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date: 14 November 2024

Images of Alternative Justice: The Alternative of Restorative Justicelocked

Images of Alternative Justice: The Alternative of Restorative Justicelocked

  • Brunilda PaliBrunilda PaliDepartment of Political Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam


Restorative justice is the most sustained justice discourse to propose significant differences to the criminal justice system. Nevertheless, restorative justice has not proposed differences necessarily on the “battleground of images,” but mainly on the subterrain of “imagination.” It does not, therefore, offer an image of alternative justice but rather an alternative of justice that belongs to the realm of imagination, pointing simultaneously at the limits of representation and the necessity of developing new forms of imagination that go beyond images to incorporate alternatives at the levels of metaphors, language, architecture, and practices.


  • Crime, Media, and Popular Culture

Updated in this version

This article has undergone a significant revision to include new scholarship since the initial publication. Both the text and reference have been restructured, and new media has been added.

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