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date: 13 October 2024

Ateius Capito (2), Gaiuslocked

, Roman consul, 5 ce

Ateius Capito (2), Gaiuslocked

, Roman consul, 5 ce
  • Thomas Little Heath


Ateius Capito (2), Gaius, a lawyer of modest senatorial family, was a follower of Ofilius, became consul in 5 ce and was supervisor of the water supply (curator aquarum, see cura(tio)) from 14 to 22 ce, when he died. A writer on public law, sacred and constitutional, he supported Augustus but from a conservative standpoint. Sex. *Pomponius and *Tacitus (Ann. 3. 75) attest his standing as a lawyer, but contrast him as a legal conservative with *Antistius Labeo, who was a republican politically but an innovator in legal matters. Pomponius regards Capito as the originator of the Cassian or Sabinian school (secta) of lawyers (see c. cassius longinus (2); masurius sabinus). His work has not survived and he is only once cited by another lawyer, perhaps because he took the Augustan ‘restoration’ too seriously.


  • Roman Law

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