Nymphidius Sabinus, Gaius
Nymphidius Sabinus, Gaius
- Robert Leoline James,
- Guy Edward Farquhar Chilver
- , and M. T. Griffin
Son of a court freedwoman, claimed to be the son of the emperor *Gaius(1). He probably commanded an auxiliary regiment in Pannonia (ILS1322) and then became a tribune in the guard. In 65 he was given the consularia*ornamenta by *Nero for his part in suppressing the Pisonian conspiracy (see calpurnius piso(2), c.) and made *praefectus praetorio with *Tigellinus. In 68, by promise of an enormous donative, he induced the praetorians to desert Nero for *Galba, but he had designs upon the Principate himself. He forced Tigellinus to resign, and intended to demand from Galba the prefecture for life without colleague. But he met with unexpected opposition from the praetorians when Galba refused to honour his promises of money, and was killed by them.
- Roman History and Historiography