Word from Oxford


It is my pleasure to oversee this important resource in criminology and criminal justice. Together with Editor in Chief Henry Pontell, as well as with our editorial board, I help shape the content for this resource, from providing recommendations on which topics to address to inviting top scholars in the field to participate.

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia (ORE) of Criminology and Criminal Justice is comprehensive online resource providing a high-quality, vetted, reliable, and up-to-date resource for researchers, teachers, and students by taking advantage of the internet and its ability to provide instant access throughout the world, support the use of multimedia and hyperlinks, and facilitate continuous additions of new entries and revisions of published articles. As a project native to the web—rather than a paper product adapted to it—the ORE grows organically to reflect the discipline, from core concepts and approaches to recent research trends, dynamically evolving to capture the diversity and dynamism of the field.

This ORE continues to grow and build itself into an integrated part of the field, through collaborative effort between the global community of criminology scholars and Oxford University Press. Please be sure to check back over time as this encyclopedia adds new and updated articles. I also encourage you to consider participating in this project if you haven’t had the opportunity.

I look forward to working with you!


Anthony Wahl

Acquisitions Editor, Social Sciences