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date: 11 February 2025

Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Marketslocked

Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Marketslocked

  • Martin D. D. EvansMartin D. D. EvansDepartment of Economics, Georgetown University; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
  • , and Dagfinn RimeDagfinn RimeDepartment of Finance, BI Norwegian Business School


An overview of research on the microstructure of foreign exchange (FX) markets is presented. We begin by summarizing the institutional features of FX trading and describe how they have evolved since the 1980s. We then explain how these features are represented in microstructure models of FX trading. Next, we describe the links between microstructure and traditional macro exchange-rate models and summarize how these links have been explored in recent empirical research. Finally, we provide a microstructure perspective on two recent areas of interest in exchange-rate economics: the behavior of returns on currency portfolios, and questions of competition and regulation.


  • Financial Economics
  • International Economics

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