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date: 08 February 2025

Postcolonial Media Theorylocked

Postcolonial Media Theorylocked

  • Juan Llamas-RodriguezJuan Llamas-RodriguezSchool of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication, University of Texas at Dallas
  • , and Viviane SaglierViviane SaglierDepartment of Anthropology and Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID), McGill University


The postcolonial intellectual tradition has proved crucial to articulating cultural, film, and media formations from the geographical and theoretical perspective of (formerly) colonized people and countries. The object of media studies has expanded significantly beyond the screen in the past decades, including a renewed attention to non-visual media and an emerging attention to the material conditions of possibility for media representations. In this new mediascape, postcolonial theories and concepts potentially repoliticize media theory by questioning Western assumptions about technological progress and innovation. Postcolonial theories of media force a rethink of the tenets of traditional media theories while, at the same time, media theories demonstrate the centrality of media, in all its forms, to understanding the postcolonial condition.


  • Communication and Social Change
  • Critical/Cultural Studies
  • International/Global Communication
  • Mass Communication
  • Media and Communication Policy

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