Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th Edition
Abbreviations List: Downloadable abbreviations PDF
General Abbreviations can be found here.
Authors and Books Note: [- -] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions. A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition
A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X ·Y ·Z
A&A | Antike und Abendland |
AA | see Syme, AA |
AAA | Athens Annals of Archaeology |
AAHG | Anzeiger für Altertumswissenschaft |
AAWM | Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Mainz, geistes-und sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse |
A2H | Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Hamadan |
A2S | Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Susa |
AB | C. Austin and G. Bastiniani (eds.), Posidippi quae supersunt omnia (2002) |
ABC | A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (1975) |
Abh. followed by name of Academy or Society | Abhandlungen |
Abh. sächs. Ges. Wiss. | Abhandlungen der sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften |
Abh. zu Gesch. d. Math. | Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften |
Abh. zu Gesch. d. Med. | Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und d. Medizin |
AC | Acta Classica |
Acad. index Herc. | Academicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis editus a F. Buechelero (1869) |
Acad. post. | Academica posteriora |
Ach. Tat. | Achilles Tatius |
Act.Ir. | Acta Iranica: Encyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes |
ΑΔ | Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον |
AE | L'Année Épigraphique, published in Revue Archéologique and separately (1888– ) |
Ael. | Aelianus |
Ep. | Epistulae |
NA | De natura animalium |
VH | Varia Historia |
ΑΕΜΘ | Archaiologiko Ergo ste Makedonia kai Thrake |
Aen. Tact. | Aeneas Tacticus |
Aesch. | Aeschylus |
Ag. | Agamemnon |
Cho. | Choephoroe |
Eum. | Eumenides |
Pers. | Persae |
PV | Prometheus Vinctus |
Sept. | Septem contra Thebas |
Supp. | Supplices |
Aeschin. | Aeschines |
In Ctes. | Against Ctesiphon |
In Tim. | Against Timarchus |
Aët | Aëtius |
AGM | Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften |
Agora | The Athenian Agora 16 (1997) |
AIV | Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di scienze morali e lettere |
AJAH | American Journal of Ancient History |
AJArch. | American Journal of Archaeology |
AJPhil. | American Journal of Philology |
AK | Antike Kunst |
Alc. | Alcaeus |
Alcidamas, Soph. | Alcidamas, Περὶ σοφιστῶν |
Alcm. | Alcman |
Alexander, Trials | M. C. Alexander, Trials in the Late Roman Republic, 149–50 BC (1990) |
Alex. Polyh. | Alexander Polyhistor |
ALLP | T. Reinhardt, M. Lapidge, and J. N. Adams, Aspects of the Language of Latin Prose (2005) |
Altheim, Hist. Rom. Rel. | F. Altheim, Römische Religionsgeschichte, trans. H. Mattingly (1938; 2nd edn. (Ger.), 1956) |
AM | see MDAI (A) |
AMB 1 | L'Arabie et ses mers bordières 1: Itinéraires et voisinages, ed. J. F. Salles (1988) |
Amer. Acad. Rome | Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome |
Amer. Hist. Rev. | American Historical Review |
AMI | Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, ns (1968– ) |
Amm. Marc. | Ammianus Marcellinus |
Ammon. | Ammonius grammaticus |
Diff. | Περὶ ὁμοίων καὶ διαφόρων λέξεων |
Anac. | Anacreon |
Anat. St. | Anatolian Studies |
Anc. Soc. | Ancient Society |
Andoc. | Andocides |
Anecd. Bach. | Anecdota Graeca, ed. L. Bachmann (1828–9) |
Anecd. Bekk. | Anecdota Graeca, ed. I. Bekker, 3 vols. (1814–21) |
Anecd. Ox. | Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS Bibl. Oxon., ed. J. A. Cramer, 4 vols. (1835–7) |
Anecd. Par. | Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS Bibl. Reg. Parisiensis, ed. J. A. Cramer, 4 vols. (1839–41) |
Ann. Ist. | Annali del Istituto di Corrispondenza Archaeologica (1829– ) |
Anon. De com. | Anonymus De Comoedia |
ANRW | Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (1972– ) |
Ant. Af. | Antiquités africaines |
Ant. Class. | L'Antiquité classique |
Anth. Lat. | Anthologia Latina, ed. A. Riese, F. Buecheler, and E. Lommatzsch (1869–1926); ed. D. R. Shackleton Bailey, 1: Carmina in codicibus scripta (1982) |
Anth. Lyr. Graec. | see Diehl |
Anth. Pal. | Anthologia Palatina |
Anth. Plan. | Anthologia Planudea |
Antig. Car. | Antigonus Carystius |
Antiph. | Antiphon |
Antip. Sid. | Antipater Sidonius |
Ant. Journ. | Antiquaries Journal |
Ant. Lib. | Antoninus Liberalis |
Met. | Metamorphoses |
Anz. followed by name of Academy or Society | Anzeiger or Anzeigen |
AO | see Develin, AO |
APF | see Davies, APF |
Apollod. | Apollodorus mythographus |
Bibl. | Bibliotheca |
Epit. | Epitome |
Apollonius | Apollonius paradoxographus |
Mir. | Mirabilia |
Apollonius Dyscolus | |
Pron. | De pronominibus |
App. | Appian |
B Civ. | Bella civilia |
Hann. | Ἀννιβαλική |
Hisp. | Ἰβηρική |
Ill. | Ἰλλνρική |
Mac. | Μακεονική |
Mith. | Μιθριδάτειος |
Pun. | Λιβυκή |
Sam. | Σαυνιτική |
Syr. | Συριακή |
App. Verg. | Appendix Vergiliana |
Apsines, Rhet. | Apsines, Ars rhetorica |
Apth. Prog. | Aphthonius, Progymnasmata |
Apul. | Apuleius |
Apol. | Apologia |
Asclep. | Asclepius |
De deo Soc. | De deo Socratico |
De dog. Plat. | De dogmate Platonis |
Flor. | Florida |
Met. | Metamorphoses |
Ap. Rhod. | Apollonius Rhodius |
Argon. | Argonautica |
Ar. | Aristophanes |
Ach. | Acharnenses |
Av. | Aves |
Eccl. | Ecclesiazusae |
Eq. | Equites |
Lys. | Lysistrata |
Nub. | Nubes |
Plut. | Plutus |
Ran. | Ranae |
Thesm. | Thesmophoriazusae |
Vesp. | Vespae |
Aratus, Phaen. | Aratus, Phaenomena |
Progn. | Prognostica |
Ar. Byz. | Aristophanes Byzantinus |
Arch. Ael. | Archaeologia Aeliana (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) |
Arch. Anz. | Archäologischer Anzeiger in Jahrbuch des [kaiserlichen] deutschen archäologischen Instituts (JDAI) |
Arch. Class. | Archaeologia Classica |
Ἀρχ. Ἐφ. | ’Αρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς |
Archil. | Archilochus |
Archim. Method | Archimedes, Method of Mechanical Theorems |
Arch. Journ. | Archaeological Journal |
Arch. Laz. | Archeologia Laziale |
Arch. Pap. | Archiv für Papyrusforschung |
Arch. Rep. | Archaeological Reports published by the Hellenic Society |
Arist. | Aristotle |
An. post. | Analytica posteriora |
An. pr. | Analytica priora |
[Ath. Pol.] | Ἀθηναίων πολιτεία |
Cael. | De caelo |
Cat. | Categoriae |
[Col.] | De coloribus |
De an. | De anima |
[De audib.] | De audibilibus |
De motu an. | De motu animalium |
Div. somn. | De divinatione per somnia |
Eth. Eud. | Ethica Eudemia |
Eth. Nic. | Ethica Nicomachea |
Gen. an. | De generatione animalium |
Gen. corr. | De generatione et corruptione |
Hist. an. | Historia animalium |
IA | De incessu animalium |
Int. | De interpretatione |
[Lin. Ins.] | De lineis insecabilibus |
[Mag. mor.] | Magna moralia |
[Mech.] | Mechanica |
Mem. | De memoria |
Metaph. | Metaphysica |
Mete. | Meteorologica |
[Mir. ausc.] | see Mir. ausc. under M |
[Mund.] | De mundo |
[Oec.] | Oeconomica |
Part. an. | De partibus animalium |
Parv. nat. | Parva naturalia |
Ph. | Physica |
[Phgn.] | Physiognomonica |
Poet. | Poetica |
Pol. | Politica |
[Pr.] | Problemata |
Resp. | De respiratione |
Rh. | Rhetorica |
[Rh. Al.] | Rhetorica ad Alexandrum |
Sens. | De sensu |
Soph. el. | Sophistici elenchi |
Top. | Topica |
[Xen.] | De Xenophane |
Aristid. Or. | Aristides, Orationes |
Aristid. Quint. | Aristides Quintilianus |
Aristox. | Aristoxenus |
Fr. hist. | Fragmenta historica |
Harm. | Harmonica |
Rhythm. | Rhythmica |
Arn. | Arnobius |
Adv. nat. | Adversus nationes |
Arnim (von) | see SVF |
Arr. | Arrian |
Anab. | Anabasis |
Cyn. | Cynegeticus |
Epict. diss. | Epicteti dissertationes |
Parth. | Parthica |
Peripl. M. Eux. | Periplus Maris Euxini |
Tact. | Tactica |
ARTA | Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology ( |
Artem. | Artemidorus Daldianus |
ARV | J. D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figure Vase- Painters, 2nd edn. (1963) |
ARV Add | T. Carpenter, T. Mannack, and M. Mendonça, Beazley Addenda, 2nd edn. (1990) |
ARV Para | J. D. Beazley, Paralipomena Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters and to Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters (1971) |
ARW | Archiv für Religionswissenschaft |
ASAA | Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni italiane in Oriente |
ASAE | Annales du service des antiquités de l'Égypte |
Asc. | Asconius |
Corn. | Commentary on Cicero, Pro Cornelio de maiestate |
Mil. | Commentary on Cicero, Pro Milone |
Pis. | Commentary on Cicero, In Pisonem |
Verr. | Commentary on Cicero, In Verrem |
Asc.… C | Asconius, ed. A. C. Clark (OCT, 1907) |
ASNP | Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia |
ASSR | Archives des sciences sociales de religion |
Astin, Scipio | A. E. Astin, Scipio Aemilianus (1967) |
Ath. | Athenaeus |
Athenaeum | Athenaeum (Pavia). ns (1923– ) |
Athenagoras, Leg. | Athenagoras, Legatio pro Christianis |
pro Christ. | Πρεσβεία περὶ Xριστιανω̑ν |
Ath. pol. | Athenaion politeia (Aristotelian); see also Xen. for ‘Old Oligarch’ i.e. Ps.-Xen. Ath. pol. |
ATL | B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery, and M. F. McGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists 1–4 (1939–53) |
Auct. ad Her. | Auctor ad Herennium |
August. | Augustine |
Ad Rom. | Expositio of Epist. ad Romanos |
C. acad. | Contra academicos |
Conf. | Confessions |
De civ. D. | De civitate Dei |
Div. quaest. | De diversis quaestionibus |
In Evang. Iohan. | Tractatus in Evangelium Iohannis |
Ep. | Epistulae |
Retract. | Retractationes |
Serm. | Sermones |
Aul. Gell. | see Gell. |
Aur. Vict. Caes. | Aurelius Victor, Caesares |
[Aur. Vict.] De vir. ill. | [Aurelius Victor], De viris illustribus |
Auson. | Ausonius (see Green) |
Cent. nupt. | Cento nuptialis |
Grat. act. | Gratiarum actio |
Mos. | Mosella |
Ordo nob. urb. | Ordo nobilium urbium |
Prof. Burd. | Commemoratio professorum Burdigalensium |
Technop. | Technopaegnion |
Austin | M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest, 2nd edn. (2006) |
Austin, CGFP | C. Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (1973) |
BaBesch. | Bulletin antieke Beschavung |
Bacchyl. | Bacchylides (ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler, 1970) |
BAct. | Bellum Actiacum: see B Aegypt. |
Badian, Stud. Gr. | E. Badian, Studies in Greek and Roman History (1964) |
BAegypt. | Carmen de Bello Aegyptiaco sive Actiaco (papyrus fragment) |
Baehr. | E. Baehrens |
FPR | Fragmenta Poetarum Romanorum (1866) |
PLM | see PLM Vollmer/Morel |
BAfr. | Bellum Africum |
Bagnall and Derow | R. S. Bagnall and P. Derow, Greek Historical Documents: The Hellenistic Period (1981) |
Balbo, Frammenti | A. Balbo, I frammenti degli oratori romani dell'età augustea e tiberiana 1 (2004) |
BAlex. | Bellum Alexandrinum |
Barr. | R. J. A. Talbert (ed.) Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (2000) |
Basil. De virg. | Basilius, De virginitate |
BASP | Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists |
Bauman, WPAR | R. A. Bauman, Women and Politics in Ancient Rome (1992) |
BCAR | Bolletino della Commissione Archeologica Communale in Rome |
BCH | Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique |
BCHP | I. L. Finkel and R. J. van der Spek, Babylonian Chronicles of the Hellenistic Period 〈〉 |
BÉ | Bulletin épigraphique, pub. in Revue des études grecques |
Beazley, ABV | J. D. Beazley, Attic Black-figure Vase Painters (1956) |
ARV2 | Attic Red-figure Vase Painters, 2nd edn. (1963) |
Paralipomena | Paralipomena: Additions to ABV and ARV2 (1971) |
Beazley Addenda | T. H. Carpenter, Beazley Addenda: Additional References to ABV, ARV2 and Paralipomena, 2nd edn. (1989) |
BÉFEO | Bulletin: École française d'Extrême Orient |
Beitr. | Beitrag, Beiträge |
Beloch | K. J. Beloch |
Gr. Gesch. | Griechische Geschichte, 2nd edn. (1912–27) |
Röm. Gesch. | Römische Geschichte bis zum Beginn der punischen Kriege (1926) |
Bengtson, Strategie | H. Bengtson, Die Strategie in der hellenistischen Zeit, Munchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und Rechtsgeschichte 26 (1937), 32 (1944), 36 (1952) |
Röm. Gesch. | Grundriss der römischen Geschichte (1967) |
Bérard, Bibl. topogr. | J. Bérard, Bibliographie topographique des principales cités grecques de l'Italie méridionale et de la Sicile dans l'antiquité (1941) |
Berl. Abh. | Abhandlungen der preuβ. Akademie d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1786–1907; 1908– ) |
Bernabé, PEG | A. Bernabé, Poetae Epici Graeci 1 (1988) |
Ber. Sächs. Ges. Wiss. | Berichte über die Verhandlungen der [Kgl.] sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (1848) |
Berve, Alexanderreich | H. Berve, Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographischer Grundlage (1927) |
BGU | Berliner Griechische Urkunden (Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Kgl. Museen zu Berlin) |
BHisp. | Bellum Hispaniense |
Bibl. Éc. Franc. | Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d' Athénes et de Rome (1877– ) |
BICS | Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, London |
Bidez–Cumont | J. Bidez and F. Cumont, Les Mages hellénisés, 2 vols. (1938) |
Bieber, Sculpt. Hellenist. Age | M. Bieber, Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age, 2nd edn. (1961) |
BIFAO | Bulletin de l'Institut français d' Archéologie Orientale (Cairo) |
BiOr | Bibliotheca Orientalis |
BKT | Berliner Klassikertexte, herausgegeben von der Generalverwaltung der Kgl. Museen zu Berlin (1904– ) |
Blass, Att. Ber. | F. Blass, Die Attische Beredsamkeit, 2nd edn. (1887–98) |
BM | British Museum |
BMB | Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth |
BMC | British Museum Catalogue |
BM Coins, Rom. Emp. | British Museum Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire (1923– ) |
BN | Beiträge zur Namenforschung, Heidelberg |
BNJ | I. Worthington (ed.), Brill's New Jacoby (2006– ) |
BNP | Brill’s New Pauly |
Boll. d'Arte | Bollettino d'arte |
Boll. Fil. Class. | Bollettino di filologia classica (1894–1929); ns (1930– ) |
Bonner Jahrb. | Bonner Jahrbücher (1895– ) |
Bosworth, HCA | A. B. Bosworth, Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander 1: Commentary on Books i–iii (1980); 2: Commentary on Books iv–v (1995) |
Bouché-Leclerq, Hist. div. | A. Bouché-Leclerq, Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité, 4 vols. (1879–82) |
Bowersock, AGW | G.W. Bowersock, Augustus and the Greek World (1965) |
B. phil. Woch. | Berliner philologische Wochenschrift (1881–1920) |
Bremer | F. P. Bremer, Iurisprudentiae antehadrianae quae supersunt: 1 (1896); 2/1 (1898); 2/2 (1901) |
Bresl. phil. Abh. | Breslauer philologische Abhandlungen |
BRGK | Bericht der römisch-germanischen Kommission des deutschen archäologischen Instituts |
Briant, HEA | P. Briant, Histoire de l’Empire perse: de Cyrus à Alexandre (1996; Eng. trans. 2002) |
Briscoe, Comm. 31–33 | J. Briscoe, A Commentary on Livy Books xxxi–xxxiii (1973) |
Comm. 34–37 | A Commentary on Livy Books xxxiv–xxxvii (1981) |
Comm. 38–40 | A Commentary on Livy Books xxxviii–xl (2008) |
Brommer, Vasenlisten | F. Brommer, Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage (2nd edn. 1960; 3rd edn. 1973) |
Broughton, MRR | T. R. S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic (1951–2); Suppl. (1986: supersedes Suppl. 1960) |
Bruns, Font. | C. G. Bruns, Fontes iuris Romani antiqui, 7th edn. (1919) |
Brunt, RIT | P. A. Brunt, Roman Imperial Themes (1990) |
BSA | Annual of the British School at Athens (1895– ) |
BTCGI | G. Nenci and G. Vallet (eds), Bibliografia topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia e nelle isole tirreniche |
Büchner, FPL | see Morel–Büchner, FPL |
Budé | Collection des Univ. de France, publiée sous le patronage de l'Assoc. Guillaume Budé |
Buecheler, Carm. Epigr. | F. Buecheler, Carmina Latina Epigraphica, 2 vols. with Suppl. by E. Lommatzsch (1894–1930) |
Bull. Com. Arch. | Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale in Roma |
Bull. Ist. Dir. Rom. | Bullettino del Istituto di diritto romano |
Bull. Rylands Libr. | Bulletin of John Rylands Library |
Burkert, GR | W. Burkert, trans. J. Raffan, Greek Religion (1985) |
Burkert, HN | W. Burkert, trans. P. Bing, Homo Necans (1983) |
Burnet, EGP | J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, 4th edn. (1930) |
Bursian | C. Bursian, Geographie von Griechenland 2 (1872) |
Jahresb. | Bursian's Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Altertumswissenschaft(1873– ) |
Busolt, Gr. Gesch. | G. Busolt, Griechische Geschichte, 4 vols., vols. 1 and 2 in 2nd edn. (1893–1904) |
Byz. Forsch. | Byzantinische Forschungen |
Byz. und Neugr. Jahrb. | Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jahrbücher |
Byz. Zeitschr. | Byzantinische Zeitschrift |
YClS | Yale Classical Studies |
Abbreviations List: Downloadable abbreviations PDF
Abbreviation | Complete Term | Abbreviation | Complete Term | |
abr. | abridged/abridgement | It. | Italian | |
adesp. | adespota | kg. | kilogram/s | |
Akkad. | Akkadian | km. | kilometre/s | |
app. | appendix | lb. | pound/s | |
app. crit. | apparatus criticus | l., ll. | line, lines | |
Aeol. | Aeolic | lit. | literally | |
art. | article | lt. | litre/s | |
Att. | Attic | L. | Linnaeus | |
b. | born | Lat. | Latin | |
Bab. | Babylonian | m. | metre/s | |
beg. | at/nr. beginning | masc. | masculine | |
bibliog. | bibliography | mi. | mile/s | |
bk. | book | ml. | millilitre/s | |
c. | circa | mod. | modern | |
cent. | century | MS(S) | manuscript(s) | |
cm. | centimetre/s | Mt. | Mount | |
comm. | commentary | n., nn. | note, notes | |
corr. | corrected | n.d. | no date | |
d. | died | neut. | neuter | |
Diss. | Dissertation | no. | number | |
Dor. | Doric | ns | new series | |
end | at/nr. end | NT | New Testament | |
ed. | editor, edited by | OE | Old English | |
ed. maior/minor | major/minor edition of critical text | Ol. | Olympiad | |
edn. | edition | ON | Old Norse | |
Einzelschr. | Einzelschrift | OP | Old Persian | |
El. | Elamite | orig. | original (e.g. Ger./Fr. orig. [edn.]) | |
Eng. | English | OT | Old Testament | |
esp. | especially | oz. | ounce/s | |
Etr. | Etruscan | p.a. | per annum | |
exhib. cat. | exhibition catalogue | PIE | Proto-Indo-European | |
fem. | feminine | pl. | plate | |
f., ff. | and following | plur. | plural | |
fig. | figure | pref. | preface | |
fl. | floruit | Proc. | Proceedings | |
Fr. | French | prol. | prologue | |
fr. | fragment | ps.- | pseudo- | |
ft. | foot/feet | Pt. | part | |
g. | gram/s | ref. | reference | |
Ger. | German | repr. | reprint, reprinted | |
Gk. | Greek | rev. | revised/by | |
ha. | hectare/s | sel. | selected | |
Hebr. | Hebrew | ser. | series | |
HS | sesterces | sing. | singular | |
hyp. | hypothesis | Skt. | Sanskrit | |
i.a. | inter alia | Sp. | Spanish | |
ibid. | ibidem, in the same work | str. | strophe | |
IE | Indo-European | Suppl. | Supplement | |
imp. | impression | T | testimonium (i.e. piece of ancient evidence about an author) | |
in. | inch/es | trans. | translation, translated by | |
introd. | introduction | v., vv. | verse, verses | |
Ion. | Ionic | Ven. | Venetic |