The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education aims to engage a broad array of scholars from around the world in order to reflect philosophically on a range of contemporary issues in education. The editor is particularly interested in diversifying the field of philosophy of education by including non-Western voices and perspectives, both in terms of uncovering alternative points of view and seeking out work from people outside of dominant Western contexts. The Encyclopedia comprises ten sections, including philosophical traditions and explorations in education; non-Western, indigenous, and post/decolonial philosophies of education; race, gender, sexuality, and marginalized perspectives; globalization, democracy, and citizenship education; and many other areas.

Editor in Chief

Kathy Hytten, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Associate Editors

Nuraan Davids, Stellenbosch University

Paula Echeverri Sucerquia, Universidad de Antioquia

Liz Jackson, The University of Hong Kong

Tone Kvernbekk, University of Oslo



Aesthetics and Education (Jessica A. Heybach)
Animal Rights Education (Kai Horsthemke)
Aristotelian and Kantian Virtues and Education (Guðmundur Heiðar Frímannsson)
Authenticity in Education (Lauren Bialystok)
Autonomy and Education (Peter Nelsen)
Citizenship and Ethics (Dianne Gereluk)
Classroom Ethics (Hugh Sockett)
Critical Whiteness Studies (Barbara Applebaum)
Cyberculture and Education in Latin America (Rocío Rueda Ortiz, Alejandro Uribe Zapata)
Earth Ethics for Education (Clarence W. Joldersma)
Ecofeminism and Education (Jennifer Hatten-Flisher, Rebecca A. Martusewicz)
Educational Biopolitics (Gregory Bourassa)
Education and Peace (Taro Komatsu)
Education for Global Citizenship (Carlos Alberto Torres)
Gender and Technology in Education (Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer)
Human Flourishing as an Aim of Education (Doret de Ruyter, Lynne Wolbert)
Ideology and Education (David Backer)
Imagination and Education (Moira von Wright)
Intellectual Virtues in Higher Education (Ashley Floyd Kuntz, Rebecca M. Taylor)
Intuition and Education (Emily Sadowski)
The Judicialization of American Education (J.C. Blokhuis, Randall Curren)
Justice and Education (Christopher Martin)
Liberalism in Education (Winston C. Thompson)
Love of Wisdom (B. B. North)
Mindfulness and ‘Educational New Ageism’ (Marina Schwimmer, Kevin McDonough)
Moral and Character Education (David Ian Walker, Stephen J. Thoma)
Moral Education and Technology (Paul Farber, Dini Metro-Roland)
The Pattern of Upbringing (Hansjörg Hohr)
Paulo Freire (Peter Roberts)
Philosophical Tenets of Action Research in Education (Luis Sebastián Villacañas de Castro, Darío Luis Banegas)
Postdevelopmental Conceptions of Child and Childhood in Education (Karin Murris, Kaitlin Smalley, Bridget Allan)
Postmodernism in Education (Marek Tesar, Andrew Gibbons, Sonja Arndt, Nina Hood)
Practice-Based Teacher Education (Mary Hauser, Sarah Schneider Kavanagh)
Progressivism (Daniel Tröhler)
Purposes of Arts Education (Rebecca Heaton, Richard Hickman)
Queer Pedagogy (Matthew Thomas-Reid)
Relational Pedagogy (Mary Jo Hinsdale, Ann-Louise Ljungblad)
Teacher Activism in the U.S. (Kurt Stemhagen, Tamara Sober)
The Four Pillars of the Philosophy of Higher Education (Søren S.E. Bengtsen, Ronald Barnett)
Tolerance and Education (Elisabet Langmann)
The Value of Play in Education (Einar Sundsdal, Maria Øksnes)