Editorial Board



portrait of Kathy Hytten

is Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Previously, she taught at Southern Illinois University for 17 years. She received her PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Philosophy of Education. Hytten is a past president of the American Educational Studies Association and is on the editorial board of Educational Theory and Education and Culture. Her research focuses on the philosophy of education, social justice education, diversity, activism, and democratic education.

Editorial Board


portrait of Dennis Beach

is Professor of Education at the Department of Education and Special Education at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research interests attach to the transformation of Nordic countries into well-developed welfare states with emphatic systems for the delivery of public goods and services, creativity in education, youth and social exclusion, identity, learning and territorial stigmatization in post-industrial society. Recent research publications have been in the areas of individualization and educational inequality; the exploitation in higher education of an unacknowledged female academic labor power; and changes in teacher education in Sweden in the neo-liberal education age toward an occupation in itself and away from a profession for itself. He is currently chief editor of the international research journal of Ethnography and Education.


portrait of Derek Gladwin

is Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy Education and a Sustainability Fellow with the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability at the University of British Columbia (on unceded Musqueam land). His research promotes social understanding and relational action on environmental, health and well-being, and cultural issues through public forms of education and literacy. He has held international research fellowships at the University of Amsterdam, University of Edinburgh, National University of Ireland, Galway, and Trinity College Dublin. Along with publishing many journal articles about environmental issues, he has also authored and edited several books, including Contentious Terrains? (2016), Ecological Exile (2018), and Rewriting Our Stories (2021).



is a professor at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Mexico). He has a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences (Tallinn University, Estonia), Master's in Digital Libraries and Learning (Oslo University College, Norway; Tallinn University; and Parma University, Italy) and Bachelor's in Librarianship (Central University of Venezuela). His lines of research include: information literacy, action research, evaluation of scientific production and bibliometrics, open access and digital libraries. He has more than 120 scientific publications: 78 articles, 8 books, 22 chapters and 15 editorial notes as a co-editor and guest editor. He has participated in more than 100 international events as a speaker, panelist, organizer, or moderator. In his editorial experience, he is the Associate Editor of the journals Information Development, Digital Library Perspectives, and Revista Estudios de la Información. At Information Development he published, from 2015 to 2020, the column Developing Latin America. In 2019 he created the Juantífico Project: videos on information, research, publication and scientific dissemination. Since 2022, he co-hosts the weekly InfoTecarios podcast.



portrait of Paula Groves Price

is Dean and Professor of Education at North Carolina A&T State University. She received her PhD in Social Foundations of Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Price is the editor of The Western Journal of Black Studies. Her research focuses on equity and justice in education, critical race studies, cultural studies in education, youth leadership and activism, and diversity in teacher and leadership preparation.



portrait of Pratim Sengupta

has primarily focused his research on developing, designing, and studying agent-based computational systems (modeling platforms, programming languages and simulations) that can make complex scientific phenomena accessible to newcomers to STEM disciplines through democratizing computational modeling. His recent work, along with Dr. Marie-Claire Shanahan, focuses on developing immersive, open source, “public computing" environments for open science in public spaces and museums. He is the recipient of US National Science Foundation's CAREER Award (2012), and his public computing installations have been featured at the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Telus SPARK Science Center (Calgary), Bell Studio - National Music Center (Calgary), etc. Until 2015, Dr. Sengupta was a professor at Vanderbilt University, USA, where he led the foundation of, and chaired, the Learning Sciences PhD program. An Executive Editor of Cognition and Instruction, Dr. Sengupta is currently the Research Chair of STEM Education and an Associate Professor of Learning Sciences at University of Calgary, Canada and the author of the book Voicing Code in STEM: A Dialogical Imagination (MIT Press; 2021), along with his PhD students, Dr. Amanda Dickes (Harvard University) and Dr. Amy Farris (Penn State University).


portrait of Umesh Sharma

is Professor in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, Australia. He is the chief co-editor of the Australasian Journal of Special Education. He is author of about 100 academic articles, book chapters, and edited books that mainly focus on various aspects of inclusive education. His most recent co-authored/co-edited books include A Guide to Promoting a Positive Classroom Environment (with John Roodenburg and Steve Rayner; Sense Publishers) and Special Education International Perspectives: Practices across the Globe (with Anthony F Rotatori, Jeffrey P. Bakken, Festus Obiakor, and Sandra Burkhardt; Emerald Books). Sharma has written policy documents for Ministries of Education in Australia, Bangladesh, India, Solomon Islands, and New Zealand on education of children with disabilities. He is leading a large international project across 14 Pacific countries aimed at developing a set of contextually specific inclusive education indicators. His main areas of research interests are inclusive education in developing countries, inclusive teacher education, and attitude and efficacy measurement.


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is a Professor of Educational Policy Studies and the Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Relations at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He also serves as a Faculty Affiliate in the UIC John Marshall Law School, the Learning Sciences Research Institute, and the Center for Urban Educational Leadership. Superfine received his J.D. and Ph.D. in Education Foundations and Policy from the University of Michigan. Before joining UIC, Superfine practiced law at a firm in Washington, D.C. Superfine’s research focuses on the history of education law and policy, school finance reform, standards-based reform and accountability, teacher unions, and the use of research in policy and practice.

Superfine’s work has been published in various educational and legal journals, including American Educational Research Journal, American Journal of Education, Cardozo Law Review, Educational Policy, Journal of Educational Administration, Michigan State Law Review, Review of Educational Research, and Teachers College Record. He received the Steven S. Goldberg Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Education Law from the Education Law Association and the Critics Choice Book Award from the American Educational Studies Association for his books, published with Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. He received the Researcher of the Year Rising Star Award in Social Sciences from UIC. He currently serves on the editorial board of Education Policy Analysis Archives.

Superfine is currently a co-PI on a $4.7 million NSF grant focused on using a design-based implementation research approach to develop organizational capacity in districts and schools to improve K-8 mathematics teaching and learning.


is a Trustee of the Krishnamurti Foundation (India) since 2012 and Director of the Rishi Valley Education Centre in rural Andhra Pradesh. She was earlier Professor of Sociology and Director, Delhi School of Economics, and Co-ordinator of the D.S. Kothari Centre for Science, Ethics and Education, University of Delhi.  

Dr. Thapan’s extensive research in the field of education has focused on schools in India and in Vancouver and Paris. She has also worked in the area of migration and done fieldwork with Indian immigrants in Italy. In addition, she has focused on embodiment as a theme in understanding womanhood in contemporary India. Among her first books are: Life at School: An Ethnographic Study (Oxford University Press, 1991, second edition, 2006) and Living the Body: Embodiment, Womanhood and Identity in Contemporary India. (SAGE, 2009). An early contribution was the edited collection entitled Embodiment. Essays on Gender and Identity. (Oxford University Press 1997). The most recent are J. Krishnamurti. Educator for Peace (Routledge 2022), (ed.) J. Krishnamurti and Educational Practice: Social and Moral Vision for Inclusive Education (Oxford University Press 2018), Education and Society. Themes, Perspectives, Practices (ed.) (Oxford University Press, 2015), Ethnographies of Schooling in Contemporary India (ed.)  (SAGE, 2014), and Contested Spaces. Citizenship and Belonging in Contemporary Times (ed.) (Orient Blackswan,  2010). She is also Series Editor of a Series on the Sociology and Social Anthropology of Education in South Asia (SAGE 2015-2017) and of a five-volume series on Women and Migration in Asia (SAGE, 2005-2008).  Lately, she is Series Editor of Education and Society in South Asia, Oxford University Press (2018-2022).

Dr. Thapan’s latest book Work, Family, Migration. Indian Farmers in northern Italy is to be released in October, 2023 (Springer Nature, in press).


is a specialist in international and comparative education (higher education). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in sociology of education at University of Luxembourg and the deputy leader of the EU-funded project PIONEERED that focuses on analysing policies and practices tackling educational inequalities in nine European countries. Juliette is a keynote speaker, adviser, author, and lecturer in the fields of international development, education, gender and social justice, sustainable development, and public policy. She has an extensive background in managing projects related to equity in access, equality, and inclusion (in educational policies and teaching practices); she is also on the editorial boards of several academic journals.


portrait of Diana Vidal

is Full Professor of History of Education in the School of Education (FE) and Dean of the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB), both at University of São Paulo (USP). She is a member of the Executive Committee and Treasurer of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE) and Editor-in-chief of the ISCHE/Palgrave Macmillan book series Global Histories of Education. She is also a member of the International Advisory Board of the British Journal of Educational Studies, a 1B-CNPq researcher in Brazil, and author of many books and articles, including “School Culture” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.

Founding Editor-in-Chief


portrait of George Noblit


George W. Noblit is the Joseph R. Neikirk Distinguished Professor of Sociology of Education Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a Past President of the American Educational Studies Association and has had visiting professorships at the University of Granada, Spain, and Massey University, New Zealand, among others. His work has won awards including the Dina Feitelson Award for Outstanding Research from the International Reading Association and two Critics Choice Book Awards from the American Educational Studies Association for the books Late to Class (SUNY Press) and The Social Construction of Virtue (SUNY Press).

Dr. Noblit focuses on issues of race, social class, educational reform, qualitative research methods, and, more recently, the arts. He is the author or editor of 19 books, including The International Handbook of Urban Education (Springer) and The Future of Educational Studies (Peter Lang). His articles have appeared in journals including American Educational Research Journal, Educational Foundations, Educational Studies, and the Journal of Literacy Research. He is the former co-editor of The Urban Review and two book series. He has been on the board of journals ranging from the Journal of Teacher Education to Creative Education and has served the American Educational Research Association and American Educational Studies Association on multiple committees. In 2019, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from AERA's Division G.

Advisory Board


portrait of Natalie Adams

is Professor in Educational Leadership and Foundations of Education and the Director of New College at the University of Alabama. She received her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Louisiana State University. Prior to earning her PhD, she was a middle school teacher in various public schools in South Louisiana. She is the co-author/co-editor of Geographies of Girlhood: Identities In-Between (with Pamela Bettis; Routledge); Learning to Teach: A Critical Approach to Field Experiences (with Christine Mary Shea; Routledge); and Cheerleader!: An American Icon (with Pamela Bettis; St. Martin’s Griffin). She serves on the Executive Council of the American Educational Studies Association and the Board of the David Mathews Center for Civic Life.


portrait of Belmira Bueno

is Senior Professor of Education in the School of Education, University of São Paulo, where she was a Director from 2014 to 2018. She is a researcher at the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) and Executive Director of the University Foundation for the Entrance Exam (FUVEST). Professor Bueno received her PhD from the School of Education at the University of São Paulo and did postdoctoral work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was also Visiting Scholar. Her research is on the teaching profession and teacher education, including the use of information and communication technologies.


portrait of Rattana Buosonte

is a professor of educational research and evaluation in the Faculty of Education at Naresuan University, Thailand. Since 1999 he has been head of the PhD. program in educational research and evaluation. His research interests include corruption in educational management in Thailand, university governance in Thailand, and evaluation theory.


portrait of Penny Enslin

is Professor of Education and Director of the Doctor of Education program in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. She is Emeritus Professor in the School of Education at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Her research focuses on education for democratic citizenship; gender and education; liberalism; higher education; deliberative democracy; cosmopolitanism; global justice; peace education; and social justice.


portrait of Andrew Hargreaves

is Thomas More Brennan Chair in Education at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. Previously, he taught at the University of Toronto, where he co-directed the International Center for Educational Change, and the University of Nottingham. He is the President-Elect of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement and Adviser in Education to the Premier of Ontario. Professor Hargreaves received the Grawemeyer Award and AACTE Outstanding Book Award for his recent book, Professional Capital (with Michael Fullan; Teachers College Press). His research focuses on professional capital in teaching, educational change, and uplifting leadership.


portrait of Moshe Justman

is Professor of Economics and former Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Ben-Gurion University, where he has taught since 1982, a member of the Academic Committee of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, and Professorial Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. Justman has served as Chair of the Committee on Education Indicators of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and as a consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Education. He was a Visiting Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, China People's University (Renmin), and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and an Ameritech Fellow at Case Western Reserve University. Professor Justman’s areas of research include the economics of education, social mobility and income distribution; the economics of innovation and technology policy; and regional development. He holds a doctorate in economics from Harvard University.


portrait of Moshe Justman

is Werklund Research Professor, Masculinities Studies, at the University of Calgary. His research focuses on the intersections between gender, schooling and health; and sociology of the body. Kehler is the co-editor of Boys’ Bodies: Speaking the Unspoken (with Michael Atkinson; Peter Lang) Boy Culture: An Encyclopedia (with Shirley Steinberg and Lindsay Cornish; Greenwood Press), and The Problem with Boys’ Education: Beyond the Backlash (with Wayne Martino and Marcus Weaver-Hightower; Routledge). He received his PhD in Education from Michigan State University.


portrait of Farida Khan

is Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia. She received her PhD. in developmental psychology from the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her research focuses on the social dimensions of mathematics education.



portrait of Yuto Kitamura

is Professor in the Graduate School of Education at The University of Tokyo. He was Fulbright Scholar at the George Washington University, Visiting Professor at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh, and is currently Special Advisor of the Rector at Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Previously, he has worked in the Education Sector of UNESCO and taught at Nagoya University and Sophia University. He received his MA and PhD in education from University of California, Los Angeles. His recent publications include: Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education (co-editor with Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Arthur Meerman, and Kazuo Kuroda; Springer) and The Political Economy of Educational Reforms and Capacity Development in Southeast Asia (co-editor with Yasushi Hirosato; Springer). Dr. Kitamura specializes in comparative education and educational development studies and has been conducting research on education policy in developing countries in Southeast Asia, with particular focus on Cambodia.


portrait of Jo Lampert

is Professor of Teacher Education for Social Transformation in the Faculty of Education, Monash University. She has an extensive background in teaching, publication, and research in equity and social justice, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, and children’s literature. Dr. Lampert has authored and co-edited several books including  Disadvantage (Bloomsbury, 2023) Teacher Education for High Poverty Schools (Springer), Introductory Indigenous Studies in Education: Reflection and the Importance of Knowing (with Jean Phillips; Pearson) and Children’s Books about 9/11: Ethnic, Heroic and National Identities (Routledge). She was co-director of Australia’s National Exceptional Teachers for Disadvantaged Schools (NETDS) Program and Australia's Nexus social justice teacher education program. Her two large current collaborative research projects include an Australian Research Council grant on codesign in Indigenous communities and another on teaching shortages in Australia. 

portrait of Allan Luke

is Emeritus Professor of Education at Queensland University of Technology. He is Adjunct Professor at the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary; Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University; and Affiliated Professor in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. He is a senior editor of The International Encyclopedia of Education (Elsevier), The Handbook of Urban Education (Kluwer), and The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction (Sage). His research focuses on literacy, accountability and assessment, and comparative pedagogies.


portrait of Olive Mugenda

is Vice-Chancellor of Kenyatta University, where she has also served as Head of Department and Dean of Faculty. She received her PhD in Family Studies and Consumer Economics from Iowa State University. She is Chair of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Vice-President of the International Association of Universities, and Chair of the Kenya Home Economics Association. Her research focuses on girls’ and women’s education, home economics, statistics, and research methodology.


portrait of Enrique Murillo

is Professor of Teacher Education and Foundations Department in the College of Education at California State University, San Bernardino. He completed his PhD in the Social Foundations of Education program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His specialty areas include foundations of education, research methods, critical ethnography, educational anthropology and cultural studies. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Latinos and Education and editor-in-chief of the Handbook of Latinos and Education (Routledge). Additionally, he is the founder of the National Latino Education Network (NLEN). Dr. Murillo currently serves as Executive Director and Founder of the LEAD organization (Latino Education & Advocacy Days), housed in the College of Education at CSUSB, whose objective is to promote a broad-based awareness of the crisis in Latino Education and to enhance the intellectual, cultural and personal development of our community's educators, administrators, leaders and students.


is the Executive Director and Founder of Educational Leaders Without Borders and is Emeritus Professor and Del and Jewel Lewis Endowed Chair in Educational Leadership, Northern Arizona University. Dr. Papa was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of West Attica, Athens, Greece, May 25, 2022.

Dr. Papa has published 29 books, 100+ academic articles in the areas of leadership, artificial intelligence, sustainability, educational policy, social justice, women and girls, school violence, and technology for school leaders, teachers and faculty in higher education. Recent published books include Recipes to Combat the ISMS Volumes 1 and 2, co-Editor (2022), Roads to Sustainability Practices, co-Editor (2022), Editor-in-Chief, Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Administration (2021) [ongoing for the online electronic version], Artificial Intelligence, Human Agency and the Educational Leader, co-Editor (2021), Editor-in-Chief, Springer Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education (2020), and School Violence in International Contexts – Perspectives from Educational Leaders Without Borders (2019).

In 2015 she was the recipient of the AERA 2015 Willystine Goodsell Award, Women in Education SIG and gave the keynote address at AERA 2016, Washington, D.C. for her research on women and girls. In 2021 she was the recipient of the ICPEL Creighton Publishing Award, in 2012 she was the recipient of the Arizona School Administrators Outstanding Higher Education Administrator of the Year Award, and in 2003 the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership Living Legend Award.

Oxford University Press crest

is a Research and Instructional Services Librarian at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He serves as the library liaison to the UNC School of Education. He is the editor of the "Fast Facts" column for College & Research Libraries News, a publication of the Association of College & Research Libraries. Gary earned his MSLIS at the University of Texas at Austin.


portrait of William T. Pink

is Professor Emeritus of Educational Policy and Leadership studies in the College of Education at Marquette University, where he has served as both department chair and as director of the doctoral program. He has published widely in the areas of delinquency, sociology of education, and educational reform. He is the former co-editor of The Urban Review (Springer), co-editor of a book series entitled Understanding Education, Social Justice, and Policy (Hampton Press), and co-editor of the book series entitled Education, Equity, Economy (Springer), both with George Noblit. His most recent books are Cultural Matters: Lessons Learned from Field Studies of Several Leading School Reform Strategies (Hampton Press), the International Handbook of Urban Education (Springer), and Schools for Marginalized Youth: An International Perspective (Hampton Press). He is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of School Reform.


portrait of Peter Roberts

is Professor of Education and Director of the Educational Theory, Policy and Practice Research Hub at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. He has also taught at the University of Auckland and the University of Waikato. His primary areas of scholarship are philosophy of education and educational policy studies. Peter is the Immediate Past President of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. In 2010 he was a Canterbury Fellow at the University of Oxford, and in 2012 he was a Rutherford Visiting Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge.


portrait of J. C. Shin

is Coordinator of Educational Administration & Policy Studies and Professor in the Department of Education at Seoul National University. He received his PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Florida State University. Professor Shin is Co-Editor in Chief of International Encyclopedia of Higher Education (with Pedro Teixeira; Springer), book series editor of Knowledge Studies in Higher Education (Springer). His research interests are higher education policy, academic profession, organization studies, and knowledge and social development.


portrait of Timothy Teo

is Associate Dean and Professor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Director of the Educational Research Center at the University of Macau, China. He is also Honorary Professor of Education in the School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice at the University of Auckland. He is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education and The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. His research interests include educational psychology, ICT in Education, music education, and quantitative methods.


portrait of Pat Thomson

is Professor of Education in the School of Education and Convenor of the Centre for Research in Arts, Creativity and Literacies; and Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies (faculties of Arts and Social Sciences) at the University of Nottingham. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Free State University, South Africa; Visiting Professor at the University of Iceland; a Visiting Professor at Deakin University; and a visiting Associate in the School of Education, University of Western Ontario. She is an editor of the international peer refereed journal Educational Action Research (Taylor and Francis) and serves on the board of numerous scholarly journals. Her research focuses on creativity, the arts and change in schools and communities, postgraduate writing pedagogies, social justice, and teacher research.


portrait of Christa Van Kraayenoord

is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at The University of Queensland. Her research focuses on literacy and literacy learning of all students; the writing of individuals with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties; the relationship between metacognition and reading; literacy-related motivation and engagement; literacy assessment and reporting; whole school change in literacy; and teacher knowledge and teacher professional learning in literacy. She is the President of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities.