Past Updates

June 2024

Storms as forming and threatening factors for coasts (Hans von Storch, Frauke Feser, Richard Blender, Suzana J. Camargo, Leone Cavicchia, Alejandro Di Luca, Gang Fu, Luiz Felippe Gozzo, Elco Koks, Martina Messmer, Nobuhito Mori, Matthew D.K. Priestley, Tirthankar Roy, David M. Schultz, Shun-ichi Watanabe, Ra)

May 2024


April 2024

Two Millennia of Natural and Anthropogenic Changes of the Polish Baltic Coast (Andrzej Osadczuk, Ryszard Krzysztof Borówka, Joanna Dudzińska-Nowak)


March 2024

Climate Change and Corporate Strategies (Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg, Vanessa Bowden)
Psychological, Social, and Cultural Barriers to Public Engagement with Climate Change (Nathaniel Geiger, Brianna Middlewood, Janet Swim), revised


February 2024


October 2023


July 2023

Perspectives from Coastal Ecosystems Through the Lens of Climate Change (Kristy A. Lewis, Giovanna McClenachan, Kristin DeMarco, Jennifer Salerno, Katherine Thompson)

June 2023

CO₂ in the Atmosphere: Growth and Trends Since 1850 (Michel Ramonet, Abhishek Chatterjee, Philippe Ciais, Ingeborg Levin, Mahesh Kumar Sha, Martin Steinbacher, Colm Sweeney), revised
CO₂ in the Surface Ocean (Peter Landschützer)

May 2023


April 2023

Health Problems in the European Alps Under Climate Change (Lisbeth Weitensfelder, Hans-Peter Hutter, Kathrin Lemmerer, Michael Poteser, Peter Wallner, Hanns Moshammer)

March 2023

Health Problems in the European Alps Under Climate Change (Lisbeth Weitensfelder, Hans-Peter Hutter, Kathrin Lemmerer, Michael Poteser, Peter Wallner, Hanns Moshammer)

February 2023


January 2023


December 2022

Parametrization in Weather and Climate Models (Hannah Christensen, Laure Zanna)

November 2022


October 2022

Regional Sea Level (Thomas Wahl, Sönke Dangendorf)

August 2022

Carbon, Coast, and the Climate (Katja Fennel, Tyler Cyronak, Michael DeGrandpre, David T. Ho, Goulven G. Laruelle, Damien Maher, Julia Moriarty)
Climate, Coast, and Morphology (Wenyan Zhang, Peter Arlinghaus)

June 2022


May 2022


February 2022


January 2022

The Role of Local Governments in International Climate Policy (Vanesa Castán Broto, Linda Westman, Xira Ruiz Campillo)

November 2021


October 2021


August 2021

Climate and Coast: Overview and Introduction (Hans von Storch, Katja Fennel, Jürgen Jensen, Kristy A. Lewis, Beate Ratter, Torsten Schlurmann, Thomas Wahl, Wenyan Zhang)
History of the Hydrometeorological Service of Belarus (Irina Danilovich, Raisa Auchynikava, Victoria Slonosky)

June 2021


May 2021

Terrestrial Processes and Their Roles in Climate Change (Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, Andrew J. Pitman)

April 2021

Saharan Dust Records and its Impact in the European Alps (Marion Greilinger, Anne Kasper-Giebl)

March 2021


December 2020


August 2020

Future Climate Change in the European Alps (Andreas Gobiet, Sven Kotlarski)
July 2020
Climate Engineering (Konrad Ott, Frederike Neuber)
Climate Justice (Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Georg Kamp)

June 2020

Polar Lows (Annick Terpstra, Shun-ichi Watanabe)
Weather Generators (Shuiqing Yin, Deliang Chen)

May 2020

Regional Climate Modeling for the Baltic Sea Region (Erik Kjellström, Ole Bøssing Christensen)

April 2020

Monitoring and Assessing Arctic Climate Change (Lars-Otto Reiersen, Robert W. Corell)

February 2020

Coordination of Regional Downscaling (William Joseph Gutowski, Filippo Giorgi)
January 2020

December 2019

High Mountain Ecosystems Under Climate Change (Harald Pauli, Stephan R.P. Halloy)

October 2019

El Niño and Society (George Adamson)
The Future of Alpine Glaciers and Beyond (Wilfried Haeberli, Johannes Oerlemans, Michael Zemp)

July 2019

Behavioral Science and Climate Policy (Michael Howlett, Stuti Rawat)

June 2019


April 2019

Baltic Sea Level: Past, Present and Future (Ralf Weisse, Birgit Hünicke)
Climate and Conflict in Africa (Jürgen Scheffran, Peter Michael Link, Janpeter Schilling)
Communicating about Climate Change, Natural Gas Development, and "Fracking": U.S. and International Perspectives (Christopher E. Clarke, Dylan Budgen, Darrick T.N. Evensen, Richard C. Stedman, Hilary S. Boudet, Jeffrey B. Jacquet)
Energetics of the Climate System (Jin-Song von Storch)
Liability and Climate Change (Michael Faure, Marjan Peeters)

March 2019

Advent of Climate Science (Deborah R. Coen), summary

February 2019

Downscaling Wind (S.C. Pryor, A.N. Hahmann)

December 2018

Dynamical Downscaling (Filippo Giorgi), summary

November 2018

Climate Multilateralism (Eduardo Viola, Joana Castro Pereira), summary
Empirical-Statistical Downscaling: Nonlinear Statistical Downscaling (Aristita Busuioc, Alexandru Dumitrescu), summary

October 2018

Climate and Simulation (Gabriele Gramelsberger)
Climate of the Mediterranean Region (Ricardo García-Herrera, David Barriopedro)
Hail and Hailstorms (Julian Brimelow)
History of Typhoon Science (Aitor Anduaga), summary
Numerical Methods in Atmospheric Models (Fedor Mesinger, Miodrag Rančić, R. James Purser)

September 2018

July 2018

Spatial Statistics (Christopher K. Wikle)

June 2018

Communicating About Clean Energy and Efficiency Policies (Matthew A. Shapiro, Toby Bolsen, Anna McCaghren Fleming)

April 2018

Solar Geoengineering Governance (Masahiro Sugiyama, Atsushi Ishii, Shinichiro Asayama, Takanobu Kosugi)

March 2018

February 2018

Climate Dynamics of ENSO Modoki Phenomena (Swadhin Behera, Toshio Yamagata)
The Indian Ocean Dipole (Saji N. Hameed)

January 2018

Atmospheric Blocking in Observation and Models (Stefano Tibaldi, Franco Molteni)
Climate of Eastern Africa (Pierre Camberlin)

December 2017

The Climate Change Regime (Philipp Pattberg, Oscar Widerberg)

November 2017

October 2017

Adaptive Governance (Ronald D. Brunner, Amanda H. Lynch)
Agricultural Extension and Climate Change Communication (Linda S. Prokopy, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Gary Burniske, Rebecca Power)
Climate Change Communication in Canada (Candis Callison, D. B. Tindall)
Communicating about Climate Change with Farmers (Mark Morrison, Donald W. Hine, Steven D'Alessandro)
Desertification and Re-Greening of the Sahel (Rasmus Fensholt, Cheikh Mbow, Martin Brandt, Kjeld Rasmussen)
Governance Arrangements for Adaptation to Climate Change (Catrien Termeer, Arwin van Buuren, Art Dewulf, Dave Huitema, Heleen Mees, Sander Meijerink, Marleen van Rijswick)
Land-Climate Interaction over the Tibetan Plateau (Yongkang Xue, Yaoming Ma, Qian Li)

September 2017

Celebrities and Climate Change (Julie Doyle, Nathan Farrell, Michael K. Goodman)
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of Local Governments in Japan (Kenshi Baba, Masahiro Matsuura, Taiko Kudo, Shigeru Watanabe, Shun Kawakubo, Akiko Chujo, Hiroharu Tanaka, Mitsuru Tanaka)
Climate Change Communication in Argentina (M. Teresa Mercado-Sáez, César Galarza)
Climate Change Communication in Belgium (Yves Pepermans, Pieter Maeseele)
Climate Change Communication in Portugal (Ana Horta, Anabela Carvalho)
Climate Change Communication in Singapore (Shirley S. Ho, Agnes S. F. Chuah)
Climate Change Conspiracy Theories (Joseph E. Uscinski, Karen Douglas, Stephan Lewandowsky)
Communicating about Hydropower, Dams, and Climate Change (Emma Lundberg, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Bridie McGreavy, Sara Randall, Tyler Quiring, Alison Fisher, Francesca Soluri, Hannah Dallas, David Hart, Kevin Gardner)
Communicating about Solar Energy and Climate Change (Tarla Rai Peterson, Cristi C. Horton)
Communicating the Public Health Risks of Climate Change (Melinda R. Weathers, Edward Maibach, Matthew Nisbet)
Fear Appeals in Climate Change Communication (Joseph P. Reser, Graham L. Bradley)
Frame Analysis in Climate Change Communication (Mike S. Schäfer, Saffron O'Neill)
Geographies of Climate Change Belief (Debbie Hopkins, Ezra M. Markowitz)
Internet-Enabled Activism and Climate Change (Luis E. Hestres, Jill E. Hopke)
Wildfire Communication and Climate Risk Mitigation (Robyn S. Wilson, Sarah M. McCaffrey, Eric Toman)

August 2017

Climate Change Communication in New Zealand (Rhian Salmon, Rebecca Priestley, Michele Fontana, Taciano L. Milfont)

July 2017

Sun-Climate Connections (Judith L. Lean)

June 2017

Climate Change Communication in the Netherlands (Art Dewulf, Daan Boezeman, Martinus Vink)
Communicating about Fossil Fuel Divestment (Jill E. Hopke, Luis E. Hestres)

May 2017

Climate Change Communication in Colombia (Luisa Fernanda Lema Vélez, Daniel Hermelin, María Margarita Fontecha, Dunia H. Urrego)
Ecohydrological Concepts of Water-Vegetation Interaction in the Drylands of Africa (A. Johannes Dolman, Luis U. Vilasa-Abad, Thomas A. J. Janssen)
Ocean Mixing (Carl Wunsch)

April 2017

Climate and Health across Africa (Benjamin F. Zaitchik)
Climate Change Communication in Italy (Lorenzo Beltrame, Massimiano Bucchi, Enzo Loner)
Climate Change Communication in Peru (Bruno Takahashi, Alejandra Martinez)
Climate Change Communication in Spain (María Carmen Erviti, Bienvenido León)
Dynamics of the Indian Summer Monsoon Climate (B.N. Goswami, Soumi Chakravorty)
Effects of Rapid Climate Change on Violence and Conflict (Courtney Plante, Johnie J. Allen, Craig A. Anderson)
Ideology in Climate Change Communication (Pieter Maeseele, Yves Pepermans)
Race, Class, Gender and Climate Change Communication (Adam R. Pearson, Matthew T. Ballew, Sarah Naiman, Jonathon P. Schuldt)
The Two Degree Celsius Limit (Christopher Shaw)

March 2017

Audience Segmentation and Climate Change Communication (Donald W. Hine, Wendy J. Phillips, Aaron B. Driver, Mark Morrison)
Climate Change Communication in South Korea (Sei-Hill Kim, Myung-Hyun Kang, Jeong-Heon Chang)
Theory and Modeling of the African Humid Period and the Green Sahara (Martin Claussen, Anne Dallmeyer, Jürgen Bader)

February 2017

Climate Change Adaptation (Philipp Schmidt-Thomé)
Communicating Sea Level Rise (Karen Akerlof, Michelle Covi, Elizabeth Rohring)
Governance for Climate Engineering (Masahiro Sugiyama, Shinichiro Asayama, Takanobu Kosugi, Atsushi Ishii), summary
North Atlantic Oscillation (Edward Hanna, Thomas E. Cropper)

December 2016

Climate Change Communication in Mexico (Javier Urbina-Soria, Karina Landeros-Mugica), summary
Climate Change Communication in New Zealand (Rhian Salmon, Rebecca Priestley, Michele Fontana, Taciano L. Milfont), summary
Climate Change Communication in the Netherlands (Art Dewulf, Daan Boezeman, Martinus Vink), summary
Climate Change Communication in Turkey (Mehmet Ali Uzelgun, Ümit Şahin)
Climate of the Mediterranean and North Africa (Ricardo García Herrera, David Barriopedro), summary
Climate Policy and Governance across Africa (Opha Pauline Dube), summary
Communicating about Climate Change and Solar Energy (Tarla Rai Peterson, Cristi C. Horton), summary
Elite News Coverage of Climate Change (Maxwell Boykoff, Gesa Luedecke)
Improving Wildfire Risk Communication and Management (Robyn Wilson, Eric Toman, Sarah McCaffrey), summary

November 2016

Atmospheric Blocking in Observation and Models (Stefano Tibaldi, Franco Molteni), summary
History of Convective Storm Science (Charles A. Doswell III)
Social Capital and Climate Change Adaptation (Daniel P. Aldrich, Courtney Page, Christopher J. Paul)

October 2016

Adaptation Governance (Katrien Termeer, Dave Huitema, Heleen Mees, Sander Meijerink, Marleen van Rijswick, Art Dewulf), summary
Aerosols and Climate (Bjørn H. Samset)
Climate change communication in Colombia (Luisa F. Lema Vélez, Daniel Hermelin, Margarita Fontecha, Dunia H. Urrego), summary
Climate Change Communication in Norway (Marianne Ryghaug, Tomas Moe Skjølsvold)
Communicating the Public Health Risks of Climate Change (Melinda Weathers, Edward Maibach, Mattthew Nisbet), summary
Dynamics of the Indian Summer Monsoon Climate (B.N. Goswami, Soumi Chakravorty), summary

September 2016

Adaptive Governance (Ronald Brunner), summary
Audience Segmentation and Climate Change Communication (Donald W. Hine, Wendy J. Phillips, Aaron B. Driver, Mark Morrison), summary
Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Public Engagement (Mikko Rask, Richard Worthington), summary
Internet-Enabled Activism and Climate Change (Luis Hestres, Jill Hopke), summary
Sustainability Science and Climate Change Communication (Bridie McGreavy, David Hart), summary

August 2016

Climate Change Communication in Portugal (Anabela Carvalho, Ana Horta), summary
TV Meteorologists as Local Climate Change Educators (Edward Maibach, Bernadette Woods Placky, Joe Witte, Keith Seitter, Ned Gardiner, Teresa Myers, Sean Sublette, Heidi Cullen)

July 2016

June 2016

Agricultural Extension and Climate Change Communication (Linda S. Prokopy, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Gary Burniske, Rebecca Power), summary
Media Coverage, Public Opinion, and Communication about Hydropower, Tidal Power, and Climate Change (Emma Lundberg, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Bridie McGreavy, Sara Randall, Tyler Quiring, Alison Fisher, Francesca Soluri, Hannah Dallas), summary

April 2016

Climate Change Communication in Belgium (Yves Pepermans, Pieter Maeseele) (summary)
Climate Change Communication in Denmark (Mikkel Fugl Eskjaer) (summary)
Climate of Eastern Africa (Pierre Camberlin) (summary)
Climate of Southern Africa (Chris Reason) (summary)
Communicating Sea Level Rise (Karen Akerlof, Michelle Covi, Elizabeth Rohring) (summary)
Conspiracy Thinking and Climate Change Beliefs (Joseph Uscinski, Karen Douglas, Stephan Lewandowsky) (summary)
Country Location, Nationality, and Beliefs about Climate Change (Debbie Hopkins, Ezra Markowitz) (summary)
Ideology, Culture and Media Discourses about Climate Change (Pieter Maeseele, Yves Pepermans) (summary)

March 2016

Climate and Simulation (Gabriele Gramelsberger) (summary)
Climate Change Communication in Israel (Hillel Nossek) (summary)
Climate Change Communication in Spain (Bienvenido León, María Carmen Erviti) (summary)
North Atlantic Oscillation (Edward Hanna, Thomas E. Cropper) (summary)
Policy for Energy Innovation (John A. Alic) (summary)

January 2016

Social Capital and Climate Change Adaptation, Daniel P. Aldrich, Courtney Page, Christopher J. Paul (summary)

December 2015

Climate Change Communication in Norway, Marianne Ryghaug, Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (summary)
Climate Change Communication in Turkey, Mehmet Ali Uzelgun, Ümit Şahin (summary)

August 2015

Resilience, Emily Boyd (summary)
The Two Degree Celsius Target, Christopher Shaw (summary)

June 2015

Climate Change and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks, Pierre Friedlingstein (summary)

April 2015

Aerosols and Climate, Bjørn H. Samset (summary)
Changes in Storm Activity, Frauke Feser (summary)