The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics is a carefully curated set of articles on Romance Linguistics that will appear both online in the ORE of Linguistics and as a thematic set in print. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics will include scholarly overview articles on broad, foundational topics, as well as on more specific, emerging topics, enriched online with audio-visual resources and links. It is developed by an editorial board of internationally renowned scholars, led by Michele Loporcaro, Francesco Gardani, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr, Jeroen Claes, Andreas Dufter, Martin Maiden, and Franz Rainer. All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
Michele Loporcaro, University of Zurich
Former Co-Editor-in-Chief
Francesco Gardani, University of Zurich
Associate Editors
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr, Chargée de recherche, UMR 7023 Structures formelles du langage, CNRS & Paris 8
Jeroen Claes, KU Leuven - Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics (QLVL)
Andreas Dufter, University of Munich
Martin Maiden, University of Oxford
Franz Rainer, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Overview (language family, subdivisions, individual languages, development of the Romance languages, external history of the Romance languages, sign languages in the Romance-speaking countries, typology of the Romance languages)
Grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, the syntax/semantics interface, semantics and pragmatics)
Language contact
Dialectology and language geography
Etymology, lexicography/lexicology, language for specific purposes
Highlights in the history of the discipline and perspectives on new methods