The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology is a carefully curated, peer-reviewed collection of articles that will appear both online in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics and as a thematic set in print. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology will cover all areas of morphology, as well as the interfaces between morphology and other subfields of linguistics. Along with theoretical frameworks and debates and interface issues, the encyclopedia will provide brief illustrative sketches of the morphological systems of a wide range of languages and language families. It is being developed by an editorial board of internationally renowned scholars, led by Editor in Chief Rochelle Lieber and Associate Editors Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Antonio Fábregas, Christina Gagné, and Francesca Masini. All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.

Volume Editor

Rochelle Lieber (Editor in Chief), University of New Hampshire

Associate Editors

Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Universität Trier

Antonio Fábregas, The Arctic University of Norway

Christina Gagné, University of Alberta

Francesca Masini, Università di Bologna


Morphological units: overview and general issues




Compounding: classification and general overview

Formal morphological means

Morphological frameworks: historical overview of the study of morphology

Theoretical debates: general

Psycholinguistic debates, findings, and theoretical issues

Methodology and resources in morphology

Acquisition of morphology

The morphology-syntax interface

The morphology-phonetics/phonology interface

The morphology-semantics interface

Diachronic aspects of morphology

Morphology in the languages of the world

Morphology and language contact (borrowing, contact-induced processes, pidgin and creole morphology)

Language families



Affixation in Morphology (Kristel Van Goethem)
Agreement in Morphology (Patricia Cabredo Hofherr)
Analogy in Morphology (David Fertig)
Argument Structure and Morphology (Jim Wood, Neil Myler)
Blending in Morphology (Natalia Beliaeva)
Blocking (Franz Rainer)
Case (Andrej L. Malchukov)
Causative/Inchoative in Morphology (Mercedes Tubino-Blanco)
Classifiers in Morphology (Marcin Kilarski, Marc Allassonnière-Tang)
Compounding in Morphology (Pius ten Hacken)
Conjugation Class (Isabel Oltra-Massuet)
Conversion in Morphology (Sándor Martsa)
Defectiveness in Morphology (Antonio Fábregas)
Deponency in Morphology (Laura Grestenberger)
Derivational Morphology (Rochelle Lieber)
Distributed Morphology (Jonathan David Bobaljik)
Event/Result in Morphology (Artemis Alexiadou)
Exocentricity in Morphology (María Irene Moyna)
Form and Meaning of (Indefinite) Pronouns (Olaf Koeneman, Hedde Zeijlstra)
Gender (Jenny Audring)
Head/Dependent Marking (Yury Lander, Johanna Nichols)
Inflectional Morphology (Gregory Stump)
Lexical Typology and Morphology (Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Ljuba N. Veselinova)
Linking Elements in Morphology (Renata Szczepaniak)
Mirativity in Morphology (Tyler Peterson)
Morpheme Ordering (Patrik Bye)
Morphological Change (Carola Trips)
Morphology and Argument Alternations (Malka Rappaport Hovav)
Morphology and Language Attrition (Silvina Montrul, James Yoon)
Morphology and Pro Drop (Olaf Koeneman, Hedde Zeijlstra)
Morphology in Austronesian Languages (Theodore Levin, Maria Polinsky)
Morphology in Arawak languages (Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald)
Morphology in Quechuan Languages (Willem F. H. Adelaar)
Morphology in Uralic Languages (Anna Sőrés, Krisztina Hevér-Joly)
Morphology and Metrical Structure (Birgit Alber, Sabine Arndt-Lappe)
The Morphology of Yam Languages (Matthew J. Carroll)
Morphology in Sino-Tibetan Languages (Giorgio Francesco Arcodia, Bianca Basciano)
Morphology and Tone (Irina Monich)
Natural Morphology (Wolfgang U. Dressler)
Negation in Morphology (Karen De Clercq)
Network Morphology (Andrew Hippisley)
Number in Language (Paolo Acquaviva)
Numerals in Morphology (Ljuba N. Veselinova)
The Onomasiological Approach (Jesús Fernández-Domínguez)
Overabundance in Morphology (Anna M. Thornton)
Paradigms in Morphology (Petar Milin, James P. Blevins)
Parasynthesis in Morphology (Claudio Iacobini)
Person in Morphology (Michael Daniel)
Polysemy Versus Homonymy (Salvador Valera)
Psycholinguistic Methods and Tasks in Morphology (Daniel Schmidtke, Victor Kuperman)
The Status of Heads in Morphology (Beata Moskal, Peter W. Smith)
Suppletion (Ljuba N. Veselinova)
Zero Morphemes (Eystein Dahl, Antonio Fábregas)