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date: 05 November 2024

The Destructive Long-Term Impact of Disasters on Black and Brown Schooling Communities in the United Stateslocked

The Destructive Long-Term Impact of Disasters on Black and Brown Schooling Communities in the United Stateslocked

  • Cassandra R. DavisCassandra R. DavisDepartment of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Recent research shows that hurricanes, tropical storms, and flooding are likely to increase in quantity and intensity. Yet, despite the frequency of these hazards, there is little work that documents the relationship between disasters, low-income communities of color, and schooling. There is a dearth of literature documenting how these communities in high-impacted areas are affected, recover, and remain resilient following a storm.


  • Education, Cultures, and Ethnicities
  • Educational Politics and Policy
  • Education and Society

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