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date: 15 February 2025

The Syntax of Causatives in the Romance Languageslocked

The Syntax of Causatives in the Romance Languageslocked

  • Fabienne MartinFabienne MartinHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin


This article discusses the syntax of lexical and periphrastic causative verbs in the Romance languages. Several aspects of these verbs are examined: the building blocks of lexical causative verbs, the role of reflexive marking on the anticausative form, the interaction between causativity and agentivity, the morphosyntactic make-up of causative verbs with causative semantics. It offers a comprehensive typology of lexical causatives, resultatives and periphrastic causatives, relying on recent research on these topics.


  • Morphology
  • Semantics
  • Syntax

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