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date: 17 February 2025


, Athenian painter, fl. c. 332 BCE


, Athenian painter, fl. c. 332 BCE
  • Thomas Bertram Lonsdale Webster
  • , and Karim Arafat


Nicias (2), Athenian painter, pupil of Antidotus (pupil of *Euphranor). *Pliny(1) dates him 332 bce. He refused to sell a picture to *Ptolemy(1) I (after 306). He painted women with the greatest precision. His works included Nemea—signed as encaustic (see painting (techniques))—Necyomanteai (after *Homer, Od11), *Alexander(3) the Great, Io and Andromeda, who are reflected in versions in *Pompeii and Rome. He advocated large subjects such as cavalry and sea battles (contrast *Pausias). He explored light and shade. Pausanias, who saw his grave on the road from Athens, said he was the best painter of living figures. *Praxiteles (about 340) said his best sculptures were those Nicias painted. See painting, greek.


  • Greek Material Culture

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