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date: 14 February 2025

Multiliteracies in Professional Educationlocked

Multiliteracies in Professional Educationlocked

  • Kathryn Hibbert, Kathryn HibbertFaculty of Education, Western University
  • Mary Ott, Mary OttFaculty of Education, York University
  • Christopher EatonChristopher EatonInstitute for the Study of University Pedagogy, University of Toronto Mississauga
  • , and Lin SunLin SunBeijing Schema Education and Science Technology Co; Western University


Multiliteracies theory is part of a growing and evolving body of research tangled up with multiple, intersecting fields: literacies, technologies, pedagogies, socio-materiality, and semiotics, to name a few. It is a theory that has been taken up largely in the professional practice of teacher education but is rapidly emerging as a useful way to think through the complexities of practice in multiple professions such as medical education, or engineering. As learning has come to be understood and framed in ways that acknowledge the temporal, spatial, material, and embodied layers of understanding, practice-based professions are finding ways to investigate and support knowing in practice.


  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Professional Learning and Development
  • Education, Cultures, and Ethnicities
  • Technology and Education
  • Languages and Literacies

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