The Oxford Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication provides in-depth coverage of the relationship between communication and the societal decisions, popular culture/media representations, public opinion, and interpersonal participation of/within LGBTQI communities. It features articles from leading experts worldwide and affords a resource for understanding how gender/sexuality integrates & transcends the many traditional boundaries in the field of Communication. Queer Studies provide a critical supplement to the studies of communication by challenging the intersections & assemblages of racism, sexism, heteronormativity, etc. The encyclopedia is available as a thematic print collection. All of the articles also appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. On the site, the articles will be listed under the taxonomical category “Gender (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies)” or you can search for the keywords “queer studies and communication”.


 Isaac N. West, Vanderbilt University

Editorial Board

 E Cram, University of Iowa

 Frederik Dhaenens, Ghent University

 Pamela J. Lannutti, Widener University

 Gust A. Yep, San Francisco State University



Arts-based Queer Communication Studies (Sandra L. Faulkner, Madison A. Pollino)
Black Gay Men in Television Comedy (Cameron Lynn Brown, Alfred L. Martin Jr.)
Brazilian Queer Cinema (João Nemi Neto)
Chinese Pink Markets (Terrie Siang-Ting Wong)
Crip Theory (Jeffrey Bennett)
Disidentification (Megan Elizabeth Morrissey)
Divorce and Relational Termination (Madeleine Redlick Holland, Pamela J. Lannutti)
Gay Pornography (Joseph Brennan)
Gender in Rhetorical Theory (Faber McAlister)
HIV/AIDS: The Queer Communication of HIV in the LGBTQ Community (Andrew R. Spieldenner, Bolivar X. Nieto)
Homonationalism and Media (Alexander Dhoest)
Homonormativity (Dawn Marie D. McIntosh)
Kuaer Theory (Ryan M. Lescure)
LGBTQ+ Workers (Elizabeth K. Eger, Morgan L. Litrenta, Sierra R. Kane, Lace D. Senegal)
LGBTQ+ Marriage: Relational Communication Perspectives (Pamela J. Lannutti, Hilary Wermers)
Parenting of Queer Offspring (Pamela J. Lannutti, Maria Butauski)
Queer African Studies (Godfried Asante)
Queer Comics (KC Councilor)
Queer Communication Pedagogy (Lore/tta LeMaster)
Queer/ing Archives (Morgan DiCesare, Charles E. Morris III)
Queer(ing) Reproductive Justice (Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz, Shui-yin Sharon Yam)
Queering the Study of U.S. Military Family Communication (Erin Sahlstein Parcell, Danielle C. Romo)
Queer Intercultural Communication (Gust A. Yep, Ryan M. Lescure, Sage E. Russo)
Queer Intercultural Communication: Sexuality and Intercultural Communication (Taisha McMickens, Miranda Dottie Olzman, Bernadette Marie Calafell)
Queer Melodrama (Cora Butcher-Spellman)
Queer Memory (Thomas R. Dunn)
Queer Memory and Film (Anamarija Horvat)
Queer People's Communication with Families of Origin (Cimmiaron Alvarez, Kristina M. Scharp)
Queer Safe Spaces and Communication (Lital Pascar, Yossi David, Gilly Hartal, Brandon William Epstein)
Queer Sexualities in Latin America (Héctor Domínguez Ruvalcaba)
Queer Studies and Organizational Communication (Jamie McDonald, Sean C. Kenney)
Queer Temporalities (Dustin Goltz)
Queer Worldmaking (Hailey N. Otis, Thomas R. Dunn)
Sexual Communication Between Queer Partners (Brandon T. Parrillo, Randal D. Brown)
Sexual Satisfaction in LGB Relationships (Madeleine Redlick Holland)
Spanish Queer Cinema (Santiago Fouz Hernández)
Stress and Coping in Sexual and Gender Minority Relationships (Steven Samrock, Kai Kline, Ashley K. Randall)
Transfeminism(s) (Daniel Coleman)
Transnational and Queer Diasporic Sexualities (Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui)