tyranny on condition that Pisistratus married his daughter. This led to a further quarrel and Pisistratus again retired before a combination of the other two factions (c.Subjects
- Greek History and Historiography