For Authors
Writing for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia
The ORE of Environmental Science will develop over the coming years, evolving to cover the entire span of the field of Environmental Science. We are working to create a discipline hub, with the goal of helping scholars, researchers, scientists, teachers, and students by providing an in-depth collection of peer-reviewed, long-form reference articles.
Why Publish in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia?
The ORE of Environmental Science is a dynamic, scholarly, and up-to-date reference work in Environmental Science, developed with the active involvement of renowned scholars and scientists from all around the world. Here are some of the benefits of publishing in the ORE:
Peer review: Your article, like all articles published in the ORE, will be peer reviewed by other experts in the field.
Impact on future research: Your work will publish fast and will be distributed worldwide. It will be discoverable online, indexed in key databases, and promoted at international conferences.
Global dissemination and visibility: Your scholarship will be disseminated digitally and, as needed, in print, in libraries all around the world, reaching a worldwide readership.
Access and sustainability: The ORE is based on sustainable library subscription models developed with input from librarians all around the world. Access is free or heavily subsidized in developing countries.
Flexibility: The sophisticated ORE platform supports flexible length and audio-visual materials, and gives authors the ability to revise and keep their articles up-to-date.