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Printed from Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Latin American History. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a single article for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice).

date: 09 February 2025

Everyday Life in Argentina in the 1960slocked

Everyday Life in Argentina in the 1960slocked

  • Isabella CosseIsabella CosseInterdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies, University of Buenos Aires


The 1960s in Argentina was a time convulsed by profound social, cultural, and political changes. Reflecting on the effect these processes had on the everyday, conceived as the spaces and routines involved in the reproduction of life that vary according to social class, generation, and gender, provides a valuable perspective for studying historical phenomena. It gives substance to and evidences the social nature of personal experience. Through that prism, the study of everyday life will be the gateway to understanding the turbulence produced by cultural effervescence, growing consumerism, the expansion of the media, the problems triggered by economic instability and escalating inflation, and the ruptures caused by political and social radicalization and the rise of repressive violence.


  • History of Southern Spanish America
  • 1945–1991
  • Cultural History
  • Family and Children
  • Social History
  • Gender and Sexuality

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