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Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Trustees Distinguished Professor of Linguistics, Mark Aronoff has been on the State University of New York: Stony Brook faculty since receiving his Ph.D. His research touches on almost all aspects of morphology and its relations to phonology, syntax, semantics, and psycholinguistics.
Additional Titles
- Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Fellow of the Linguistics Society of America
- President of the Linguistics Society of America, 2005
Recent Publications
- Aronoff, Mark. 2021. -less and -free. In Lívia Körtvélyessy and Pavol Štekauer, Eds. Complex words: Advances in morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 55-64.
- Treiman, Rebecca, Rebecca Jewell, Kristian Berg, and Mark Aronoff. 2020. Word class and spelling in English. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 47(6), 1027–1035.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2019. Competitors and alternants in linguistic morphology. In Franz Rainer, Francesco Gardani, Wolfgang Dressler, & Hans Christian Luschützky, Eds. Competition in inflection and word formation. Berlin: Springer. 39-66.
- Meir, Irit, Mark Aronoff, Carl Börstell, So-One Hwang, Deniz Ilkbasaran, Itamar Kastner, Ryan Lepic, Adi Lifshitz Ben-Basat, Carol Padden, and Wendy Sandler. 2017. The effect of being human and the basis of grammatical word order: Insights from novel communication systems and young sign languages. Cognition 158. 189-207.
Editorial Board
is Professor of Linguistics at the City University of New York (Lehman College and the CUNY Graduate Center).
Research Interests
Constructivist approaches to language and identity; Applied linguistics; Language practices in digital spaces; Language change in New York City English; Language activism
Recent Publications
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Cutler, C. & U. Røyneland (eds.) (Sept. 2018). Multilingual Youth Language in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Cambridge University Press.
- Cutler, C., Vrzic, Z. & Angermeyer, P. (eds.) (2017). Language Contact in Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas. John Benjamins.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Haddican, B., Newman, M. Cutler, C., Tortora, C. (forthcoming 2021). Cross-speaker covariation across six vocalic changes in New York City English. American Speech.
- Haddican, B., Newman, M. Cutler, C., Tortora, C. (forthcoming 2021). Aspects of change in New York City English short-a. Language Variation and Change.
- Cutler, C. (2020) Metapragmatic comments and orthographic performances on YouTube. Special Issue on World Englishes and Digital Communication, Jamie Shinhee Lee (editor). World Englishes, 39(1): 36-53.
Book Chapters
- Cutler, C. (2018). “Pink chess gring gous”: discursive and orthographic resistance among bilingual Chicano rap fans on YouTube. In Cutler, C. and Røyneland, U. (eds.) Multilingual Youth Language in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Cambridge University Press.
- Cutler, C. & U. Røyneland (2018). Introduction: Multilingualism in the digital sphere: the diverse practices of youth online. In Cutler, C. & Røyneland, U., Multilingual Youth Language in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Cambridge University Press.
ANTJE DAMMEL (co-Editor-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Germanic Linguistics)
is Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Münster.
Research Interests
Comparative Germanic linguistics, historical linguistics, variationist linguistics, morphology, morphosyntax, pragmatics, onomastics
Recent Publications
- Dammel, Antje & Sebastian Kürschner (2018). The diachrony of inflectional classes in four Germanic languages. What happens after transparency is lost? In William B. McGregor & Søren Wichmann (eds.): The diachrony of classification systems. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 283–314.
- Dammel, Antje (2020): Absence as Evidence – Determination and Coordination Ellipsis in Conjoined Noun Phrases in (Early) New High German. In Johanna Flick & Renata Szczepaniak (eds.): Walking on the Grammaticalization Path of the Definite Article in German: Funktional Main and Side Roads. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Studies in Language Variation 23), 162-195.
- Dammel, Antje & Handschuh, Corinna (2019): Grammar of Names. Special Issue of Language Typology and Universals / Sprachtypologie und Universalienfoschung (STUF) 72 (4).
- Dammel, Antje & Schallert, Oliver (2019): Morphological Variation. Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Studies in Language Companion Series, SLCS 207).
SEBASTIAN KÜRSCHNER (co-Editor-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Germanic Linguistics)
is Professor of German Linguistics at Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Research Interests
Comparative Germanic linguistics, variationist linguistics, morphology, historical linguistics, language contact
Recent Publications
- Dammel, Antje & Sebastian Kürschner (2018). The diachrony of inflectional classes in four Germanic languages. What happens after transparency is lost? In William B. McGregor & Søren Wichmann (eds.): The diachrony of classification systems. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 283–314.
- Kürschner, Sebastian (2018): Dialects of German, Dutch and the Scandinavian languages. In Charles Boberg, John Nerbonne & Dominic Watts (eds.): The Handbook of Dialectology. Malden/Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 462–473.
- Kürschner, Sebastian (2020): Grammatical gender in modern Germanic languages. In Richard Page & Michael Putnam (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 259–281.
- Kürschner, Sebastian (2020): Nickname formation in West Germanic: German Jessi and Thomson meet Dutch Jess and Tommie and English J-Bo and Tommo. In Gunther de Vogelaer, Dietha Koster & Torsten Leuschner (eds.): German and Dutch in contrast. Synchronic, diachronic and psycholinguistic perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (Konvergenz und Divergenz – sprachvergleichende Studien zum Deutschen), 15–46.
MICHELE LOPORCARO (Editor-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics)
is Professor of Romance Linguistics at the University of Zurich.
Research Interests
Comparative Romance linguistics; Italian dialectology (phonology, morphology, syntax); historical linguistics; phonological, morphological and syntactic theory; historiography of Romance linguistics
Recent Publications
- Loporcaro, M., Faraoni, V., & Gardani, F. (2014). The third gender of Old Italian. Diachronica, 31(1), 1–22.
- Paciaroni, T., Loporcaro, M., & Thornton A. M. (Eds.). (2014). Exploring grammatical gender [Special issue]. Language Sciences, 43(1).
- (2013). Profilo linguistico dei dialetti italiani (2nd ed.). Rome: Laterza.
- Putzu, I. & Loporcaro, M. (Eds.). (2012). Studies in Sardinian morphology [Special issue]. Lingue e linguaggio, 11(1).
is a Professor of Linguistics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Research Productivity Fellow granted by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Research Interests
Comparative Romance linguistics, Portuguese formal syntax, morphosyntax, cartographic of syntactic structures, grammar laboratory in school.
Recent Publications
Quarezemin, S. & Cardinaletti, A. (2017). Non-Topicalized Preverbal Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese, Compared to Italian. Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie occidentale, v.51, p.383-409.
Pires de Oliveira, R., Emmel, I. & Quarezemin, S. (2020) Brazilian Portuguese, Syntax and Semantics - 20 years of Núcleo de Estudos Gramaticais, Linguistics Today, 260. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Quarezemin, S. (2020) Cartography, Left Periphery and Criterial Positions: an interview with Luigi Rizzi. DELTA. Documentação de Estudos em Linguística Teórica e Aplicada, v.36, p.1-19.
Quarezemin, S. & Nóbrega, N. (2021) Morfologia e sintaxe formais e fenômenos de interface [Formal Morphology and Syntax and interface phenomena]. Campinas: Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, v.63.
Quarezemin, S. (2020) Brazilian double subjects and sentence structure. Pires de Oliveira, Emmel, I. & Quarezemin, S. (Eds) Brazilian Portuguese, Syntax and Semantics - 20 years of Núcleo de Estudos Gramaticais, Linguistics Today, 260. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p. 107-134.
Advisory Board
is the B. B. Borkar Chair in Comparative Literature at Goa University
Research Interests
Description and Documentation of Tribal and endangered languages of India, Contact Linguistics, Language Obsolescence and Evolution of Grammar, and Multilingualism and Language Policy
Recent Publications
- Abbi, A. & Pachori. R. (2022). Sanenyo dictionary. Sanenyö-(Nicobarese)-English-Hindi. The language spoken in Chowra Island, Andaman and Nicobar. Comes with sounds and images. Central Institute of Indian languages. Mysore. https://www.sppel.org/sanenyodictionary.aspx
- Abbi, A. & Vysakh, R. (2022). Luro dictionary. Lurö-(Nicobarese)-English-Hindi. The language spoken in Teressa Island, Andaman and Nicobar. Comes with sounds and images. Central Institute of Indian languages. Mysore. https://sppel.org/lurodictionary.aspx
- Abbi, A. & Vatsyayan, K. (eds.). (2022). Linguistic diversity in south and southeast Asia. Primus Books.
- Abbi, A. (2021). Voices from the lost horizon. Stories and songs of great Andamanese. Niyogi Books.
is Professor Emerita, Department of Linguistics, Tel Aviv University
Recent Publications
- Tolchinsky, L. & Berman, R. A. (forthcoming). Language use and development after age five. Oxford University Press.
- Berman, R. A. (Ed.). (2020). Usage-based studies in modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. John Benjamins.
- Lustigman, L. & Berman, R. A. (2020). “Levels of integration in children’s early clause combining in Hebrew.” Language Learning and Development 17(3):1-18. DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2020.1814781
- Berman, R. A. & Lustigman, L. (2020). “Acquisition and development of verb/predicate chaining in Hebrew.” In. H. Servasy & S. Stoll (Eds.), Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 10, Article 2958, special issue on Clause-Chaining.
- Berman, R. A. (2019). "Development of complex syntax: From early clause-combining to text-embedded syntactic packaging.” In A. Bar-On & D. Ravid. Handbook of Language Disorders (pp. 235-256). Mouton de Gruyter.
is Professor of Linguistics at University of Manchester and President of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (2005–2011).
Recent Publications
- Börjars, K., Denison, D., & Scott, A. (2012). Morphosyntactic categories and the expression of possession. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Borsley, R. D., & Börjars, K. (Eds.). (2011). Non-transformational syntax. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Börjars, K., and Burridge, K. (2011). From preposition to purposive to infinitival marker: The Pennsylvania German fer…zu construction. In M. T. Putnam (Ed.), Studies on German-language islands (pp. 385–411). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Wolk, C., Bresnan, J., Rosenbach, A., & Szmrecsányi, B. (2013). Dative and genitive variability in Late Modern English: Exploring cross-constructional variation and change. Diachronica, 30(3), 382–419.
- Ford, M., & Bresnan, J. (2013). "They whispered me the answer" in Australia and the US: A comparative experimental study. In T. H. King & V. de P. (Eds.), From quirky case to representing space: Papers in honor of Annie Zaenen. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
- Kuperman, V., & Bresnan, J. (2012). The effects of construction probability on word durations during spontaneous incremental sentence production. Journal of Memory & Language, 66, 588–611.
is a Professor of Phonetics at the Leiden University Center for Linguistics and a senior researcher at the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition.
Research Interests
Chinese linguistics, phonetics, laboratory phonology, bidialectal/bilingual speech processing, and prosody
Recent Publications
Chen, Y. (2022). Mind the subtle f0 modifications: The interaction of tone and intonation in Sinitic varieties. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 62: 113-136.
Chen Y. and Guo, L. (2022). Zhushan Mandarin. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 52: 309-327.
Zou, T., Caspers, J., and Chen, Y. (2022). Perception of different tone contrasts at sub-lexical and lexical levels by Dutch learners of Mandarin Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1-15.
Li, X, Ren, G., Zheng, Y., and Chen, Y. (2020). How does dialectal experience modulate anticipatory processing? Journal of Memory and Language 115, 104619.
Shi, M., Chen, Y., and Mous, P. (2020). Tonal split and laryngeal contrast of onset consonant in Lili Wu Chinese. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147: 2901-2916
is Distinguished Professor of Linguistics, Surrey Morphology Group, School of Literature and Languages, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Surrey.
Recent Publications
- Baerman, M., Corbett, G. G., Brown, D. (Eds.) (2015.) Understanding and measuring morphological complexity. Oxford University Press.
- Bond, O., Corbett, G. G., Chumakina, M. & Brown, D. (Eds.). (2016). Archi: Complexities of agreement in cross-theoretical perspective (Oxford Studies of Endangered Languages). Oxford University Press.
- Baerman, M., Brown, D., & Corbett, G. G. (2017). Morphological complexity (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 153). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316343074
- Fedden, S., Audring, J., & Corbett, G. G. (Eds.) (2018). Non-canonical gender systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baerman, M., Bond, O., and Hippisley, A. (Eds.) (2022.) Morphological perspectives: Papers in honour of Greville G. Corbett. Edinburgh University Press.
is Professor Emeritus of African Studies at the University of Cologne, Member of the Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer (ARSOM), and Honorary Member of the Linguistic Society of America.
Recent Publications
- Dimmendaal, G. J. (2011). Historical Linguistics and the Comparative Study of African Languages. John Benjamins.
- Dimmendaal, G. J. (2015). The leopard’s spots: Essays on language, cognition, and culture. (2015). Brill.
- Schneider-Blum, G., Hellwig, B., & Dimmendaal, G. J. (Eds.) (2017). Nuba mountain languages studies: New insights. Rüdiger Köppe.
- Vossen, R., and Dimmendaal, G. J. (Eds.). (2020). Handbook of African languages. Oxford University Press.
- Dimmendaal, G. J. (2022). Nurturing language: Anthropological linguistics in an African context. De Gruyter Mouton.
FRANCESCO GARDANI (Former co-Editor-in-Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics, 2015–2021)
is Professor of Romance Linguistics at the University of Zurich.
Research Interests
Romance linguistics; morphology; contact linguistics; historical linguistics; linguistic typology
Recent Publications
- Gardani, Francesco. 2021. On how morphology spreads. Word Structure 14(2).
- Gardani, Francesco, Michele Loporcaro & Alberto Giudici (eds). 2021. Romance languages and the others: In and around the Balkan Sprachbund. Special issue, Journal of Language Contact 14(1).
- Gardani, Francesco. 2020. Borrowing matter and pattern in morphology. An overview. Morphology 30(4). 263–282.
- Arkadiev, Peter & Francesco Gardani (eds). 2020. The complexities of morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rainer, Franz, Francesco Gardani, Wolfgang U. Dressler & Hans Christian Luschützky (eds). 2019. Competition in inflection and word-formation. Cham: Springer.
is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Philosophy at Yale University.
Recent Publications
- Horn, L. (2021). “Ceteris paribusiness: On the power of salient exceptions.” In F. Macagno & A. Capone (Eds.) Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics (pp. 7-31). Springer Nature Switzerland. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-56696-8_2.
- Horn, L. & Turner, K. (2018). Pragmatics, truth and underspecification: Toward an atlas of meaning. CRiSPI 34. Brill.
- Horn, L. & Zanuttini, R. (2014). Microsyntactic diversity in North American English. Oxford University Press.
- Horn, L. (1989). A natural history of negation. University of Chicago Press, Reissued with new 47-page introduction and bibliography in 2001 by the Center for the Study of Language Information (Stanford, CA) in the David Hume Series of Reissues in Philosophy and Cognitive Science.
- Horn, L. (1976). On the semantic properties of logical operators in English. Indiana University Linguistics Club.
is Professor Dr. phil. habil. Emeritus at Potsdam University, and Professor honoris causa at Russian-Armenian-University in Yerevan.
Recent Publications
- Iskakova, G. Z., Kosta, P., Berdibay, S., Raushan, K. and Kabykenovich, S.A. (2021). Ways to express the author’s modality in Kazakh, Kyrgyz and English fiction works. Homeros. 4(2), 97–117.
- Iskakova, G. Z., Kosta, P. (2021). Көркем Мәтіннің Модалділік Аспектісі: Ә.Кекілбаев Пен Ш. Айтматов Шығармаларының Негізінде. Модальный аспект художественного текста: на материале произведений А.Кекильбаева и Ч. Айтматова. In: Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КУ хабаршысы.Филология сериясы. No 2, 2021, 23–31.
- Schlund, K., Kosta, P. (eds.). (forthcoming). Exploring the impersonal domain: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on Slavic languages. Special Issue of Journal of Slavic Linguistics.
- On time – The incremental compositionality of temporality and aspectuality. (forthcoming). In V. Warditz (ed.). Russian grammar: System – language usage – Language variation (fifth international symposium) – Русская грамматика: Система – узус – языковое варьирование. University of Potsdam, Germany, September 22–25, 2021. Berlin, etc.: Peter Lang. (Potsdam Linguistic Investigations).
- Globalizace vs. regionalizace, přepínání kódu a míšení kódu, kreolizace vs. pidžinizace jako forma změn v městských řečových stylech.Bohemica Olomucensis.(forthcoming).
is Howard and Frances Nostrand Endowed Professor at the University of Washington, Department of Linguistics President of the Linguistics Society of America, and Editor of Phonology.
Recent Publications
- E. Kaisse, R. Wright, & E. Henke. (2012). Is the sonority sequencing principle an epiphenomenon? In S. Parker (Ed.), The sonority controversy. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- (2009). Sympathy meets Argentinian Spanish. In K. Hanson & S. Inkelas, The nature of the word: studies in honor of Paul Kiparsky. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Toronto. She is also a co-editor of Phonology.
Research Interests
Phonology; phonetics; Korean; loanwords; heritage language; sound change
Recent Publications
- Kang, Y., Schertz, J., & Han, S. (forthcoming). The phonology and phonetics of Korean laryngeal contrasts. The Cambridge University Press Handbook of Korean Linguistics. Cambridge University Press.
- Kang, Y. & Schertz, J. (2021). The influence of perceived L2 sound categories in on-line adaptation and implications for loanword phonology. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 39(2): 55-578.
- Schertz, J., Kang, Y., & Han, S. (2019). Sources of variability in phonetic perception: The joint influence of listener and talker characteristics on perception of the Korean stop contrast. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology. 10(1): 1–32.
- Yun, S. & Kang, Y. (2019). Variation of the word-initial liquid in North and South Korean dialects under contact. Journal of Phonetics 77: 100918.
is Professor of Linguistics at Jawaharlal Nehru. She was awarded the Infosys Prize in the Humanities (theoretical linguistics) in 2013.
Research Interests
Generative syntax and semantics; field linguistics; South Asian languages
Recent Publications
- (2000). XP-adjunction in universal grammar: Scrambling & binding in Hindi-Urdu. Oxford studies in comparative syntax. New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2006). Santali Backernagel clitics. In R. Singh & T. Bhattacharya (Eds.), The yearbook of South Asian languages and linguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- (2010). The cartography of phases. In A.-M. di Scuillo & V. Hill (Eds.), Edges in syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
is Professor Emeritus, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics [NINJAL].
Recent Publications
- Kageyama, T. (2021). Ten to sen no gengogaku [English title: Individuals and links in language typology]. Kurosio Publishers.
- Kageyama, T., Hook, P. E., & Pardeshi, P. (Eds.). (2021). Verb-verb complexes in Asian languages. Oxford University Press.
- Kageyama, T. (2021). “Morphology in Japonic languages,” in R. Lieber (Ed.) Oxford encyclopedia of morphology (pp. 2294-2326). Oxford University Press.
- Kageyama, T. (2018). “Compound and complex predicates in Japanese,” The Oxford research encyclopedia of linguistics (online). Oxford University Press.
- Taro Kageyama (2018). “Events and properties in morphology and syntax,” in Yoko Hasegawa (Ed.) The Cambridge handbook of Japanese linguistics (pp. 222–246). Cambridge University Press.
is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Oxford, Fellow of the British Academy, Honorary Life member of the Linguistics Society of America, and Fellow of Somerville College.
Recent Publications
- Wetterlin, A., & Lahiri, A. (2012). Tonal alternations in Norwegian compounds. Linguistic Review, 29, 279–320.
- (2012). Asymmetric phonological representations of words in the mental lexicon. In A. Cohn et al. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of laboratory phonology, (pp. 146–161). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (2011). Words: Discrete and discreet mental representations. In G. Gaskell & P. Zwitserlood (Eds.), Lexical representation: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 89–121). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Associate Faculty, Psychology at Brock University, Canada and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Linguistics at University of Alberta, Canada.
Other Titles
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
President of the Canadian Linguistics Association (2007-2009)
Research Interests
Psycholinguistics, methodological innovation, the mental lexicon, morphology, compounding
Recent Publications
- Libben, G. (2022). From lexicon to flexicon: The principles of morphological transcendence and lexical superstates in the characterization of words in the mind. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 4
- Libben, G., Gallant, J., & Dressler, W.U. (2021). Textual Effects in Compound Processing: A Window on Words in the World. Frontiers in Communication, 42
- Libben, G. (2020) What can we learn from novel compounds? In S. Schulte im Walde & E. Smolka, (Eds.) The role of constituents in multi-word expressions: An interdisciplinary, cross-lingual perspective. Berlin: Language Science Press (pp. 107-128)
- Libben, G., Gagné, C, & Dressler, W.U. (2020). The representation and processing of compounds words. In V. Pirreli, I. Plag & W.U. Dressler (Eds.), Word Knowledge and Word Usage: a Cross-disciplinary Guide to the Mental Lexicon. De Gruyter Mouton (pp.336-352)
- Libben, G. (2017). The quantum metaphor and the organization of words in the mind. Cultural Cognitive Science, 1, 49-55. DOI 10.1007/s41809-017-0003-5
is Professor of English and Linguistics in the Department of English at the University of New Hampshire.
Research Interests
Morphology, especially derivational morphology and compounding; syntactic theory; history and structure of English
Recent Publications
- Lieber, R. (2021). Introducing morphology, third edition. Cambridge University Press.
- Lieber, R. (2021). The Oxford encyclopedia of morphology (3 volumes), Editor-in-Chief, Oxford University Press.
- Lieber, R. (2016). English nouns: The ecology of nominalization. Cambridge University Press.
- Lieber, R. & Štekauer, P. (2014). The Oxford handbook of derivation. Štekauer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bauer, L., Lieber, R., & Plag, I. (2013). The Oxford reference guide to English morphology. Oxford University Press. Winner of the Leonard Bloomfield Award, 2014.
is Associate Professor of Linguistics & African Language; and Chair of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Florida. She has taught at the Université Abdou Moumouni in Niamey, Niger, and at the Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis, Senegal, and is a former director of the West African Research Center in Dakar, Senegal.
Research Interests
Language contact in Africa; sociolinguistics of urban Africa; sociolinguistics of writing; historical sociolinguistics; loanword phonology; consonant mutatio; Atlantic languages (Wolof, Pulaar, Seereer)
Recent Publications
- (Forthcoming). Inflection in Pulaar. In M. Baerman (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of inflection. New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2014). Senegalese digital repertoires in superdiversity: A case study from Seneweb. Discourse, Context & Media, 4–5, 29–37.
- (Ed.). (2009). The languages of urban Africa. London: Continuum.
- (2008). On the origins of urban Wolof: Evidence from Louis Descemet's 1864 phrase book. Language in Society, 37(5), 713–735.
is Professor of Linguistics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
Research Interests
Semantic theory; syntax/semantics/pragmatics interfaces; computational semantics; formal pragmatics
Recent Publications
- Grimm, S. & McNally, L. (2022). Nominalization and natural language ontology. Annual Review of Linguistics 8, 257-277.
- Gehrke, B. & McNally, L. (2019). Idioms and the syntax/semantics interface of descriptive content vs. reference. Linguistics 57(4), 769-814.
- McNally, L. & Stojanovic. I. (2017). Aesthetic Adjectives. J. O. Young (ed.), The semantics of aesthetic judgements (pp. 17-37). Oxford University Press.
- McNally, L. & Boleda, G. (2017). Conceptual vs. referential affordance in concept composition. J. Hampton and Y. Winter (Eds.), Compositionality and concepts in linguistics and psychology (pp. 245-267). Springer.
is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.
Research Interests
Language change; language contact; history of English; pidgins and creoles
Recent Publications
- (2021). Nine nasty words: English in the gutter: Then, now, and forever.. Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House.
- (2018). The creole debate.. Cambridge University Press.
- (2014). The Language hoax: Why the world looks the same in any language.. Oxford University Press.
- John McWhorter publishes a bi-weekly column with the New York Times.
is Chair Professor and Chairman of Linguistics and Modern Languages at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received the Changjiang Scholar - Chair Professorship in September 2022, awarded by the Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China.
Research Interests
Chinese linguistics, syntactic theory, formal semantics, computational linguistics
Recent Publications
- Feng, Y. & Pan, H. (2022). Remarks on the maximality approach to Mandarin dou and other related issues, Language and Linguistics 23(2): pp, 268-306. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Saina, W. & Pan, H. (2021). The discourse accessibility of semantic entities in Chinese discourse, Language and Linguistics 22(3): p, 440-474. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/lali.00088wuy.
- Yang, C.–L., Zhang, H.–L., Duan, H.-F., & Pan, H.-H. (2019). Linguistic focus promotes the ease of discourse integration processes in reading comprehension: Evidence from event-related potentials. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02718
- Bi, L. & Pan, H. (2018). On subject-oriented resultatives in Mandarin Chinese, Language and Linguistics 19(3): pp, 377-394. John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/lali.00013bi.
- o Zhang, H., Duan, H., & Pan, H. (2017). Focus-stress principle and the ba construction in Mandarin Chinese, Language and Linguistics 18(3): pp, 479-504. John Benjamins. doi: 10.1075/lali.18.3.06zha.
is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Tromsø and a senior researcher at the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics (CASTL).
Research Interests
Syntactic theory, interfaces, Romance and Bantu languages
Recent Publications
- (Forthcoming). "Remarks on the relation between case-alignment and constituent order." In Oxford Handbook of Ergativity, J. Coon, D. Massam and L. Travis (eds.). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2012). "The structural object position of verbs and nouns." In Functional Heads: The cartography of syntactic structures, volume 7, L. Brugé, A. Cardinaletti, G. Giusti. N. Munaro and C. Poletto (eds.). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- (2010). "The nanosyntax of Nguni noun class prefixes and concords." Lingua, Volume 120 (6).
Distinguished Professor, Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences; Linguistics; Graduate Center, City University of New York, Vice President of Research, Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Linguistics, Yale University
Research Interests
Recent Publications
- Roon, K. D., Chen, W.-R., Iwasaki, R., Kang, J., Kim, B., Shejaeya, G., . . . Whalen, D. H. (2022 online). Comparison of auto-contouring and hand-contouring of ultrasound images of the tongue surface. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. doi:10.1080/02699206.2021.1998633
- Roon, K. D., Kang, J., & Whalen, D. H. (2020). Effects of ultrasound familiarization on production and perception of non-native contrasts. Phonetica, 77, 350-393.
- Spencer, C., Vannest, J., Sizemore, E. R., Preston, J. L., Maas, E., McAllister, T., . . . Boyce, S. E. (2021). Functional connectivity in children with residual speech sound disorder. Paper presented at the 2021 Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston.
- Warner, H. J., Whalen, D. H., Harel, D., & Jackson, E. S. (2022). The effect of gap duration on the perception of fluent versus disfluent speech. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 71, 105896. doi: 10.1016/j.jfludis.2022.105896
- Whalen, D. H., DiCanio, C. T., & Dockum, R. (2020). Phonetic documentation in three collections: Topics and evolution. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 1-27. doi:10.1017/S0025100320000079.
is a Professor of Linguistics, Computer and Information Science, and Psychology and the Director of the Program in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests
Language acquisition, processing, and change; morphology and the mental lexicon; computational linguistics; the evolution of language and cognition
Recent Publications
- (2016). Price of Productivity: How Children Learn and Break Rules of Language. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
- (2015). "Negative knowledge from positive evidence." Language, 91 (4).
- (2014). Hauser, M.D.; Yang, C.; Berwick, R.; Tattersall, I.; Ryan, M.; Watumull, J.; Chomsky, N.; Lewontin, R. "The mystery of language evolution." Frontiers in Psychology.
- (2014). Legate, J.A., Pesetsky, D. & Yang, C. "Recursive misrepresentations: Reply to Levinson (2013, Language)." Language 90 (2).
- (2006). The Infinite Gift: How children learn and unlearn languages of the world. New York: Scribner's.
- (2002). Knowledge and learning in natural language. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.