Word from Oxford

Oxford University Press is proud to publish the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Led by Editor in Chief Professor H. H. Shugart, along with the experts on our international Editorial and Advisory Boards, this dynamic, evolving research encyclopedia incorporates the breadth of the science and the diverse disciplines related to it.

The ORE of Environmental Science occupies a unique and valuable place within the overwhelming volume of online scientific content available to researchers and advanced students. Through a comprehensive set of in-depth overview articles, the encyclopedia offers background and critical perspective for researchers who are seeking an authoritative grounding in unfamiliar subjects. It merges the cutting-edge quality of a peer-reviewed scientific journal with encyclopedic scope and the dynamic nature of an updateable online publication.

The ORE and its contents will evolve alongside new developments in the field, and at every stage, it will be strengthened by the efforts of authors, reviewers, and editors from the global scholarly community. It will feature vetted, cutting-edge overview articles on a wide array of topics, both specialized and inter-, cross-, or trans-disciplinary, while directing readers to relevant resources, from audio-visual materials and data sets to pedagogical tools, and more. As a hub for the science and related disciplines, we hope that it will become a primary resource for scientists, educators, students, experts, and those interested in and compelled by the state of our environment, how we understand the environment, and the issues, explorations, advances, struggles, and questions that helped to form the science, and that animate it now.

Please check this site for updates and news about the project, and consider getting involved. We look forward to working with you!


Meghan Wright
Acquisitions Editor, Earth, Environmental, and Physical Sciences