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date: 11 February 2025


, mythical winged horse


, mythical winged horse
  • Herbert Jennings Rose
  • , and Jenny March


Pegasus (1), in mythology the immortal winged horse who carries the thunder and lightning of *Zeus; he was born from Medusa's severed neck (see gorgo) when she was pregnant by *Poseidon (Hes. Theog.278–86). Pegasus was caught and tamed at the fountain of Pirene at *Corinth by the hero *Bellerophon, with the help of *Athena Chalinitis or of Poseidon (Paus. 2. 4. 1; cf. Pind. Ol. 13. 63–86). He helped Bellerophon to kill the *Chimaera, the *Amazons, and the Solymi (Pind. ibid. 87–90; Apollod. 2. 3. 1–2). Bellerophon took vengeance on Stheneboea by flinging her off Pegasus from a great height into the sea (Eur. Stheneboea); and in turn was himself flung off when he tried to fly on him to *Olympus (1) (Eur. Bellerophon). Pegasus was said to have created various springs from the earth by a stamp of his hoof, including Hippocrene on Mt.


  • Greek Myth and Religion

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