The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology brings together leading scholars from the vast and varied global domain of educational psychology to provide a common language for researchers, practitioners, and students in the field. The Encyclopedia is the first definitive, theory- and evidence-based reference work on educational psychology and distinguishes itself via its strong international representation. The work situates educational psychology within the larger context of both psychological and educational research, and the project’s totalizing view provides new insights that allow educational psychology students and researchers specializing in particular areas to gain a better understanding of the nature and scope of the field as a whole. This print project complements the online program of ORE Education, where content is updated regularly. All of the articles also appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Editor in Chief
Li-fang Zhang, University of Hong Kong
Associate Editors
Carol Evans, University of Southampton
Gertina J. van Schalkwyk, University of Macau
Alex Kozulin, Achva Academic College and Feuerstein Institute
Matthew McCrudden, Victoria University of Wellington
Marco G.P. Hessels, University of Geneva/FAPSE
Academic Coping (Ellen Skinner, Emily Saxton)
Adult Learners (Mark Tennant)
Assessing Potential for Learning in School Children (Wilma C. M. Resing, Julian G. Elliott, Bart Vogelaar)
At-Risk Students (Gary Natriello)
Attribution Theories (Sandra Graham, Xiaochen Chen)
Bilingualism and Biliteracy (Penelope Collins, Tien Thuy Ho)
Classroom Discussions (P. Karen Murphy, Carla M. Firetto, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Liwei Wei, Sara E. Baszczewski)
Cognitive Regulation (Dale H. Schunk, Maria K. DiBenedetto)
Creativity (Dimitrios Zbainos, Todd Lubart)
Critical Thinking (Derek Allen, Sharon Bailin, Mark Battersby, James B. Freeman)
Embodied Cognition (Sheila L. Macrine, Jennifer M.B. Fugate)
Emotions in Social-Historical Educational Contexts (Paul A. Schutz, Sharon L. Nichols, Sofia Bahena)
Exceptional Learners (Daniel P. Hallahan, Paige C. Pullen, James M. Kauffman, Jeanmarie Badar)
Gender and Math Development (Julianne Herts, Susan C. Levine)
Gifted Girls and Women (Barbara A. Kerr, Robyn N. Malmsten)
Intellectual Styles (Li-fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg)
Intelligence (Robert J. Sternberg)
Key Mathematical Competencies from Arithmetic to Algebra (Kristie J. Newton, Christina A. Barbieri, Julie L. Booth)
Learning in History (Liliana Maggioni, Emily Fox)
Learning Strategies That Help Students SOAR to Success (Kenneth A. Kiewra, Linlin Luo, Junrong Lu, Tiphaine Colliot)
Mental Toughness in Education (Helen St. Clair-Thompson, Sarah McGeown)
The Mnemonic Effects of Retrieval Practice (Cristina D. Zepeda, Emily Een, Andrew C. Butler)
Motivation and Engagement in Learning (Rebecca J. Collie, Andrew J. Martin)
Parental Involvement (Barbara Otto, Julia Karbach)
Problem-Based Learning (Sofie M. M. Loyens, Lisette Wijnia, Ivette Van der Sluijs - Duker, Remy M. J. P. Rikers)
Problem Solving (Richard E. Mayer)
Psychoeducation (Jacqueline A. Brown, Samantha Russell, Emily Hattouni, Ashlyn Kincaid)
Reading Comprehension (Reese Butterfuss, Jasmine Kim, Panayiota Kendeou)
Reasoning Abilities (Patrick C. Kyllonen)
School-Based Family Counseling (Brian A. Gerrard, Gertina J. van Schalkwyk)
Service Learning and Teacher Education (Nadine Petersen, Sarah Gravett, Sarita Ramsaroop)
Teacher Education and Its Effects on Teaching and Learning (Annemarie Palincsar, Gabriel DellaVecchia, Kathleen M. Easley)
Teacher Self-Efficacy (Rebecca Lazarides, Lisa Marie Warner)
Working Memory: Models and Applications (Stoo Sepp, Steven J. Howard, Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho, Fred Paas)
Writing (Danielle S. McNamara, Laura K. Allen, Andrew Potter)