Reception Theory, Reception History, Reception Studies
Reception Theory, Reception History, Reception Studies
- Ika WillisIka WillisSchool of the Arts, English and Media, University of Wollongong
Reception-oriented literary theory, history, and criticism, all analyze the processes by which literary texts are received, both in the moment of their first publication and long afterwards: how texts are interpreted, appropriated, adapted, transformed, passed on, canonized, and/or forgotten by various audiences. Reception draws on multiple methodologies and approaches including semiotics and deconstruction; ethnography, sociology, and history; media theory and archaeology; and feminist, Marxist, black, and postcolonial criticism. Studying reception gives us insights into the texts themselves and their possible range of meanings, uses, and value; into the interpretative regimes of specific historical periods and cultural milieux; and into the nature of linguistic meaning and communication.
- 20th and 21st Century (1900-present)
- Literary Theory
- Cultural Studies
- Print Culture and Digital Humanities