Editorial Board



is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he co-directs the Center for Journalism, Media and Democracy. He is author of NGOs as Newsmakers (Columbia, 2018), co-editor of Media Research for Changing Societies (Cambridge, 2020), and co-author of The Journalist's Predicament (Columbia, forthcoming in 2023), as well as journal articles in Journal of Communication, International Journal of Press/Politics, and European Journal of Communication, among others.

Editorial Board


is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology and the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. She is the author of Writers’ Rights: Freelance Journalism in a Digital Age (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016), which received the 2017 Gertrude J. Robinson Book Prize from the Canadian Communication Association, and with Greig de Peuter, New Media Unions: Organizing Digital Journalists (Routledge, 2020). Her research in political economy of communication, work and labour in media and cultural industries, labour organizing, and journalism has been published and translated internationally, including in South Atlantic QuarterlyThe Communication ReviewThe European Journal of Cultural StudiesDigital Journalism, Journalism Practice, and Feminist Media Studies.


is an interdisciplinary scholar and Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies at the University of Iowa. Their primary area of research includes how race, gender, sexuality, and disability in North America shape environmental and energetic relationships. Cram’s expertise includes queer, trans, and disability ecologies, queer & trans public culture, environmental cultural studies, and publicly engaged scholarship. Cram’s first book, Violent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, Energy and the Making of the North American West (University of California Press, 2022), is the awardee of the Rhetoric Society of America’s 2023 Book Award and the National Communication Association’s 2023 GLBTQ Communication Studies Division Book Award. Currently, their work centers queer and disability environmental futures, which was recognized with the 2023 Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award by the National Communication Association. Cram has published widely on topics ranging from rhetorics of violence, queer/trans geographies, affect, queer archival imaginaries, and witnessing and visual culture. Dr. Cram is the 2022 recipient of the National Communication Association’s Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division’s Early Career Award in addition to the 2014 recipient of the Stephen Lucas Debut Publication Award from the National Communication Association.


is an associate professor at Ghent University (Belgium), where he teaches courses that deal with media, (popular) culture, and diversity. His research is situated within the field of critical media studies and cultural studies, and focuses on queer theory, LGBTQ representation, sex and sexuality, and masculinities in relation to popular culture, with a particular interest for television studies, popular music studies, and fan studies. He also co-organizes the LGBTQ forum, a Flemish network of researchers, civil society actors, and policymakers working on sexual and gender diversity.


is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at George Mason University, where he is also affiliated with the programs in Cultural Studies and Middle East and Islamic Studies. He earned his Ph.D. in Media, Culture, and Communication from New York University, and previously was a faculty member at the Media Studies Program at the American University of Beirut. His first book, Visions of BeirutThe Urban Life of Media Infrastructure, was published by Duke University Press.


portrait of Diane Keeling

is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of San Diego. Her scholarly interests include rhetoric’s intellectual history, interdisciplinary feminism, and rhetoric of science. Her research emphasizes the way interdisciplinary relationships between the humanities and sciences can invigorate philosophical orientations to rhetorical theory. Across her work, she argues for situational understandings of communication and relationally crafted rhetorical action. Her research is published in Quarterly Journal of Speech, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, POROI: Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Review of Communication, Communication and the Public, eLife, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication and the edited volumes Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life and Border Rhetorics


portrait of Eric Mark Kramer

is Presidential Professor of Communication and Affiliate Faculty in the College of International and Area Studies (SIAS) and a founding member of the Department of Film and Media Studies at the University of Oklahoma. He has authored and edited 11 books in English, Chinese, and Japanese including Environmental Communication and the Extinction Vortex (2014). He is book series editor of Communication, Comparative Cultures, and Civilizations (Hampton Press), is Associate Editor of Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (Routledge), a founding editor of Journal of Intercultural Communication (SIETAR Japan), a founding editorial board member of Social Inquiry into Well-Being (a European Union Journal), a founding Director of the EU Institute for Studies in Comparative Civilizations, and a co-founder of the Institute for the Study of Globalization, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala. He has been a Fulbright Scholar to Saint Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, attended the Universidad Veracruzana, and the Collegium Phaenomenologicum, and received a teaching fellowship to Feng Chia University Taiwan.


portrait of Timothy R. Kuhn

is professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. His research addresses the constitution of authority and agency in organizational action, with particular attention to how knowledge, identities, and conceptions of value emerge in sociomaterial and power-laden communication practices. Outside the University, he is an Associate Editor at the interdisciplinary journal Human Relations, chair of the organizational communication division of the International Communication Association (as of May 2020), and a co-coordinator of the “Organization as Communication” Standing Working Group at the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS). His research has been published in Academy of Management Review, The Academy of Management Annals, Organization, Organization Studies, Management Communication Quarterly, Communication Monographs, and Communication Theory, among other outlets.


is Professor and Director of the Center for Human Sexuality Studies at Widener University. She is a social scientist who studies communication in personal relationships, with an emphasis on the relationships of LGBTQ+ people. She has been studying communication in personal relationships for over 20 years, and her work has appeared in communication and interdisciplinary journals including Human Communication Research, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and Personal Relationships. Her research has been recognized with various awards, including the Randy Majors Memorial Award for Distinguished GLBTQ Communication Scholarship. She has extensive academic editorial experience, including editing Communication Quarterly and LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal. She is in the International Association for Relationship Research, the National Communication Association, and the Eastern Communication Association.


is a Lecturer in Politics and Media at the University of Leeds. His recent scholarship on political communication, journalism, citizenship and deliberative democracy and meta-science has been published in Journal of Communication, Political Communication, the International Journal of Press/Politics, Communication Methods and Measures, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, among others. Rinke received the 2017 Outstanding Dissertation in Political Communication Award from the Political Communication Division and the 2015 Gene Burd Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA) as well as the 2016 Burns “Bud” Roper Fellow Award from the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and 2015 Distinguished Junior Scholars Award from the Political Psychology Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA). He also is an Associate Editor for Political Communication, the official journal of the Political Communication Divisions of the ICA and APSA.


is Professor of Communication Studies, Core Faculty of Sexuality Studies, and Faculty in the Ed. D. Program in Educational Leadership at San Francisco State University. His research examines communication at the intersections of culture, race, class, gender, sexuality, and the body with a focus on queer and trans people of color. In addition to authoring more than one hundred articles and book chapters in (inter)disciplinary journals and anthologies, he co-edited four special issues of the Journal of Homosexuality: Queer theory and Communication (2003), Tensions between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Studies and Queer Theory (2006), Sexualities and Gender in an Age of Neoliberalism (2012), and Queer Relationalities in Communication and Beyond (2023). He has been widely recognized for his teaching, mentoring, scholarship, and community work, nationally and internationally. In 2021, he was recipient of the International and Intercultural Communication Division (IICD) “Distinguished Scholar Award” and the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (GLBTQ) Communication Studies Division “Monograph of the Year” Award (coauthored with Fatima Alaoui and Ryan Lescure), sponsored by the National Communication Association (NCA). In 2023, his co-authored book Privacy and Disclosure of HIV in Interpersonal Relationships (Routledge) received the “Outstanding Book Award” from the NCA Health Communication Division and the inaugural “Braithwaite Outstanding Book Award” from the NCA Family Communication Division. He currently serves as associate editor for Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, and QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking.

Advisory Board


portrait of Barry Brummett

is the Chair of the department and Charles Sapp Centennial Professor in Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include the theories of Kenneth Burke, epistemology, rhetoric, and the rhetoric of popular culture. Brummett has published the textbooks Techniques of Close Reading and Rhetoric in Popular Culture (4th edition). He is the author of A Rhetoric of Style, Rhetorical Dimensions of Popular Culture, Contemporary Apocalyptic Rhetoric, and Rhetorical Homologies among others. Some of the books he has edited include The Politics of Style and the Style of Politics, Sports and Identity, and Clockwork Rhetoric: The Language and Style of Steampunk.


portrait of Patrice Buzzanell

is a Distinguished Professor of Communication in the Brian Lamb School of Communication and in the School of Engineering Education by courtesy at Purdue University. She serves as the Butler Chair and Director of the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence. Editor or co-editor of four books: Stretching Boundaries (in press), Distinctive Qualities in Communication (2010), Gender in Applied Communication Contexts (2004), and Rethinking Organizational and Managerial Communication from Feminist Perspectives (2000), she has authored more than 165 articles and chapters. She has served on 24 editorial boards and has edited Management Communication Quarterly. Fellow of the International Communication Association (ICA), she has served as ICA President as well as President of the Council of Communication Associations (CCA) and the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender (OSCLG).


portrait of Sharon Dunwoody

is Evjue-Bascom Professor Emerita in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has both written and co-edited a number of books, including Scientists and Journalists and Communicating Uncertainty as well as many book chapters and articles. Dunwoody has served as a Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer in Brazil, as a visiting journalism fellow at Deakin University in Australia, as Bonnier Guest Professor at Stockholm University and as Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She is a Fellow of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research and of the Society for Risk Analysis, and is past president of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research and of AEJMC.


portrait of Cindy Gallois

is Emeritus Professor in psychology and communication at the University of Queensland. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, the International Communication Association, the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the International Academy of Intercultural Relations, and past president of the International Association of Language and the Social Psychology, and Society of Australasian Social Psychologists. Her research encompasses intergroup communication in health, intercultural, and organizational contexts, including the impact of communication on quality of patient care. She is particularly interested in the role of communication accommodation through language and nonverbal behavior in interactions between health providers and patients, as well as among different groups of health providers.


portrait of Jake Harwood

is a Professor of Communication at the University of Arizona. His research interests focus on intergroup communication, particularly in the intergenerational area. His recent publications have appeared in Human Communication Research, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, and Communication Research. He is author of Understanding Communication and Aging and co-editor of The Dynamics of Intergroup Communication. In addition, he is book review editor for the Journal of Language and Social Psychology.


portrait of Linda L. Putnam

is a Professor and Immediate Past Chair in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her current research interests include negotiation and organizational conflict, discourse analysis in organizations, and gender and organizational communication. She is the co- editor of ten books, including The Sage Handbook of Organizational Communication, and the author or co-author of over 150 journal articles and book chapters. She is a Past President of the International Communication Association and the International Association for Conflict Management. In addition, she is a recipient of the Charles H. Woolbert Research Award for innovative research in communication and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association for Conflict Management.


portrait of Katharine Sarikakis

is Professor of Media Governance, Media Organization, and Media Industries at the University of Vienna. Her work draws upon political philosophy and social theory to investigate the ways in which empowerment and disempowerment of citizens become inherent elements in public policy addressing communication (either as technology or process) and expression (whether political, cultural, or other). She has authored, co-authored, or co-edited seven books and over 60 articles and chapters on media governance and regulation. She is the founding co-editor of the International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, served as Chair of the Communication Law and Policy Section of the ECREA for six years, and is currently Vice Chair of the Communication Law and Policy Division of the International Communication Association. She is also a re- elected member of the Executive Board of ECREA and a member of the international council of IAMCR.


portrait of S. Shyam Sundar

is a distinguished professor in the College of Communications at Penn State University. He is the founder of the Media Effects Research Laboratory, and was among the first to publish refereed research on the psychological effects of internet-based media. His research is supported by the National Science Foundation and has appeared in leading journals, such as the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Human Communication Research, Media Psychology and Human Computer Interaction. He has served on the editorial boards of 18 journals and is currently editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. He was elected chair of the Communication & Technology Division and vice president of the International Communication Association, 2008-2010.


portrait of Patti M. Valkenburg

is University Distinguished Professor of Media, Youth, and Society at the University of Amsterdam, and the Founder of CcaM, the Center for Research on children, adolescents, and Media. Her research interests include the cognitive, emotional, and social effects of media and technologies on children and adolescents. She is particularly interested in how children and adolescents differ in their susceptibility to media effects.

Founding Editor-in-Chief, 2014-2022


portrait of Jon Nussbaum

is a Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences and Human Development & Family Studies at Penn State University. He is the past President of the International Communication Association and the International Society of Language and Social Psychology, former editor of the Journal of Communication, a Fulbright Research Fellow in the UK (1991-92), the B. Aubrey Fisher mentor award winner (2010), a Fellow of the International Communication Association and a Fellow within the Adult Development and Aging Division of the American Psychological Association. Nussbaum has a well-established publication record (13 books and over 80 journal articles and book chapters) studying communication behaviors and patterns across the life-span including research on family, friendship, and professional relationships with well and frail older adults. Three of his most recent publications are: Brain health and optimal engagement for older adults; Communication and intimacy for older adults; and the Routledge Handbook of Health Communication. He is in the process of editing The Handbook of Lifespan Communication and co-editing Communication at the End of Life. His current research centers on quality health care for older adults, healthcare organizations, and intimacy across the life span. He has served as major professor and has directed 34 dissertations.

Former Editors

Dana Cloud

Syracuse University

Howard Giles

University of California, Santa Barbara

John Greene

Purdue University

Thomas Hanitzsch

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany

Radha Hegde

New York University

Kate Kenski

University of Arizona

Dana Mastro

University of California, Santa Barbara

Dennis K. Mumby

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

John Oetzel

University of Waikato

Roxanne Parrott

Pennsylvania State University

Sean Rintel

Researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge

Jeff Robinson

Portland State University

Jan Servaes

City University of Hong Kong

Seamus Simpson

University of Salford

Bradford Vivian

Pennsylvania State University