The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education aims to engage a broad array of scholars from around the world in order to reflect philosophically on a range of contemporary issues in education. The editor is particularly interested in diversifying the field of philosophy of education by including non-Western voices and perspectives, both in terms of uncovering alternative points of view and seeking out work from people outside of dominant Western contexts. The Encyclopedia comprises ten sections, including philosophical traditions and explorations in education; non-Western, indigenous, and post/decolonial philosophies of education; race, gender, sexuality, and marginalized perspectives; globalization, democracy, and citizenship education; and many other areas.
Editor in Chief
Kathy Hytten, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Associate Editors
Nuraan Davids, Stellenbosch University
Paula Echeverri Sucerquia, Universidad de Antioquia
Liz Jackson, The University of Hong Kong
Tone Kvernbekk, University of Oslo