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Printed from Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Latin American History. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a single article for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice).

date: 16 February 2025

Animation in Latin Americalocked

Animation in Latin Americalocked

  • Jennifer Carolina Gómez MenjívarJennifer Carolina Gómez MenjívarDepartment of Media Arts, University of North Texas


Animation has always been global, though the contributions of Latin American animation industries are often ignored. The history of the medium in the region is extensive, beginning with Quirino Cristiani’s El apóstol (1917)—the first full-length animated feature film in the history of the craft. Its history has been shaped by numerous factors, including the animation industry's turn to studio production in the early 20th century and the implementation of national film policies in the second half of the 20th century. The success of animation production companies throughout Latin America since the early 21st century has led to the emergence of core sites of animation production, circulation, and fandom in many countries of the region. The future of animation in the region will likely depend on a combination of factors, including policies, transnational media flows, and what the digital turn can offer the art form.


  • History of Brazil
  • History of the Caribbean
  • History of Central America
  • History of Mexico
  • History of Southern Spanish America
  • History of Latin America and the Oceanic World

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