Queer Intercultural Communication
Queer Intercultural Communication
- Gust A. Yep, Gust A. YepDepartment of Communication Studies, San Francisco State University
- Ryan M. LescureRyan M. LescureDepartment of Communication Studies, San Francisco State University
- , and Sage E. RussoSage E. RussoDepartment of Communication Studies, San Francisco State University
Queer intercultural communication is an emerging and vibrant area of the communication discipline. The examination of this developing area of inquiry, the preliminary mapping of the field of queer intercultural communication, and its potential guidelines for future research deserve our attention. To do so, there are three sections for examination. First is an integrative view of queer intercultural communication by identifying fundamental components of its major contexts—macro, meso, and micro—and a model for understanding this research. Second is the exploration and examination of these major contexts in terms of theoretical, methodological, and political issues and concerns. Last are potential guidelines for research in queer intercultural communication.
- Critical/Cultural Studies
- Gender (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies)
- Communication and Culture
Updated in this version
The authors udated the reference list to include current research.