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date: 10 February 2025

Gene–Environment Interplay in the Social Scienceslocked

Gene–Environment Interplay in the Social Scienceslocked

  • Rita Dias Pereira, Rita Dias PereiraTinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Pietro Biroli, Pietro BiroliDepartment of Economics, University of Bologna; University of Zürich
  • Titus Galama, Titus GalamaCenter for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California; Tinbergen Institute
  • Stephanie von Hinke, Stephanie von HinkeSchool of Economics, University of Bristol; Erasmus University Rotterdam; Institute for Fiscal Studies
  • Hans van Kippersluis, Hans van KippersluisSchool of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Cornelius A. RietveldCornelius A. RietveldApplied Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • , and Kevin ThomKevin ThomEconomics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Nature (one’s genes) and nurture (one’s environment) jointly contribute to the formation and evolution of health and human capital over the life cycle. This complex interplay between genes and environment can be estimated and quantified using genetic information readily available in a growing number of social science data sets. Using genetic data to improve our understanding of individual decision making, inequality, and to guide public policy is possible and promising, but requires a grounding in essential genetic terminology, knowledge of the literature in economics and social-science genetics, and a careful discussion of the policy implications and prospects of the use of genetic data in the social sciences and economics.


  • Health, Education, and Welfare Economics
  • Labor and Demographic Economics
  • Micro, Behavioral, and Neuro-Economics

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