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date: 14 February 2025

Latinx Media Production: The (In)Visibility of Bilingual Spaces in the American Media Landscapelocked

Latinx Media Production: The (In)Visibility of Bilingual Spaces in the American Media Landscapelocked

  • Jessica RetisJessica RetisSchool of Journalism, University of Arizona


Latinx media have been part of the U.S. cultural industry for more than two centuries. In the realm of ever-changing scenarios, these outlets have encountered spaces to communicate with bicultural and bilingual audiences at transnational and diasporic levels. By reviewing the origins, development, and early 21st-century trends and future scenarios, this essay examines how even though Latinx media have played a relevant role in the American media landscape, they have remained (in)visible. Historiographical perspective is implemented to compare the growth of Latinx communities along with the launch of print and broadcast media as well as the advent of new technologies and social media.


  • Media and Communication Policy
  • Race, Ethnicity, and Communication

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