Gender and Technology in Education
Gender and Technology in Education
- Heather Greenhalgh-SpencerHeather Greenhalgh-SpencerCollege of Education - Texas Tech University
This article defines and analyses multiple theoretical frameworks which have been developed in order to explain the interactions of gender and digital technology in schooling. Specifically, this article addresses: science and technology studies (STS) and education, technofeminism and education, post-humanism and education, and liberal rights framings of gender and technology. These frameworks offer a key backdrop to the sites of several educational policy and pedagogical conflicts that have recently arisen around gender, technology, and education. These frameworks are explained in ways that foregrounds there connections to schooling debates around: cyberbullying, speech rights, activism, embodiment, queer pedagogies, and digital divides.
- Educational Theories and Philosophies
- Technology and Education
- Education, Gender, and Sexualities