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date: 07 November 2024

Rabirius Postumus, Gaiuslocked

Rabirius Postumus, Gaiuslocked

  • Guy Edward Farquhar Chilver
  • , and Ernst Badian


Gaius Rabirius Postumus, son of an eques (see equites) C. Curtius, adopted by his uncle C. *Rabirius(1). Inheriting his father's banking business, he placed money throughout the Roman world. For *Ptolemy (1) XII Auletes he procured the vast sums needed to effect his restoration, then went to *Alexandria (1) to recover them. He was appointed the king's treasurer and collected taxes and supplies until the king finally expelled him. After the conviction of A. *Gabinius(2) in 54 bce, Rabirius was prosecuted for receiving part of his spoils, but was acquitted as a result of *Cicero's appealing to the sympathy of equites on the jury. He attached himself to *Caesar and by 49 was a senator and ardent Caesarian, becoming proconsul of Asia (47) and serving in the African War. In 45 Cicero reports he was considering a consular candidacy (Att.


  • Roman History and Historiography

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