Past Updates
July 2024
Aemilius Papinianus (Maciej Jońca), revised
inheritance, Greek (Brenda Griffith-Williams), revised
numerical notation (Stephen Chrisomalis)
June 2024
Belus/Marduk (Mary Frazer), revised
cuneiform (Martin Worthington, Mark Chetwood), revised
geocentricity (Jacqueline Feke), revised
Sumerian (Martin Worthington, Mark Chetwood), revised
May 2024
Akkadian (Martin Worthington), revised
arms and armour, Greek (Matthew A. Sears), revised
epithalamium (Katherine Wasdin), revised
eschatology, Jewish (Martha Himmelfarb)
graffiti (Jacqueline DiBiasie-Sammons)
Greco-Roman architecture, reception of (Elizabeth R. Macaulay)
horse- and chariot-races (Sinclair W. Bell, Jean-Paul Thuillier, Carolyn Willekes), revised
magister equitum (Bradley Jordan), revised
Minoan civilization (John Bennet), revised
ordo matronarum (Lewis Webb)
portraiture, Roman (Susan E. C. Walker), revised
wall of Aurelian (Rossana Mancini), revised
April 2024
Apollonius (Michael N. Fried), revised
grammar, grammarians, Latin (Thomas J. Keeline), revised
February 2024
Arbela (John MacGinnis, David Michelmore)
January 2024
athletics, Greek (Reyes Bertolín Cebrián), revised
diagnosis (Daniel King), revised
Plato, ethical and political thought (Christopher Bobonich), revised
December 2023
Thera (Sturt W. Manning), revised
November 2023
adoption, Greek (Pietro Cobetto Ghiggia), revised
Archytas of Tarentum (Carl Huffman), revised
climate (Ruben Post), revised
Dionysius of Byzantium (Daniel Hanigan)
Dionysius Periegetes (J. L. Lightfoot)
Epic of Erra (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Jerusalem (Avner Ecker), revised
Nabonidus, king of Babylon (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Nebuchadnezzar II (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Nemea (Kim Shelton), revised
portraiture, Greek (Sheila Dillon), revised
October 2023
painting, Greek (Dimitris Plantzos), revised
September 2023
slavery, Roman (Ulrike Roth), revised
August 2023
architects (John R. Senseney), revised
centaurs (Alan H. Griffiths, Christopher Burden-Strevens, Aedan Weston), revised
emotions (Douglas Cairns), revised
female life-course (Kelly Olson)
Martial, Latin poet (Luke Roman), revised
Mylitta (Mary Frazer), revised
Nicomachus (4) Flavianus, Virius, Roman senator, c. 340–394 CE (Gavin Kelly), revised
Plato, life and work, c. 429–347 BCE (Julia Annas), revised
sanctuaries, Greek (Margaret M. Miles), revised
July 2023
Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, 668–c. 631 BCE (Jamie Novotny)
Column of Trajan, reception of (Elizabeth R. Macaulay)
Hellenic philosophy, Arabic and Syriac reception of (Dimitri Gutas)
Isaeus (1), Athenian speech-writer, c. 420–340s BCE (Brenda Griffith-Williams), revised
Livius Andronicus, Lucius, c. 280/270–200 bce (Thomas Biggs, Gesine Manuwald, H. D. Jocelyn), revised
meteorology (Liba Taub), revised
Pantheon, reception of (Elizabeth R. Macaulay)
shipwrecks, ancient (Deborah N. Carlson), revised
triumphal arches, reception of (Kimberly Cassibry)
zooarchaeology (Michael MacKinnon)
June 2023
Achilles (Jonathan S. Burgess), revised
eisangelia (Edward Harris), revised
robots and cyborgs in antiquity (Rocki Wentzel)
May 2023
art, funerary, Greek (Nathan T. Arrington), revised
Calpurnius Siculus (Yelena Baraz), revised
Catullus (1), Gaius Valerius (Julia Haig Gaisser, Gail Trimble), revised
Circus Maximus (Marialetizia Buonfiglio)
Cleopatra VII, 69–40 BCE (Christelle Fischer-Bovet), revised
Hades (A. Henrichs, Ellie Mackin Roberts), revised
Laodice (2), Seleucid queen, wife of Antiochus (2) II, c. 285–unknown (Monica D'Agostini), revised
Lucian, of Samosata (Manuel Baumbach), revised
mobility, economic (Claire Holleran)
Plato, knowledge and its objects (Julia Annas), revised
Pontius Pilatus (Helen K. Bond), revised
pottery, Roman (Kevin Greene), revised
Quintilian, Roman advocate and rhetorician, 1st century CE (Curtis Dozier), revised
rabbis (Hayim Lapin), revised
slavery, Greek (David Lewis), revised
temple, Greek (Philip Sapirstein)
April 2023
animals, knowledge about (Pietro Li Causi), revised
Antonius, Marcus (2), Roman consul and triumvir, 83–30 BCE (Kathryn Welch), revised
cross-dressing (Vassiliki Panoussi)
glass, Greek (Katherine A. Larson)
mythography (R. Scott Smith)
Priscian, 5th–6th cent. bce (Thomas J. Keeline), revised
Psellos, Michael (Stratis Papaioannou), revised
women in philosophy (Sophia Connell), revised
Diocletian, Roman emperor, 284–313 CE (Monica Hellström), revised
metre, Latin (Llewelyn Morgan, Jonathan Powell), revised
March 2023
Diocletian, Roman emperor, 284–313 CE (Monica Hellström), revised
metre, Latin (Llewelyn Morgan, Jonathan Powell), revised
February 2023
Annaeus Seneca (2), Lucius, Seneca 'the Younger', 4 BCE – CE 65 (Christopher Trinacty), revised
Aristophanes (1), Athenian poet of Old Comedy, 2nd half of 5th cent. BCE (Mario Telò, Christopher Pelling, Kenneth Dover), revised
Griffin Warrior, grave of (Sharon R. Stocker, Jack L. Davis)
physiognomy (Maria Michela Sassi), revised
Sadducees (Eyal Regev), revised
January 2023
aesthetics (Stephen Halliwell), revised
anti-Semitism, pagan (Catherine Hezser), revised
economy, Roman (Annalisa Marzano), revised
Knossos (Anthony James Whitley), revised
plague (Kyle Harper), revised
Sappho, lyric poet, c. 630-c. 570 bce (Page duBois), revised
timber (Benjamin Graham), revised
December 2022
Book of Daniel (Anathea E. Portier-Young)
Laodice (3), Seleucid queen, consort of Antiochus (3) III (Monica D'Agostini), revised
pagan, paganism (Michele Renee Salzman), revised
pastoral poetry, Latin (Yelena Baraz), revised
Philip (1) II, son of Amyntas, king of Macedon, c. 382–336 bce (Manuela Mari), revised
Phryne (Melissa Funke)
Pliny (2) the Younger, 61/62–c. 112 ce (Christopher Whitton), revised
reciprocity, Greek (Tazuko Angela van Berkel), revised
November 2022
Alexander Jannaeus (Katell Berthelot)
camps, Roman (Norbert Hanel), revised
disability (Jane Draycott)
Ptolemy III Euergetes (“Benefactor”) I, king of Egypt, early 246 to 221 bce (Stanley Burstein)
Samaria (Boaz Zissu, Dvir Raviv), revised
October 2022
Cornelius Sulla Felix, Lucius, dictator and consul, 138–78 bce (Alexandra Eckert), revised
John Hyrcanus (Katell Berthelot)
munus (Arjan Zuiderhoek), revised
Sophocles (1), Athenian tragic playwright (P. J. Finglass), revised
Xenophon (1), Greek historian (Christopher J. Tuplin), revised
September 2022
barbarian (Emma Dench), revised
client kings (Julia Wilker), revised
Hypsicles, of Alexandria (1), mathematician and astronomer, fl. c. 190 bce (Clemency Montelle), revised
iambic poetry, Greek (Ralph Rosen), revised
Macedonian vaulted tombs (Olga Palagia)
mosaic, Greek (Hallie Franks), revised
August 2022
Aristaenetus (Anna Tiziana Drago)
earthquakes (Georgia L. Irby), revised
Eteocretans (Anthony James Whitley)
Gallic Wars (Kate Gilliver), revised
Iulius Agrippa (2) II, Marcus (53-94/95 ce ) (David M. Jacobson), revised
migration and mobility (Elena Isayev, George Baroud), revised
orientalizing (Gail L. Hoffman), revised
paradoxography (Kenneth W. Yu), revised
July 2022
Aristarchus (2) of Samothrace, librarian of Alexandria (1), c. 216–144 BCE (Francesca Schironi), revised
Iulius Agrippa (1) I, Marcus (37-43/4 ce ) (David M. Jacobson), revised
Mycenaean Pylos (Jack L. Davis, Sharon R. Stocker), revised
Praisos (Anthony James Whitley)
queer theory and ancient literature (Sebastian Matzner)
Rome, history (political, military, administrative), from Augustus to the Antonines (31 BCE–192 CE) (Gwynaeth McIntyre), revised
taxation (Peter Fibiger Bang)
June 2022
Appian (Kai Brodersen), revised
inequality (John Weisweiler)
May 2022
3 Maccabees (Noah Hacham)
historiography, Hellenistic (Daniel Tober), revised
Linear A (Ester Salgarella)
Oplontis (Michael Thomas), revised
Sea People (Louise Hitchcock)
Sicyon (Yannis Lolos), revised
Tacitus (1), Roman historian (Ellen O'Gorman), revised
April 2022
Pharisees (Eyal Regev), revised
March 2022
body (Laurence Totelin, Helen King), revised
Cumae (Matteo D'Acunto), revised
food and drink (Erica Rowan), revised
mythology, Greek (Sarah Iles Johnston)
February 2022
Augustus, Roman Emperor, 63 BCE –14 CE (Alison Cooley), revised
Boudica (Louise Revell), revised
Buthrotum (David R. Hernandez), revised
economy, Hellenistic (Zosia Archibald), revised
fishing (Annalisa Marzano), revised
Ilion (Charles Brian Rose)
metallurgy, Greek (Sandra Blakely), revised
palaces (Kim Shelton), revised
population, Greek, revised
Virgil (Fiachra Mac Góráin, Don P. Fowler, Peta G. Fowler), revised
January 2022
amphorae, Roman (J. Theodore Peña), revised
Caesarea (2) in Palaestina (Joseph Patrich), revised
Campus Martius (Penelope Davies), revised
dictator (Frederik Juliaan Vervaet), revised
Hypatia (Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer), revised
Linear B (Dimitri Nakassis)
Photius (Filippo Ronconi), revised
Polybius (1), Greek historian, c. 200–c. 118 BCE (Emma Nicholson), revised
Samaritans (Reinhard Pummer), revised
ships, Bronze Age (Shelley Wachsmann)
Tullius Cicero, Marcus, life (Kathryn Tempest), revised
villa (Michael L. Thomas), revised
December 2021
Aetna, Latin didactic poem by unknown poet, 1st half of 1st cent. CE (Liba Taub), revised
agricultural writers (Marco Formisano), revised
Archilochus, Greek iambic and elegiac poet (Laura Swift), revised
Callimachus (3), of Cyrene, “Battiades,” Greek poet and scholar (Annette Harder), revised
economy, ancient, approaches to (Neville Morley)
Elegiae in Maecenatem (Tom Geue), revised
Laus Pisonis (Tom Geue), revised
Theognis (1), elegiac poet from Megara (Andrew Ford), revised
Troy (Peter Pavúk), revised
November 2021
Ara Pacis (Diane Atnally Conlin), revised
Aristeas, Letter of (Sylvie Honigman), revised
citizenship and mobility, legal aspects of (Claudia Moatti)
consul (Francisco Pina Polo), revised
Gla (Michael F. Lane), revised
Greek metrology, Bronze Age (Robert Schon)
Lucillius (Lucia Floridi), revised
neoanalysis (Christos Tsagalis)
Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, c. 386–450/1 ce (Susan Wessel)
Paulus Silentiarius (Steven D. Smith), revised
Philon (4), 'Philo' (Maren Niehoff), revised
pyramids (Corinna Rossi)
sea power, Roman (Carsten Hjort Lange)
triumphal arch (Diane Favro), revised
September 2021
innovation and invention (Miko Flohr)
August 2021
lex Canuleia (Lewis Webb)
amphitheatres (D. L. Bomgardner), revised
Areopagus (Edward Harris), revised
Herod (2) Antipas (Jan W. van Henten), revised
Isocrates (J. D. Mikalson), revised
legal procedure, Athens (Edward Harris)
lex (1), categories of Roman law (Sven Günther), revised
medicine, Egyptian (Hans-W. Fischer-Elfer)
metrology, Roman (Andrew M. Riggsby)
seals, sealstones, and signet rings (Judith Weingarten), revised
Sim(m)ias (2) of Rhodes, scholar-poet, 4th/3rd century BCE (Jan Kwapisz), revised
technopaignia (Jan Kwapisz), revised
June 2021
Aristarchus (Nathan Camillo Sidoli), revised
Diophantus (Jean Christianidis), revised
Euripides (Isabelle Torrance), revised
Hippocratic Corpus (Laurence Totelin)
Kalends of January (Lucy Grig)
psychoanalysis and the classics (Vered Lev Kenaan)
widows (Thomas A.J. McGinn), revised
women in science (Sophia Connell)
May 2021
astronomy, Babylonia (John Steele)
environment (Rebecca Futo Kennedy, Katherine Blouin)
medicine, Mesopotamia (John Z. Wee)
Menelaion (Anthony James Whitley), revised
metrology, Mesopotamia (Grégory Chambon)
Pseudo-Zachariah (Geoffrey Greatrex)
Symeon the Stylite the Younger (Dina Boero, Charles Kuper)
Theodotus, epic poet, c. 2nd cent. BCE (Thomas Kuhn-Treichel)
Zacharias, bishop of Mytilene, c.465–c.536 CE (Geoffrey Greatrex)
April 2021
Agathias (Steven D. Smith), revised
arithmetical tables (Giuseppina Azzarello)
Athenaeus (S. Douglas Olson), revised
Colosseum (Heinz-Jürgen Beste), revised
Eleutherna (Antonis Kotsonas)
gardens (Katharine T. von Stackelberg), revised
Lyktos (Antonis Kotsonas)
Terentia (Harriet I. Flower), revised
March 2021
Babrius (Niklas Holzberg), revised
Demosthenes (Edward Harris), revised
Eustathius of Epiphania (Laura Mecella)
helots (David M. Lewis), revised
Herculaneum (Andrew Wallace-Hadrill), revised
Laws of Crete (David M. Lewis)
luxury (luxuria) (Catharine Edwards)
Maccabees (Erich S. Gruen), revised
ownership and property, Greek (Edward Harris)
Plague of Justinian (Peregrine Horden)
stepmothers (Patricia Watson)
technology (Lynne Lancaster), revised
Tullia (Harriet I. Flower), revised
February 2021
abortion (Patty Baker), revised
Amazons (Adrienne Mayor), revised
Aratus (Emma Gee), revised
astronomical tables (Alexander Jones)
Common Peace (Polly Low), revised
elephants (Michael B. Charles), revised
Etruscans (Nigel Spivey), revised
homosexuality, male (Craig Williams), revised
Lucretia (Rebecca Langlands), revised
postmodernism and the classics (Paul Allen Miller)
Volumnia Cytherisa (Marilyn B. Skinner)
January 2021
Euclid (Michalis Sialaros), revised
Servilia (Harriet I. Flower), revised
December 2020
Arcado-Cypriot dialect (Albio Cesare Cassio)
astrology (Daryn Lehoux), revised
Clodia (Marilyn B. Skinner), revised
Diodorus (Mario Baumann), revised
Philo Epicus (Thomas Kuhn-Treichel)
textile production (Miko Flohr), revised
November 2020
hetairai (Allison Glazebrook), revised
October 2020
Babatha (Kimberley Czajkowski), revised
Cornelius Celsus, Aulus (Rebecca Flemming), revised
drama, reception of (Emma Cole)
September 2020
Bar Kokhba (Werner Eck), revised
August 2020
Asianism and Atticism (Lawrence Kim), revised
bouleuterion (Malcolm Bell, III)
clocks (Robert Hannah), revised
Hesiod (Jenny Strauss Clay), revised
magic, Roman (Richard Gordon)
Near Eastern myths, Sumerian-Akkadian (J. Cale Johnson)
Philonides (James Warren), revised
July 2020
baths and bathing (Fikret Yegül), revised
beer and brewing (Travis Rupp)
Domus Aurea (Larry Ball), revised
Etruscan language (Rex E. Wallace), revised
Ovid, poet, 43 BCE–17 CE (Stephen Hinds), revised
Persephone/Kore (Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal), revised
processions (Jacob Latham), revised
religion, Phoenician and Punic (Corinne Bonnet)
Spain and Portugal, pre-Roman scripts and languages (Joseph F. Eska), revised
Tertullian (Eric Rebillard), revised
traffic, urban (Eric Poehler)
wine, Greek and Roman (Dimitri van Limbergen), revised
June 2020
Aeschines (1), (c. 397–c. 322 BCE) (Edward Harris), revised
arbitration, Greek (Edward Harris, Anna Magnetto), revised
Cairo geniza (Lawrence H. Schiffman)
calendar, Roman (Jörg Rüpke), revised
Cyril of Alexandria (Matthew R. Crawford), revised
demons in Christian thought (Gregory D. Wiebe)
Derveni papyrus (Valeria Piano)
Didymus the Blind (Blossom Stefaniw)
Diocles (Federicomaria Muccioli), revised
homicide, Greek (Edward Harris)
Irenaeus (Anthony Briggman), revised
Philodemus (David Blank), revised
popular culture, modern (Gideon Nisbet), revised
proxeny (proxenos) (William Mack), revised
Sidonius Apollinaris (Joop van Waarden), revised
May 2020
Arsenius the Great (Blossom Stefaniw)
Evagrius Ponticus (Blossom Stefaniw)
hermaphroditism (Katharine T. von Stackelberg)
Judaea-Palaestina (Benjamin Isaac), revised
orthodoxy (Richard Flower)
prostitution, secular, female (Thomas A.J. McGinn), revised
stola (Kelly Olson)
April 2020
agoranomoi, Greek (Alain Bresson), revised
Biblical archaeology (Aren Maeir)
Chosroes II, Parvēz, Sasanian king, 590–628 CE (Henning Börm)
Dracontius, Blossius Aemilius (Helen Kaufmann), revised
Oppian (Emily Kneebone), revised
prostitution, secular, female (Thomas A.J. McGinn), revised
rape (Sharon James)
March 2020
diaspora, Jewish, 332 BCE–c. 600 CE (Seth Schwartz)
hagiography (Christa Gray)
February 2020
acoustics (Massimo Raffa), revised
ekphrasis in Latin Literature (Basil Dufallo)
Epic Cycle (Jonathan Burgess), revised
gender (Laura McClure), revised
Nonnus, of Panopolis, Greek epic poet, mid-5th c. CE (Berenice Verhelst), revised
race (Denise Eileen McCoskey), revised
January 2020
Athenaeus (2) Mechanicus (David Whitehead), revised
capitalism (Neville Morley), revised
epic (Philip Hardie), revised
nenia (Dorota Dutsch), revised
December 2019
Celtic languages (John Penney), revised
November 2019
Alexander the Great, reception of (Diana Spencer)
October 2019
alphabets of Italy (John Penney), revised
Lycurgus (2), legendary Spartan (2) (Massimo Nafissi), revised
possession, religious (Corinne Ondine Pache), revised
September 2019
archaism in Latin (Leofranc Holford-Strevens), revised
Mago (1), founder of powerful Carthaginian family, fl. later sixth century BCE (1) (Josephine Crawley Quinn), revised
Raetic language (John Penney), revised
Sabellic languages (John Penney), revised
Sozomen, church historian (Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas), revised
August 2019
pronunciation, Latin (W. Sidney Allen, Jonathan G. F. Powell), revised
July 2019
associations, Roman (Koenraad Verboven), revised
Malchus (1), Carthaginian general (Josephine Crawley Quinn), revised
June 2019
Pulcheria, Roman Augusta, 414–453 CE (Hugh Elton), revised
May 2019
Ennius, Quintus, epic and dramatic poet, 239–169 BCE (Gesine Manuwald)
euergetism (Arjan Zuiderhoek)
Heliodorus (4), Greek novelist, c. 4th cent. CE (Benedek Kruchió)
Horace (Horatius Flaccus, Quintus), Roman poet, 65–8 BCE (Stephen Harrison)
lex de imperio Vespasiani (Kaius Tuori)
maritime loans (Dominic W. Rathbone)
mechanics (Sylvia Berryman)
Praetextatus, Vettius Agorius, Roman senator, c. 320–384 CE (Maijastina Kahlos)
Proba, Faltonia Betitia (Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed)
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius, 348–after 405 CE (Cillian O'Hogan)
Rufinus (3), grammarian, 5th cent. CE (Rolando Ferri)
Terentius Varro, Marcus (Robert A. Kaster)
April 2019
athletics, late antiquity (Sofie Remijsen)
Cassiodorus, Roman magistrate, author of political and religious works, c. 485–c. 580 CE (M. Shane Bjornlie), revised
Cayster River (Marijana Ricl)
cento, Latin (Stephen Harrison), revised
debasement, monetary (Colin P. Elliott)
heart (Julius Rocca)
inconsistencies in Latin literature (Patrick Glauthier)
inflation (Colin P. Elliott)
landscapes, Roman (Kim Bowes)
lex Agraria, 111 BCE (Tommaso Beggio)
magic, Greek (Radcliffe G. Edmonds III)
Marcian of Heraclea (Bianca Maria Altomare)
Paulinus of Nola, c. 352/3–c. 431 CE (Dennis E. Trout), revised
philosophy, early modern reception of (Anna Corrias)
philosophy, modern reception of (David K. Glidden)
underworld (Radcliffe G. Edmonds III)
Vibius Sequester (David Paniagua)
wetlands (bog, marsh) (Giusto Traina)
March 2019
thymos (Douglas Cairns)
Anonymus Londiniensis (Daniela Manetti)
changing landscapes, human impact on (John Bintliff)
collapse of the Bronze Age Aegean (Guy D. Middleton)
Eleatic school (John Palmer), revised
intratextuality (Alison Sharrock)
matronalia (Fanny Dolansky)
Melissus, of Samos, Presocratic philosopher, mid- to late-5th cent. BCE (John Palmer), revised
Muziris papyrus (Dominic W. Rathbone)
Near Eastern and Old Iranian myths (Jenny Rose)
Parmenides of Elea, Presocratic philosopher, c. 515–post-450 BCE (John Palmer), revised
polychromy, architectural, Greek and Roman (Stephan Zink)
February 2019
brain (Julius Rocca)
conic sections (Michael N. Fried)
Constitutio Antoniniana (Myles Lavan), revised
Damasus I, Bishop of Rome, 366–384 CE (Marianne Sághy), revised
feminism and ancient literature (Helen Morales)
Hyperides, Athenian orator and politician, 389–322 BCE (Judson Herrman), revised
knowledge, theories of (Richard Bett)
lex Iulia de Maritandis Ordinibus (Jacob Giltaij)
lex Oppia (Ville Vuolanto)
lex Papia Poppaea (Jacob Giltaij)
Mycenaean civilization (Jeremy Rutter), revised
senatus consultum Tertullianum (Kimberley Czajkowski)
sexuality, textual representation of (Marilyn B. Skinner)
tabulae Iguvinae (Michael Weiss), revised
Victorinus, Marius, c. 285–c. 365 CE (Stephen A. Cooper), revised
Xenarchus (3) of Seleucia, Peripatetic philosopher, c. 30 BCE (Myrto Hatzimichali)
January 2019
Ilias Latina (Steven J. Green), revised
Aethicus Ister (Paola Marone)
Evagrius Scholasticus, c. 535–c. 600 CE (Lionel Michael Whitby), revised
Lefkandi (Irene Lemos), revised
lex Aebutia (Anna Tarwacka)
lex Iulia on jurisdiction (Anna Tarwacka)
metonymy (Sebastian Matzner)
Mycenae (Kim Shelton), revised
Parthian-Roman Wars (Jason M. Schlude)
pneumatics (Sylvia Berryman), revised
population, Roman (Saskia Hin), revised
senatus consultum Orfitianum (Kimberley Czajkowski)
sex, anal (Jeffrey Henderson)
trigonometry (Nathan Camillo Sidoli), revised
Vegetius Renatus (Michael B. Charles), revised
December 2018
lex Iulia municipalis (Georgy Kantor)
October 2018
lex (Rubria) de Gallia Cisalpina (Georgy Kantor)
The Jewish Patriarchate (Lee I. Levine)
August 2018
Triphiodorus, of Panopolis, epic poet (Laura Miguélez-Cavero), revised
July 2018
Amphiaraus (Hanne Eisenfeld), revised
annona (other products) (Carlos Machado)
Germanic languages (Jay H. Jasanoff), revised
June 2018
courts, Roman (Leanne Bablitz)
film and television (Monica S. Cyrino), revised
Gorgias (1), of Leontini, orator (Josh Wilburn), revised
lex (P)Laetoria (Peter Candy)
lex Aquilia on wrongful damage to property (Joe Sampson)
mysteries, Bacchic (Fritz Graf)
May 2018
Constantina, daughter of Constantine, wife of Gallus Caesar, and patron of St. Agnes at Rome (Julia Hillner)
materialism (James I. Porter), revised
tragic history (Lisa Irene Hau)
April 2018
lex Falcidia (Jakob Fortunat Stagl)
prices (Paul Erdkamp)
senatus consultum Iuventianum (Benedikt Eckhardt)
senatus consultum Pegasianum (Benedikt Eckhardt)
Vulgar Latin (Roger Wright)
March 2018
Erichthonius (2), mythical Trojan king (Adam Rappold)
metalepsis (Peter v. Möllendorff)
February 2018
Alexander Romance (Richard Stoneman)
auctions (Jean Andreau)
children in Roman law (Ville Vuolanto)
cuneiform (Benjamin Fortson), revised
Erechtheus (Adam Rappold), revised
Erichthonius (1), Athenian hero (Adam Rappold), revised
lex Cincia on gifts (Peter Candy)
lex Voconia (Ville Vuolanto)
opera (Michael Ewans), revised
polychromy, sculptural, Greek and Roman (Jan Stubbe Østergaard)
Pompeius Festus, Sextus, scholar (John North, Fay Glinister), revised
Ravenna Cosmographer (Anonymus Ravennas) (Natalia Lozovsky)
reception in historical novels (Tom Stevenson)
Sulpicia (1), elegiac poet (Laurel Fulkerson), revised
January 2018
anecdote (Simon Goldhill)
Ben Sira (Benjamin G. Wright III)
Coptic language (T. G. Wilfong)
Eteocypriot (Philippa M. Steele)
illustrations, technical (Courtney Ann Roby)
Lemnian language (Rex E. Wallace)
lex Ovinia (Charles Bartlett)
lex Publilia Philonis (Charles Bartlett)
Old Persian language (Benjamin Fortson)
Oscan language (Benjamin Fortson)
Pancrates, Greco-Egyptian hexameter poet, second century CE (Tim Whitmarsh)
Punic language (Benjamin Fortson)
December 2017
Elymian language (Benjamin Fortson)
gifts and giving, Roman (Neil Coffee)
mysteries, Eleusinian (Fritz Graf)
South Picene language (Benjamin Fortson)
November 2017
building techniques and materials, Roman (Roger B. Ulrich)
diagrams (Courtney Ann Roby), revised
Faliscan language (Benjamin Fortson)
frugality (frugalitas) and parsimony (parsimonia) (Grant Nelsestuen)
Musaeus, Greek poet (Silvia Montiglio)
North Picene language (Benjamin Fortson)
saeculum (Susan Bilynskyj Dunning)
Sicel (or Siculian) language (Benjamin Fortson)
Umbrian language (Benjamin Fortson)
wealth, Roman attitudes towards (Gloria Vivenza, Neville Morley)
October 2017
Delphic oracle (Michael Scott), revised
fulling (Miko Flohr)
Gold Tablets (Fritz Graf)
Hera (Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Gabriella Pironti), revised
Procopius (Marion Kruse), revised
Secular Games (Susan Bilynskyj Dunning), revised
tribunicia potestas (T. Corey Brennan)
September 2017
abacus (Serafina Cuomo), revised
Empiricists (Marquis Berrey)
Lycurgus (3), of Boutadai, Athenian orator and politician (S. D. Lambert), revised
Quintus Smyrnaeus (Silvio Bär), revised
August 2017
bars (taberna, popina, caupona, thermopolium) (Jeremy Hartnett)
Ḥimyar, kingdom of (Yosef Yuval Tobi)
lex Ogulnia (Kimberley Webb)
Methodists (Marquis Berrey)
officials, Greek, accountability of (Pierre Fröhlich)
optimates, populares (Alexander Yakobson), revised
Timagenes, of Alexandria (1), Greek rhetor and historian (Livia Capponi), revised
July 2017
Antikythera Mechanism (Alexander Jones)
British Latin (Benjamin Fortson)
Callias, Peace of (Ugo Fantasia), revised
conversion, Jewish (Matthew Thiessen)
criminal law, Roman (Andrew M. Riggsby)
ekphrasis (Michael Squire), revised
energy and power (Neville Morley)
Gothic language (Benjamin Fortson)
sacred laws (Robert Parker), revised
salted fish products (Robert I. Curtis)
Twelve Tables (Carlos Amunátegui Perelló), revised
June 2017
Aelian (Steven D. Smith), revised
careers, poetic, Latin (Joseph Farrell)
carpentry, Roman (Jean-Pierre Adam)
lex Hortensia (Lorenzo Gagliardi)
lex Poetelia Papiria (Saskia Roselaar)
Lydiadas (James Roy), revised
markets and fairs, Greek (David Tandy), revised
Pyramus and Thisbe (Stephen J. Harrison), revised
Sepphoris (Zeev Weiss)
Tiryns (Joseph Maran), revised
May 2017
freedmen/freedwomen, Greek (David M. Lewis, Sara Zanovello)
homosexuality, female (Sandra Boehringer)
lex Valeria de provocatione (Saskia Roselaar)
April 2017
analogia, De (Alessandro Garcea), revised
Beros(s)us (Johannes Haubold), revised
Ctesias (Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones), revised
Larinum (Elizabeth Robinson), revised
leges Liciniae Sextiae (Lorenzo Gagliardi)
lex Claudia, 218 BCE (James R. Townshend)
linothorax (Gregory S. Aldrete)
Maecenas, Gaius (Emily J. Gowers), revised
Mithridates II, king of Parthia, 125/121 -91 BCE (Josef Wiesehöfer)
money (Colin P. Elliott), revised
prayer, Jewish (Stefan C. Reif)
March 2017
changing landscapes, natural causes of (John Bintliff)
Donatus and Donatism (David E. Wilhite)
Fratarakā, sub-Seleucid dynasty in Persis (Josef Wiesehöfer)
Hierocles of Alexandria (Hermann S. Schibli)
Latin literature, popular (Luca Graverini)
lex Villia Annalis, 180 BCE (James R. Townshend)
revision in Greek and Latin literature (Sean Alexander Gurd)
ships of Lake Nemi, the (Deborah N. Carlson)
the self in Greek literature (Christopher Gill)
February 2017
androgyny (Luc Brisson)
Antichthon/Antipodes (Alfred Hiatt)
Constantia, half-sister of Constantine and wife of Licinius (Julia Hillner)
epigraphy, Etruscan (Jean Turfa)
folktale (William Hansen)
Iulius Romanus, Gaius (R. A. Kaster), revised
Iulius Solinus, Gaius (Kai Brodersen), revised
Jaffa (Benjamin Isaac)
Julius Caesar, reception of (W. Jeffrey Tatum)
Madaba Map (Richard J. A. Talbert)
Proclus Constantinopolitanus, c. 385–446 CE; bishop, 434–446 CE, bishop (Maximos Constas)
rivers (Brian Campbell)
sexual representation, visual (John R. Clarke)
wind (Liba Taub)
January 2017
Panskoye I (Vladimir F. Stolba)
December 2016
glass, Roman (H.E.M. Cool)
Laws of the Kings (Carlos Amunátegui Perelló)
Oikoumene/Orbis Terrarum (Klaus Geus)
Sibylline Oracles (Erich S. Gruen)
Theophanes of Hermopolis, Journey (Richard J. A. Talbert)
November 2016
(Aelia) Eudocia (Pavlos Avlamis)
actio (Thomas Rüfner)
baking, Roman (Jared T. Benton)
Commagenian, Greco-Iranian religious syncretism (Bruno Jacobs)
Eleutheropolis (Dov Gera)
quasi delict (Maria Floriana Cursi)
August 2016
demography (Saskia Hin)
shops and shopping (Claire Holleran)
tribuni plebis (Peter Sidney Derow)
July 2016
crowns and wreaths, Greek (Brian Campbell)
law, Roman, institutional scheme of (Jakob Fortunat Stagl)
masturbation (Kelly L. Wrenhaven)
plagiarism in Latin literature (Scott McGill)
poverty (Neville Morley)
June 2016
epinician poetry (Simon Hornblower)
legislation (nomothesia) (Mirko Canevaro)
pavements, Roman (Irene Bragantini)
the self in Latin literature (Thomas Habinek)
Uranius, Greek writer about Arabia (Simon Hornblower)
May 2016
Antonius Abba (Samuel Rubenson)
Benedictus Nursinus (Scott G. Bruce)
Gymnosophists (Ewen Bowie)
institores (Jean-Jacques Aubert)
Irenaeus (John Norman Davidson Kelly), revised
Tertullian (William Hugh Clifford Frend, M. J. Edwards, Tony Honoré), revised
April 2016
aqueducts (Richard Allan Tomlinson, Nicholas Purcell), revised
Athanasius (John Norman Davidson Kelly, David M. Gwynn), revised
body (Helen King), revised
coinage, Roman (Michael Crawford), revised
masculinity (Mark Golden), revised
Nausicaa (Herbert Jennings Rose, Jenny March), revised
papyrology, Latin (J. David Thomas), revised
Petronius (Stephen J. Harrison), revised
poetic unity, Greek (Richard Hunter)
sculpture, Roman (Glenys Davies), revised
women (Helen King), revised
March 2016
exploration (Duane W. Roller)
Atlantic Ocean (Duane W. Roller)
annona (grain) (Paul Erdkamp)
cosmogonies and theogonies (Carolina López-Ruiz)
Heracleopolis, Jewish politeuma (Patrick Sänger)
Pseudo-Oppian (Emily Kneebone)
Flaccilla, Aelia Flavia, wife of the eastern emperor Theodosius I (Meaghan McEvoy)
Justina, wife of the emperor Valentinian I and mother of the emperor Valentinian II (Meaghan McEvoy)
Honoria, Justa Grata, sister to western emperor Valentinian III (Meaghan McEvoy)
ius honorarium (Callie Williamson)
Sabiniani and Proculiani (Tessa Leesen)
Columbanus, abbot of Luxeuil and Bobbio, d. 615 CE (Michael Lapidge)
Bede (Beda Venerabilis), c. 673–735 CE (Scott DeGregorio)
Optatus of Milevis, c. 4th cent. CE (M. J. Edwards)
Temples of Sant'Omobono (Nicola Terrenato)
Getty hexameters, the (Roy D. Kotansky)
bronze vessels, Roman (James Frederick Gerrard)
December 2015
Batrachomyomachia (A. Sens)
Ben-Hur, reception of (Jon Solomon)
Column of Marcus Aurelius, the (Martin Beckmann)
delict (Floriana Cursi)
epinētron (Jenifer Neils)
floods (Gregory S. Aldrete)
God-fearers (theosebeis) (Pieter W. van der Horst)
Zagreus (Radcliffe G. Edmonds III)
gladiators, combatants at games (Garrett G. Fagan), revised
Colluthus of Lycopolis, fl. c. 490–520 CE (Laura Miguélez-Cavero), revised
Cestius Gallus, Gaius, suffect consul, 42 CE (Nadav Sharon), revised
Apuleius, writer and orator, b. c. 125 CE (Stephen J. Harrison), revised
dokimasia (P. J. Rhodes), revised
pagan, paganism (Philip Rousseau), revised
Melito (Henry Chadwick, M. J. Edwards), revised
Ulfila (Peter Heather), revised
hetairai (Madeleine M. Henry), revised
marriage ceremonies, Roman (Gordon Willis Williams), revised
theatre staging, Greek (J. Richard Green), revised
Alcinous (1) (Herbert Jennings Rose), revised
Galatea (Herbert Jennings Rose), revised
Bellum Civile (Christopher Pelling), revised
parody, Latin (Peta G. Fowler, Don P. Fowler), revised
Claudius Pulcher (2), Appius (Ernst Badian), revised
matriarchy (Simon Geoffrey Pembroke), revised
prostitution, secular, female (Madeleine M. Henry), revised
cantica (Peter G. M. Brown), revised
Sulpicia (1) (Patricia Watson), revised
Sulpicia (2) (Mario Citroni), revised
carmen (Peta G. Fowler, Don P. Fowler), revised
Soterichus (Richard Hunter), revised
Stasinus (Martin Litchfield West), revised
Lotus-eaters (Jenny March), revised
Myrrha (Alan H. Griffiths), revised
Themisto (Herbert Jennings Rose), revised
Aias (Herbert Jennings Rose, Jenny March), revised
Teucer (Herbert Jennings Rose, Jenny March), revised
Aesopus (George Chatterton Richards, M. T. Griffin), revised
Stertinius (Edward Courtney), revised
Apollonius (1) Rhodius (Richard Hunter), revised
Theocritus (Alan H. Griffiths), revised
Theodoridas (Richard Hunter), revised
Tyrannio (2) (Peter Barr Reid Forbes, Nigel Wilson), revised
tragicocomoedia, revised
Terentius Varro Atacinus, Publius (Edward Courtney), revised
Sulpicius, Servius (Edward Courtney), revised
Hellenistic poetry at Rome (D. P. Nelis), revised
analogia, De (John Wight Duff), revised
poetry, philosophers on (S. Halliwell), revised
Poppaea Sabina (Theodore John Cadoux, M. T. Griffin), revised
Telamon (2) (Edward Togo Salmon, D. W. R. Ridgway), revised
Subura (Ian Archibald Richmond, John Patterson), revised
Thamugadi (William Nassau Weech, R. J. A. Wilson), revised
Thessaly (Bruno Helly), revised
Ephesus (William Moir Calder, John Manuel Cook, Charlotte Roueché, Antony Spawforth), revised
Thebes (2) (Joseph Grafton Milne, Antony Spawforth), revised
novus homo (Ernst Badian), revised
sanitation, Roman (A. Simon Esmonde Cleary), revised
Fregellae (Edward Togo Salmon, T. W. Potter), revised
Monte Testaccio (Janet DeLaine), revised
murrina vasa (David Edward Eichholz, Antony Spawforth), revised
Parma (Edward Togo Salmon, T. W. Potter), revised
Augusta Raurica (John Frederick Drinkwater), revised
Saepinum (Edward Togo Salmon, T. W. Potter), revised
Suessa Aurunca (H. Kathryn Lomas), revised
Teanum Apulum (H. Kathryn Lomas), revised
Teanum Sidicinum (H. Kathryn Lomas), revised
Tegianum (H. Kathryn Lomas), revised
medicine (J. T. Vallance), revised
Symphosius, 4th–5th cent. CE (T.J. Leary), revised