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date: 16 January 2025

Race, Gender, Class, and Sexualitylocked

Race, Gender, Class, and Sexualitylocked

  • Patricia S. Parker, Patricia S. ParkerDepartment of Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Jing Jiang, Jing JiangDepartment of Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Courtney L. McCluneyCourtney L. McCluneyDepartment of Psychology, University of Michigan
  • , and Verónica Caridad RabeloVerónica Caridad RabeloDepartment of Psychology, University of Michigan


Difference in human experience can be parsed in a variety of ways and it is this parsing that provides the entry point to our discussion of “race,” “gender,” “class,” and “sexuality” as foci of study in the field of organizational communication. Social sorting of difference has material consequences, such as whether individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and nations have equal and equitable access to civil/participative liberties, food, clean water, health, housing, education, and meaningful work. Communication perspectives enable researchers to examine how difference is produced, sustained, and transformed through symbolic means. That is, communication organizes difference. In the field of organizational communication the communicative organizing of race, gender, class, and sexuality is examined in everyday social arrangements, such as corporate and not-for-profit organizations, communities, and other institutional contexts locally and globally. Topics of central concern in organizational communication difference studies are those related to work and the political economy of work, such as labor, conflicts between public and private domains, empowerment, and agency.

Research on race, gender, class, and sexuality as communicatively structured difference has progressed in the field of organizational communication from early top-down functionalist approaches, to bottom-up and emergent interpretive/critical/materialist methods, to poststructuralist approaches that deconstruct the very notion of “categories” of difference. More complex intersectional approaches, including queer theory and postcolonial/decolonial theory, are currently gaining traction in the field of organizational communication. These advances signal that difference studies have matured over the last decades as the field moved toward questioning and deconstructing past approaches to knowledge production while finding commensurability across diverse theoretical and research perspectives. These moves open up more possibilities to respond to societal imperatives for understanding difference.


  • Critical/Cultural Studies
  • Communication and Culture
  • Organizational Communication
  • Political Communication

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