The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics examines topics spanning all aspects of modern health economics research, organized around four broad themes: population health, global health, health systems, and evaluation. Approximately 100 entries by leading scholars provide an unmatched scope and breadth of information on this wide-ranging and vibrant area of economics. All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.

Volume Editor

 Andrew M. Jones, University of York



Aging and Healthcare Costs (Martin Karlsson, Tor Iversen, Henning Øien)
Behavioral Experiments in Health Economics (Matteo M. Galizzi, Daniel Wiesen)
The Business Cycle and Health (Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Judit Vall Castelló)
Challenges in Financing Universal Health Coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa (Diane McIntyre, Amarech G. Obse, Edwine W. Barasa, John E. Ataguba)
Competition and Quality in Healthcare (Peter Sivey, Yijuan Chen)
Design of Discrete Choice Experiments (Deborah J. Street, Rosalie Viney)
Developmental Origins of Health Inequality (Gabriella Conti, Giacomo Mason, Stavros Poupakis)
Econometrics of Stated Preferences (Denzil G. Fiebig, Hong Il Yoo)
Economic Evaluation of Medical Devices (Michael Drummond, Rosanna Tarricone, Aleksandra Torbica)
Economic Evaluation of Medical Screening (Eline Aas, Emily Burger, Kine Pedersen)
Economic Incentives, Risk Behaviors, and HIV (Sandra G. Sosa-Rubí, Omar Galárraga)
Economics and Genetics (Jason M. Fletcher)
The Economics of Cognitive Aging (Fabrizio Mazzonna, Franco Peracchi)
The Economics of Early Interventions Aimed at Child Development (Samuel Berlinski, Marcos Vera-Hernández)
The Economics of Families and Health (Susan Averett, Jennifer Kohn)
The Economics of Informal Care (Courtney Van Houtven, Fiona Carmichael, Josephine Jacobs, Peter C. Coyte)
The Economics of Long-Term Care (Norman Bannenberg, Martin Karlsson, Hendrik Schmitz)
The Economics of Malaria Prevention (Bénédicte Apouey, Gabriel Picone, Joshua Wilde)
The Economics of Smoking Prevention (Philip DeCicca, Donald S. Kenkel, Michael F. Lovenheim, Erik Nesson)
Famines, Hunger, and Later-Life Health (Gerard J. van den Berg, Maarten Lindeboom)
Financing and Policy for Long-Term Care (Alexandrina Stoyanova, David Cantarero-Prieto)
Frameworks for Priority Setting in Health and Social Care (Marissa Collins, Neil McHugh, Rachel Baker, Alec Morton, Lucy Frith, Keith Syrett, Cam Donaldson)
Globalization, Trade, and Health Economics (Richard Smith, Johanna Hanefeld)
Health and Economic Growth (David E. Bloom, Michael Kuhn, Klaus Prettner)
Health Information Technology (Jordan Everson, Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin)
Health Insurance and Labor Supply (Gregory Colman, Dhaval Dave, Otto Lenhart)
Health Insurance Plan Choice and Switching (Joachim Winter, Amelie Wuppermann)
Heterogeneity in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (Ciaran N. Kohli-Lynch, Andrew H. Briggs)
Incentives in Healthcare Payment Systems (Ching-to Albert Ma, Henry Y. Mak)
Investments in Children's Mental Health (Daniel Eisenberg, Ramesh Raghavan)
Measuring Health Utility in Economics (José Luis Pinto-Prades, Arthur Attema, Fernando Ignacio Sánchez-Martínez)
Modeling Chronic Diseases in Relation to Risk Factors (Pieter van Baal, Hendriek Boshuizen)
Models of Health and Addiction (Audrey Laporte, Brian S. Ferguson)
New Technologies and Costs in Healthcare (Vincenzo Atella, Joanna Kopinska)
Pay-for-Performance and Long-Term Care (Jun Li, Edward C. Norton)
Qualitative Methods in Health Economics (Joanna Coast, Manuela De Allegri)
Quality in Nursing Homes (Matteo Lippi Bruni, Irene Mammi, Rossella Verzulli)
The Rationale for Interventions to Foster Child Development (Samuel Berlinski, Marcos Vera-Hernández)
The Spatial Dimension of Health Systems (Elisa Tosetti, Rita Santos, Francesco Moscone, Giuseppe Arbia)
Strategies to Counteract Risk Selection in Social Health Insurance Markets (Richard C. van Kleef, Thomas G. McGuire, Frederik T. Schut, Wynand P. M. M. van de Ven)
Technology, Productivity, and Costs in Healthcare (Albert A. Okunade, Ahmad Reshad Osmani)
Time Preferences for Health (Marjon van der Pol, Alastair Irvine)
Valuation of Health Risks (Henrik Andersson, Arne Risa Hole, Mikael Svensson)
Variations in the Adoption of Healthcare Innovation: A Literature Review (Marisa Miraldo, Katharina Hauck, Antoine Vernet, Ana Wheelock)