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date: 08 February 2025

mathematics, Egyptian (relations to Greek)locked

mathematics, Egyptian (relations to Greek)locked

  • Annette Imhausen


In the history of mathematics, differences between ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek mathematics have been emphasized while their parallels have often been overlooked. While the source material of the earliest Greek mathematical texts is probably too scarce to trace its beginnings, a comparison of extant Egyptian and Greek sources reveals not only differences but also similarities. It is noteworthy in this respect that specific links to Egyptian and also Mesopotamian mathematical sources can be drawn, which indicates that the mathematical knowledge of both cultures served as the basis for the evolution of Greek mathematics. Instead of contrasting Greek mathematics with its Egyptian predecessors, our understanding of ancient Greek mathematics and its development might benefit from studying the transmission and common features of these mathematical cultures.


  • Science, Technology, and Medicine
  • Near East

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