Editorial Board
The Editor in Chief
is Distinguished Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Before joining the faculty in January 2015, he was a professor at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), where he remains a Research Professor and Professor Emeritus of criminology, law & society in the School of Social Ecology and of sociology in the School of Social Sciences. At UCI he served as Chair of the Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Director of Graduate Studies in Social Ecology, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for the campus, and Faculty Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Research. He has also held visiting appointments at the Australian National University, the University of Virginia, the University of Melbourne, the University of Macau, Macau University of Science and Technology, the University of Hong Kong, and Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan.
At UCI he conceived and led the development of the Master of Advanced Study (MAS) Program in Criminology, Law & Society, which in 2003 became the first online degree program at the University of California. The MAS was rated #1 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report in its first ranking of online criminal justice graduate programs in January 2015. Among other awards and honors, Dr. Pontell has received the Albert Reiss Award from the American Sociological Association, the Cressey Award from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the Paul Tappan Award from the Western Society of Criminology, the Herbert Bloch Award from the American Society of Criminology, and the Gil Geis Lifetime Achievement Award from the National White Collar Crime Center. He is a Fellow in the Centre for Criminology at the University of Hong Kong, and is a recipient of the Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair at Texas Christian University, and the Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Distinguished University Service Award at UC, Irvine.
He has published over one hundred scholarly articles and book chapters in the fields of sociology, law and society, criminology, and criminal justice. His books include International Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime (Springer), Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research (McGraw Hill), Profit Without Honor: White-Collar Crime and the Looting of America (Pearson, Prentice-Hall), Big Money Crime: Fraud and Politics in the Savings and Loan Crisis (University of California Press), A Capacity to Punish: The Ecology of Crime and Punishment (Indiana University Press), Contemporary Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice: Essays in Honor of Gilbert Geis (Pearson, Prentice Hall), and Prescription for Profit: How Doctors Defraud Medicaid (University of California Press.
Dr. Pontell has served as Vice-President of the American Society of Criminology and President of the Western Society of Criminology, and is an elected Fellow of both organizations. He is currently President of the White Collar Crime Research Consortium of the National White Collar Crime Center.
Editors in Chief of Special Projects
is Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Sociology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Prof. Brown’s research interests include carceral studies; law & society; feminist perspectives; media, theory, and culture; and transformative justice. Her current work focuses on the carceral state and abolition movements surrounding prisons, police, bail, and capital punishment. She is particularly interested in the use of rights claims and visual tactics in community and national organizing. Brown is the author of The Culture of Punishment (NYUP, 2009) and co-author of Criminology Goes to the Movies (with Nicole Rafter; NYUP, 2011); the co-editor of Media Representations of September 11 (Praeger, 2003), The Routledge International Handbook of Visual Criminology (2017; w/Eamonn Carrabine), the Palgrave MacMillan Crime, Media and Culture Book Series, and the SAGE journal Crime Media Culture; and the co-EIC of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture (2018). She received the best article prize from Theoretical Criminology in 2014 for her piece titled “Visual Criminology and Carceral Studies” and was named Critical Criminologist of the Year in 2016 by the Division of Critical Criminology and Social Justice of the American Society of Criminology.
Prof. Brown is the co-Editor-in-Chief of the ORE Special Project, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture.
is Professor of Criminology, Law, and Justice at the University of Illinois Chicago. Prof. Erez has a law degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a MA in Criminology, and PhD in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. She received over two million dollars in state and federal grants in the U.S. and overseas to study victims in the criminal justice system, the use of technology in criminal justice, and terrorism related topics. Prof. Erez was a visiting professor or research fellow in universities and research centers in Australia, Germany, Poland, India, and Israel. Her publication record includes over 100 articles, book chapters and research reports. She is past editor of Justice Quarterly and is currently Co-Editor of the International Review of Victimology and Associate Editor of Victims and Violence. She also serves on editorial boards of several other scholarly journals in criminology and legal studies. Her current research interests include victim participation in justice, violence against women, the use of technology in domestic violence cases, and gender and terrorism
Prof. Erez is the co-Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology.
is Associate Professor of Criminology, Law, and Justice at the University of Illinois Chicago. Prof. Ibarra received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. His graduate areas of concentration were in the sociology of deviance and social problems, popular culture, and social theory. As a Postdoctoral Fellow in UCLA’s Department of Sociology, he developed expertise in the practice of qualitative methods, with particular emphasis on ethnographic fieldwork, conducting research with immigrant communities. While at UCLA he also developed pedagogical strategies for teaching the use of immersive fieldwork methods to undergraduates. At UIC, he teaches courses on qualitative research methods; criminological theory; race, class, gender, and the law; and (beginning Spring 2020) Surveillance and Society. In addition to remaining active in the area of social constructionist theory, Dr. Ibarra’s research focuses on social processes that undergird meaning construction as they relate to the social organization of surveillance; how victims and offenders make sense of their experience; victim-centric initiatives; the social construction of danger and vulnerability; urban ethnography; and relations marginalized communities have to systems of social control. He has been the recipient of state and federal research grants, and his publications have been translated into Russian, Japanese, Italian, and Hebrew.
Prof. Ibarra is the co-Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology.
was Professor Emeritus of Criminology at Northeastern University. In addition to her book The Crime of All Crimes: Toward a Criminology of Genocide: A Changing Crime in a Changing World, she authored five monographs: Partial Justice: Women, Prisons, and Social Control; Creating Born Criminals; Shots in the Mirror: Crime Films and Society; The Criminal Brain; and (with Michelle Brown) Criminology Goes to the Movies. She also translated (with Mary Gibson) the major criminological works of Cesare Lombroso and published over fifty journal articles and chapters. In 2009, she received the American Society of Criminology’s Edwin H. Sutherland Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to theory or research in the discipline; other honors include a Fulbright Fellowship and several fellowships to Oxford University. Dr. Rafter died on February 28, 2016.
Prof. Rafter was the co-Editor-in-Chief of the ORE Special Project, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture.
The Editorial Board
is an Assistant Professor of Justice Studies interested in how the law broadly, and criminal legal system specifically, perpetuates social stratification and disadvantage. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative at the University of California, San Francisco and received her Ph.D. in Criminology, Law & Society from the University of California. Dr. Augustine's work, which has been published in journals including Criminology and the American Journal of Public Health, uses a combination of criminology, sociology of law, and public health to explore punishment and the law, focusing on topical areas including on prisons, reentry, employment, and homelessness.
is Professor in the Department of Justice, Law & Criminology at American University. His research interests include comparative criminology, comparative criminal justice, and police organization and procedures. He has published extensively in the area of cross-national crime, policing and comparative police systems. His articles have appeared in journals such as Social Forces, Criminology, Justice Quarterly, Police Quarterly and Sociological Quarterly. As a Fulbright Senior Scholar, he has studied crime and justice issues in developing nations. He serves on the editorial board of various criminal justice journals and is the past president of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.
is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He earned his Ph.D. in criminology, law and society from the University of California, Irvine. Christopher’s research focuses on the relationship between drugs and crime and the role that neighborhoods play in that relationship. He undertakes this research agenda using spatial techniques that model geographic patterns of crime and population health. His work has been published in Environment and Behavior and Justice Quarterly and has won awards from the American Society of Criminology and the Society for the Study of Social Problems.
is an assistant professor in the Criminology and Criminal Justice department (with specializations in cyber-crime and white-collar crime) at the University of Alabama. Adam holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Irvine. He is interested in regulatory, compliance, governmental, and societal factors on cyber and white-collar offenses. His current work examines international legal issues that allow for the ongoing global cyber offenses between the United States of America and the People’s Republic in China, as well as the domestic regulatory and compliance issues in the U.S. that allow private companies to remain vulnerable, and the effects of both on global trade and security. His most recent publications include an article on the cyber-crime phishing in Victims & Offenders, as well as an article on the media and bias crimes in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.
is Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario, Editor of Police Practice & Research, Chair of the Working Group on Mental Health and Policing of the Royal Society of Canada, a member of the RSC's Covid-19 Taskforce, Vice Chair of the American Society of Criminologists’ Division of Policing and the former Executive Director of the Canadian Society of Evidence Based Policing. She is also a member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada and a Senior Research Fellow with the National Police Foundation.
is the Acting Dean at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor and she practices law part-time at her home community of Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. Her research focuses on Indigenous Legal Orders, Indigenous Wholistic Health, Indigenous Research Methodologies, and Decolonization of Eurocentric Law. Beverly has obtained a Bachelor of Law Degree from the University of Windsor in 1994, a Master of Law Degree from the University of Saskatchewan in 2000 and a PhD from the University of Calgary in 2018. Beverly is also a consultant/researcher/writer/public speaker. Her work centers around ending gendered colonial violence against Indigenous people and restoring Indigenous laws, beliefs, values, and traditions. A prolific scholar, her published work has earned her numerous awards; her research combined with her advocacy has translated into national and international recognition.
Dr. Jacobs is a former President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (elected 2004 to 2009). She is nationally known for her work and commitment to Indigenous politics in Canada, is universally respected in this regard, and is understood to be a tireless and formidable advocate. She is a leading voice and an expert with respect to a multitude of issues facing Indigenous people in her community, in Ontario, across Canada and on an international scale.
is Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Albany. He examines crime and deviance, and his research has focused primarily on the relationship between social organization and crime, with a particular emphasis on criminal homicide. He has also studied the spatial patterning of violent crime, crime in China, and the situational dynamics of violence. Messner received his bachelor's degree from Columbia University and his master's degree and doctorate in sociology from Princeton University. He has taught at Columbia University and Nankai University (China).
is Professor of Sociology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is on the Graduate Center’s doctoral faculty, City University of New York. She has extensive research experience and has published three books, thirty papers in books and peer-reviewed journals, and numerous research monographs and reports. Her focus of scholarship is on critical criminology, gender and crime, the history of crime and punishment and the sociology of violence. Jayne’s most recent book The Theoretical Foundations of Criminology: Place Time and Context (2019), presents the core theories of criminology as historical and cultural products and theorists as producers of culture, writing in particular historical moments. Jayne is currently working on three research projects: the first is a social history of Rikers Island, the second is with undocumented women on domestic violence and fears of deportation, and the third is on historical texts in relation to critical criminology. She is Deputy Director of the Social Change and Transgressive Studies Project. The Rikers project has resulted in a series of articles, including ‘Rikers: The Use of Social History to Inform Current Debate on Incarceration in New York City’, 2020, and ‘Riker’s Island Jail Complex: The Failure of a Model Penitentiary’, 2020, and the forthcoming book, Rikers Island: A Social History of the Other New York City for Temple University Press, in which she aims to tell the story of New York City through the history of incarceration and exclusion. In 2020 Jayne received the Life-Time Achievement Award from the Critical Criminology and Social Justice Division of the American Society of Criminology.
is an Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Rhode Island where she specializes in U.S. punishment policy and practice. Natalie’s current work analyzes the causes and consequences of penal changes, especially those organized under the banner of ostensibly progressive criminal justice reforms.
Natalie’s publications reflect her interdisciplinary approach to these topics; her work appears in criminology, law & society, and public health outlets, including Justice Quarterly, Law & Social Inquiry, and the American Journal of Public Health.
is a Professor of Criminology specializing in green criminology. Her expertise centers on wildlife crime and trafficking, non-human animal abuse and welfare and the intersections of organized crime, corporate crime, and corruption. Other research interests are crimes of the powerful, particularly industrial agriculture and pollution.
The Advisory Board
is President of the European Society of Criminology. He served as director of the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) from 1999 to 2014, and is currently a senior researcher at the Institute. He is also professor of environmental criminology at VU University of Amsterdam. He was co-founder and director of the International Police Institute at Twente University. He established a bachelor and master program in criminology at Leiden University in 2002. He is a former president of the Dutch Society of Criminology, one of the founding fathers of the European Society of Criminology, and editor of various journals. In 2009 he received the Freda Adler Distinguished Scholar Award from the American Society of Criminology’s Division of International Criminology. He has published on juvenile delinquency, organized crime, police, criminological theory and methodological issues. His work has been published in journals such as Criminology, Crime & Delinquency, and the British Journal of Criminology. With David Weisburd he edited the Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (10 volumes). With Brandon Welsh and Anthony Braga he edited Experimental Criminology: Prospects for Advancing Science and Public Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2014). His current interests are geographical, theoretical and historical criminology.
Susanne Yuk Ping Choi is Professor at the Department of Sociology, and Co-Director of the Gender Research Centre at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research explores relationships between domestic violence, sexual violence, migration and gender in Chinese societies. She received her D.Phil. in Sociology from Nuffield College, University of Oxford. She was also a Fulbright Scholar at Department of Sociology, Harvard University, and a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore.
Susanne's lead-authored book monograph Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China was published by the University of California Press. The book received the Best Book Award of the International Sociological Association’s Sociology of Migration Section (RC31). In addition, she has published over 40 journal articles in world leading journals, including American Journal of Sociology, Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Journal of Marriage and Family, Sociology of Health and Illness, the China Quarterly, Modern China, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Interpersonal violence, Violence Against Women, Culture, Health and Sexuality, and Social Science and Medicine.
PhD Columbia University, is Distinguished Research Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology at the University of Cincinnati. He has published over 300 works, including Challenging Criminological Theory: The Legacy of Ruth Rosner Kornhauser, Sisters in Crime Revisited: Bringing Gender into Criminology, Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences, and Reaffirming Rehabilitation. His current research focuses on the organization of criminological knowledge, social support theory, and rehabilitation as a correctional policy. He is a Past President of both the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. In 2010, he received the American Society of Criminology Edwin H. Sutherland Award.
James O. Finckenauer, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Professorial Fellow, taught at Rutgers University, Newark., NJ, for 37 years. He was one of the founding faculty members during the creation of the Rutgers School of Criminal Justice. His research and teaching interests have included international and comparative criminal justice, transnational organized crime, sentencing, and criminal and juvenile justice policy, planning and evaluation. He has authored, co-authored or co-edited a dozen books as well as numerous articles, chapters and reports. During his Rutgers tenure, Professor Finckenauer edited both the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency and Trends in Organized Crime. He also served as President of the NJ Council of Educational Institutions for Law Enforcement, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime. He was a visiting professor in Australia, China, Germany, Japan, and Russia, and studied or lectured in Europe, Asia, the former Soviet Union, Latin America and the Middle East. From 1998-2002, he was Director of the International Center at the National Institute of Justice of the U.S. Department of Justice; and in 2007 he was a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Hong Kong. Dr. Finckenauer has most recently been a Co-editor of the Online Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Book Reviews, and continues to serve as a peer reviewer for the Fulbright Senior Specialist awards.
is Professor Emeritus at the Australian National University, and a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. He was a Russell Sage Fellow in Law and Social Science at Yale Law School, and has received the Sellin-Glueck Award of the American Society of Criminology for contributions to comparative and international criminology; the Prix Hermann Mannheim from the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée, Université de Montréal, for contributions to the development of comparative criminology; and the Gilbert Geis Lifetime Achievement Award from the (US) National White Collar Crime Center and the White Collar Crime Research Consortium in recognition of outstanding professional contributions in the area of white collar crime.
is a Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Griffith University. She previously held Chairs in Criminology at the School of Law, University of Leeds, and at Keele University, UK. Before moving to the UK in 2000, she held positions at the Universities of Bielefeld and Hamburg in Germany. Her field is comparative and international criminology, where she has researched crime and justice in democracies, state crime, and violence, including mass atrocity crimes. She has researched and written widely on transitional justice, with a focus on the Nuremberg Trials and other trials in post-war Germany, and the lives and careers of sentenced Nazi war criminals after punishment. Recent work in this area includes the prevention of mass atrocities, the role of emotions in transitional justice, and its impact on types of violent crimes.
is Deputy Head of School (Research) and a Professor in the Griffith Law School, Griffith University. She is also co-Lead of the Disrupting Violence Beacon. Her research interests include First Nations peoples’ experiences of the criminal justice system, and domestic and family violence. She is currently working on several research projects, including an Australian Research Council Linkage Project which is exploring the use of Aboriginal Community Justice Reports in sentencing, and a consultancy project which is reviewing the way deaths in police custody are investigated. She has been the recipient of two highly competitive Australian Research Council Fellowships. The first examined the impact of using Indigenous sentencing courts for partner violence offending. The second, investigated how to better evaluate Indigenous-focused criminal justice programs. She is also the Deputy Chair of the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council.
is Emeritus Professor, Department of Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences; and Co- Director, Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure at the Law Center.
He was a member of the faculties of the American Studies Program and the Liberal Studies Program. He has served in the following capacities: Chairperson of the Department of Sociology; member of the Main Campus Institutional Research Board; Vice President and Secretary of the University Faculty Senate; and Recording Secretary of the University Committee on Rank and Tenure. His scholarship on crime and the administration of criminal justice covers virtually all dimensions of those topics including victims, illegal immigrants, police, prosecutors, defense counsel, courts, pre-trial processes, sentencing, globalization and international cooperation. His two current areas of interest are: the immigration-crime-justice nexus and transnational law enforcement cooperation. Major publications include: The Criminal Victimization of Immigrants, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); Immigration, Crime and Justice, (Emerald/ JAI Press, 2009); Crime and Law Enforcement in the Global Village, (Anderson, 1997); Plea Bargaining: Critical Issues and Common Practices (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1985); The Defense Counsel (Sage, 1983); Plea Bargaining with J.A.Cramer ( D.C. Heath, 1980); The Prosecutor (Sage, 1979); Criminal Justice and the Victim (Sage, 1976); Immigration, Crime and Justice (Elsevier, 2008).
For excellence in scholarship related to victims of crime, he was awarded the Stephen Schafer Award of the National Organization of Victim Assistance in 1979. Formerly on the faculty of Florida State University, he earned his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley in 1970. In the same year he joined Georgetown University’s Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure at the Law Center as a Senior Researcher and began teaching a course in the Sociology Department which had just been established. Subsequently that appointment was expanded into a tenure track position as the Department grew. His courses included: criminology; sociology of criminal justice; methods of social research; social statistics; social stratification; 19th and 20th century American civilization; and introductory sociology.
He was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to the Netherlands, a Vocational Rehabilitation Administration fellowship and two Visiting Fellowships to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. He has served as an external reviewer/ consultant to the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Institute of Justice. He has been the principal investigator or a senior researcher in research projects awarded to Georgetown University for a total of about $2 million.
is Teresa and H. John Heinz III University Professor of Public Policy and Statistics at Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University. He is an elected Fellow of the American Society of Criminology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and American Academy of Political and Social Science. He was the recipient of the American Society of Criminology’s Edwin H. Sutherland Award in 2006, the Stockholm Prize in Criminology in 2014, and Carnegie Mellon University’s Alumni Distinguished Achievement Award in 2015. His research focuses on the evolution of criminal and antisocial behaviors over the life course, the deterrent effect of criminal and non-criminal penalties on illegal behaviors, and the development of statistical methods for analyzing longitudinal data.
PhD, LLD (Cambridge), is Professor of Comparative and Transnational Law and Head of Research at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London. Since 2010 he has been the Visiting Professor of Criminology at Oxford University. His work, covering both theoretical enquiry and empirical investigation, is in the areas of comparative sociology of law, criminology, and legal and social theory. Awards he has received include the Sellin-Glueck International award of the American Society of Criminology (2009), the Adam Podgorecki Prize from the International Sociological Association (2011), and the (USA) Law & Society Association’s International Award (2013). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Recent authored and edited books include Crime and Globalization (2013) with Susanne Karstedt, and The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making (2014) with Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Jeroen Maesschalck, and Stephan Parmentier.
Nikos Passas is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and Co-Director of the Institute for Security and Public Policy at Northeastern University. He is a member of the Athens Bar, collaborates with several universities around the world and serves on several advisory boards. He has more than 240 publications on international criminal law and conventions, corruption, illicit financial/trade flows, sanctions, informal fund transfers, remittances, terrorism, white-collar crime, financial regulation, organized crime and international crimes in 15 languages. His current projects focus on anti-corruption, illegal medical supply chains, illicit financial flows and human trafficking. He engages in training and consulting projects with international organizations (UN, World Bank, EU, OECD, IMF, Council of Europe, etc.), companies, and government agencies in all continents. In 2017 he received the Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award.
Direct contact: n.passas@northeastern.edu
holds positions at the Universities of Cape Town, Griffith, and Montreal, and at the Australian National University. A principal focus of his academic work has been widening criminology’s boundaries, with a primary focus on ‘security governance’. His policy and applied work has been concerned with enhancing safety. Shearing’s research and writing has become increasingly centered on criminology’s responses to the challenges of the Anthropocene. Recent books include Security Governance, Policing, and Local Capacity (CRC, 2013) with Froestad; Where’s the Chicken? Making South Africa Safe (Burnet Media, 2012) with Cartwright; The New Environmental Governance (Earthscan, 2012) with Gunningham and Holley.
is Professor of Law and Public Policy at the University of Minnesota Law School, and Senior Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement at Free University in Amsterdam. From 1999 to 2004 he was also Professor of Law and Public Policy and director of The Institute of Criminology at Cambridge University. Since 2001, he has been a visiting professor at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He has also been a senior fellow of The Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, Leiden, since 2003. He specializes in criminal law and teaches courses in criminal law, jurisprudence, and comparative law. He is the author or editor of many books and articles, most recently Punishing Race: A Continuing American Dilemma (Oxford, 2012).
is Distinguished Professor of Criminology, Law and Society and Director of the Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy at George Mason University. He is also the Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law and Criminal Justice at the Hebrew University, and serves as Chief Science Advisor at the Police Foundation in Washington, DC. He is a member of the Science Advisory Board of the Office of Justice Programs, the Steering Committee of the Campbell Crime and Justice Group, the Scientific Commission of the International Society of Criminology, and the Committee on Law and Justice of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. He is author or editor of more than 25 books and more than 150 scientific articles. Professor Weisburd is the recipient of the 2010 Stockholm Prize in Criminology, the 2011 Klachky Family Prize for the Advancement of the Frontiers of Science, the 2014 Robert Boruch Award for Distinctive Contributions to Research that Informs Public Policy, the 2014 Sutherland Award from the American Society of Criminology, and in 2015 he received the Israel Prize for his contributions to criminology. Professor Weisburd is the founding editor of the Journal of Experimental Criminology and Editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
is Professor and Chair of Criminal Justice and Criminology and former Editor in Chief of Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. He has been studying active urban street criminals, especially residential burglars, armed robbers, carjackers, and drug dealers, for more than a quarter of a century. His most recent book, co-authored with Scott Jacques, is Code of the Suburb: Inside the World of Young Middle-Class Drug Dealers, which is scheduled to be published by the University of Chicago Press in May, 2015. Richard was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Criminology in 2009.
Former Editors
Hans-Jorg Albrecht
University of Freiburg
Ronet Bachman
University of Delaware
Steven E. Barkan
University of Maine
John Hipp
University of California, Irvine
Kristy Holtfreter
Arizona State University
Steven Lab
Bowling Green State University
Michael Levi
Cardiff University
Mona Lynch
University of California, Irvine
Dario Melossi
University of Bologna
Jody Miller
Rutgers University
Cassia Spohn
Arizona State University
Robert Tillman
St. John's University, New York
Geoff Ward
University of California, Irvine