The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media and Popular Culture

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media and Popular Culture is a collection of over 120 entries written by an assembly of nearly two hundred leading international scholars. It asks how do people imagine crime and punishment? How do they go about thinking of deviance and reactions to it? To answer this, contributors look at media influences on the ways people think about crime and punishment--influences that include photography, movies, newspapers, detective novels, television, graphic arts, broadsides, myth, paintings, murals, the internet, and social media. It offers a foundational space for understanding the cultural life and imaginative force and power of crime and punishment. All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology.

Editors in Chief

 Nicole Rafter, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University

 Michelle Brown, Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee

Editorial Board

 Stefan Machura, School of Social Sciences, Bangor University

 Judah Schept, Department of Justice Studies, Eastern Kentucky University

 Katherine Biber, Department of Law, University of Technology Sydney

 Gray Cavender, Department of Justice and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University

 Eamonn Carrabine, Department of Sociology, University of Essex



Aspects of the criminal justice system

Aspects of criminology





Car Crimes and the Cultural Imagination (Thalia Anthony, Kieran Tranter)
Copycat Crime (Ray Surette)
Crime and Celebrity (Lindsay Steenberg)
Crime and Masculinity in Popular Culture (Stephen Tomsen, Dick Hobbs)
Crime Fiction (Frankie Y. Bailey)
Crime Films (Ferdinando Spina)
Crime News in Newspapers (Jaclyn Schildkraut)
Crime News on TV (Jeremy Lipschultz)
Crimesploitation (Paul Kaplan, Daniel LaChance)
Criminal Underworlds (Heather Shore)
Cultural Criminology (Jeff Ferrell, Keith Hayward, Michelle Brown)
Cultural Representations of Nineteenth-Century Prostitution (Per Jorgen Ystehede, May-Len Skilbrei)
Dark Tourism (John Lennon)
Drugs and Popular Culture (Dimitri A. Bogazianos)
Feminist Criminology and the Visual (Kathryn Henne, Rita Shah)
Feminist Themes in Television Crime Dramas (Nancy C. Jurik, Gray Cavender)
Filicide in Australian Media and Culture (Janine Little, Danielle Tyson, Denise Buiten)
Film Noir (William Luhr)
Framing Terrorism (Alexandra Campbell)
Gothic Criminology (Cecil Greek)
Graffiti (Andrzej Zieleniec)
Green Criminology, Culture, and Cinema (Bill McClanahan, Avi Brisman, Nigel South)
Ideology in the Crime Genre (Timothy O. Lenz)
The Legal System in German Popular Culture (Stefan Machura, Michael Böhnke)
Media Representations of Domestic Violence (Meda Chesney-Lind, Nicholas J. Chagnon)
Miscarriages of Justice (Randall Grometstein)
Moral Panics (Chas Critcher)
News Media and African Genocide (Joachim J. Savelsberg, j. Siguru Wahutu)
Nordic Noir (Annette Hill, Susan Turnbull)
Online Crime (Majid Yar)
Organized Crime Mythologies (Patricia (Paddy) Rawlinson)
Police, Media, and Popular Culture (Alyce McGovern, Nickie D. Phillips)
Popular Criminology (Steven Kohm)
Psychopathy and the Media (David W. Jones)
Resistance in Popular Culture (Marc Schuilenburg)
School Shootings in the Media (Glenn Muschert, Jaclyn Schildkraut)
Sex Crimes and the Media (Tanya Serisier)
Sexting (Emma Bond)
Solitary Confinement in American Popular Culture (Carlos Monteiro, Natasha Frost)
Street Cultures (Johnny Ilan)
The "CSI Effect" (Kimberlianne Podlas)
Transgressive Imaginations (Lizzie Seal, Maggie O'Neill)
Video Gaming, Crime, and Popular Culture (Timothy Rowlands, Sheruni Ratnabalasuriar, Kyle Noel)
Visual Criminology (Michelle Brown)
Witnessing and Victimhood (Sandra Walklate)
Wound Culture (Mark Seltzer)