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date: 15 February 2025

Incorporating Women into International Studies: Working Their Way Inlocked

Incorporating Women into International Studies: Working Their Way Inlocked

  • Meredith Reid SarkeesMeredith Reid SarkeesSchool of International Service, American University
  • , and Marijke BreuningMarijke BreuningDepartment of Political Science, University of North Texas


Women are underrepresented in the discipline of international studies, though the field has seen a sizeable influx of female professionals only within the last 30 years. As the percentage of women has grown, women have adopted a variety of strategies for “resisting at the margins,” or finding places for themselves within the profession, and for ensuring their professional success. Although the larger presence of women has led to activism and improvement, women still have a way to go before they will have achieved parity with their male colleagues in international studies. Due to their focus on the realm of “high politics,” international relations and international studies were often seen as disciplines that were not suited to the inclusion of women. Consequently, women in international studies have to confront significant barriers to their career progress, which has contributed to women’s disenchantment with the field and to the leaky pipeline in international studies. However, research has found that women in male-dominated fields (such as international studies) are strongly organizationally committed. Women in international studies are willing to structure their professional efforts to conform to the goals and practices of organizations such as the International Studies Association (ISA), especially as participating in annual meetings and conferences is critical for a career in international studies.


  • Pedagogy
  • Politics and Sexuality and Gender

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