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date: 14 February 2025

Economics and Conflict: Moving Beyond Conjectures and Correlationslocked

Economics and Conflict: Moving Beyond Conjectures and Correlationslocked

  • Gerald SchneiderGerald SchneiderDepartment of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz


The theoretical and empirical literature on the reciprocal topics of economy and war have developed a fertile debate. Most contributions examine the liberal hope that growing economic bonds between or within nations reduce the risk of violent conflict, while an increasing number of studies also examine the destructive and redistributive effect of war, terrorism, and genocides. Most studies in the field do not provide clear micro-foundations for the opportunity-cost arguments that are typically made to justify the deterring effects of increased economic interactions. To move the field forward, contributions need to focus more on how the relationship between business leaders and the government shapes decision-making in periods of crisis. Recent advances have been made to understand the economic impact of massive political violence that can be better understood through the use of temporally disaggregated data.


  • Conflict Studies

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